Ethereum | |
Ethereum |
区块13726587 |
区块 | 13726587 |
区块确认 | |
ETH 价格 | $1,703 / ETH当前价值 |
已使用的气体 | 481,312 wei |
气体价格 | 74.962402955 gwei |
交易类型 | EIP-1559 |
随机数 | 12 |
区块 | 13726587 |
区块确认 | |
ETH 价格 | $1,703 / ETH当前价值 |
已使用的气体 | 481,312 wei |
气体价格 | 74.962402955 gwei |
交易类型 | EIP-1559 |
随机数 | 12 |
# | 名称 | 类型 | 数据 |
0 | tokenId_ | uint256 | 394 |
1 | message_ | string | He was an ordinary citizen with a common hope for the future society. However, experienced the darkness 2 years ago, he became totally pessimistic. Since then, he stepped out to an unknown universe, hoping to find a life he long for. |
# | 名称 | 类型 | 数据 |
0 | tokenId_ | uint256 | 394 |
1 | message_ | string | He was an ordinary citizen with a common hope for the future society. However, experienced the darkness 2 years ago, he became totally pessimistic. Since then, he stepped out to an unknown universe, hoping to find a life he long for. |