Ethereum | |
Ethereum |
区块21074944 |
区块 | 21074944 |
区块确认 | |
ETH 价格 | $1,703 / ETH当前价值 |
已使用的气体 | 125,000 wei |
气体价格 | 6.088874577 gwei |
交易类型 | EIP-1559 |
随机数 | 248 |
区块 | 21074944 |
区块确认 | |
ETH 价格 | $1,703 / ETH当前价值 |
已使用的气体 | 125,000 wei |
气体价格 | 6.088874577 gwei |
交易类型 | EIP-1559 |
随机数 | 248 |
# | 名称 | 类型 | 数据 |
0 | planetId | uint256 | 2169 |
1 | newDescription | string | Beugelbrink is famed across the galaxy as a toxic yet legendary "feest'n" (celebration) planet. Its phosphoric atmosphere carries a faint scent of fermented grains, hinting at ancient traditions. Most beer here comes from Fermentus, shipped in sturdy "beugeltjes" (Grolsch beer bottles) for grand toasts under the moon’s glow. At the planet’s heart lies the "brink," a vast clearing with mossy stones like bottle caps, known as the "Beugelkrans." Those who venture here speak of the "Greune Gloar" (Green Flame) that spreads across the infected chaparral, ready to consume any who wander too far. Yet, explorers still seek the vine-covered "kroegjes" (small pubs), where a mystical beugeltje is said to grant immunity to the Greune Gloar. - CryDona |
# | 名称 | 类型 | 数据 |
0 | planetId | uint256 | 2169 |
1 | newDescription | string | Beugelbrink is famed across the galaxy as a toxic yet legendary "feest'n" (celebration) planet. Its phosphoric atmosphere carries a faint scent of fermented grains, hinting at ancient traditions. Most beer here comes from Fermentus, shipped in sturdy "beugeltjes" (Grolsch beer bottles) for grand toasts under the moon’s glow. At the planet’s heart lies the "brink," a vast clearing with mossy stones like bottle caps, known as the "Beugelkrans." Those who venture here speak of the "Greune Gloar" (Green Flame) that spreads across the infected chaparral, ready to consume any who wander too far. Yet, explorers still seek the vine-covered "kroegjes" (small pubs), where a mystical beugeltje is said to grant immunity to the Greune Gloar. - CryDona |