on behalf of /nounsfe:
For: 3 | Against: 0 | Abstain: 1
lunari: Having minted photography on tezos back in 2021, I'd love to see this project get on base! (artistprogram vending PLSSS)
jesscas: for, I love the idea of gachas, and this sounds like an awesome implementation for nouns. It makes collecting art that much more exciting!
tori: For! I love vending machines and there is nothing better than a vending machine of something i love. ⌐◨-◨ +1 jess love the implementation for nouns
> seems like a fun experiment to distribute art and fund artists.. gl!
> massive fan of vending machines - keen to learn how licensing will be navigated and artist integration. I would LOVE to see this materialize in a physical vending machine at a Haus of Nouns or Nouns Town happening!