


# Support BrightID’s launch of Aura v2: An improved Privacy-first proof of human uniqueness using an anonymous social graph. [Discord Forum Prost]( **TL;DR** [Aura]( -- the new and improved verification method for BrightID, will eclipse "meets" verification in reliability and scalability, and is nearing a v2 beta launch and we are asking Public Nouns support for the development of this public good. BrightID is requesting a 10 ETH grant to support this work. **Abstract** Identity is a human right. By building an alternative to nation-state and biometric identities BrightID allows anyone in the world to prove they're a unique person and own their digital identity. How does it work? BrightID is a social identity network that enables individuals to authenticate themselves as unique with control over a single account. We do this through the creation and analysis of a social graph by those who already know you. It requires no personal data from users other than the anonymous graph of connections. Use cases: - Distributing universal basic income. - Enabling digital democratic voting. - Improving polling, rating, and reviews. - Combating bots on social media. - Sharing anything equitably. Aura is a new and improved decentralized verification protocol (built by BrightDAO--the community of BrightID) that will eclipse BrightID meets. Watch [Adam's EthDenver 2023 talk on Aura + BrightID]( Some of the key features of Aura are: - Anonymously find which friends are using BrightID--especially which are Aura players, so someone can be verified without using BrightID meets. - Use a "Known Identifier" protocol, built with Waku (the same tech behind Status.IM) to fight small-scale sybil attacks with known identifiers - BrightID. - Make BrightID nodes output Ethereum Attestations (for on or off-chain use) to expand our reach and make no-code integration even simpler. **How does this initiative support Public Goods?** BrightID and Aura are public goods that exist for the benefit of humanity. They are designed as nonintrusive, decentralized, and open-source technology seeking to reform identity verification--and lay the groundwork for a free and democratic society. Currently, there is no equitable method to share resources with all people. BrightID empowers everyone to receive their fair share of opportunities while preventing exploitation and abuse beyond one's rightful portion. Enabling fairness & allowing some public goods to exist and thrive that couldn't otherwise. In other words, BrightID protects the access of unique individuals to public goods. **How is it non-excludable?** - Anyone in the world can access BrightID. They can get verified by any BrighID user. BrightID DAO hosts verification calls to make it easier for users who are not connected to other BrightID users. Aura is set to make it easier to get verified by Aura players. **How is it non-rivalrous?** - Not only is BrightID non-rivalrous, but BrightID's benefits actually increase when more people join the protocol. There are network effects in terms of advancing anonymous decentralized identity verification. **Why does it need funding right now?** BrightID is a mature product, but the core team has a backlog of critical features that have been on hold due to lack of funding. We have a protocol that can scale to world scale, but we need funding to support the launch of Aura V2 beta. **Impact/Deliverables** - Aura V2 beta launched with the following features: - simplifying the sponsorship flow - integrating with Ethereum Attestations - launching "known identifiers" as an Aura tool - improving the "find friends" feature in BrightID--especially to help BrightID users find Aura players so they can become Aura verified - A tweet acknowledging Public Nouns support to launch Aura V2 beta. **Feedback Loop** Here is a list of the metrics, acknowledgments and accomplishments BrightID has reached and that can be considered feedback loop: - BrightID was the first verification used by Gitcoin Grants, and helped develop the "trust bonus" which became Gitcoin passport.( - BrightID is the only Sybil-resistant attestation used by for its MACI (<>) protected Quadratic voting. - BrightID has over 100,000 unique users. - 15 Apps trust BrightID for Sybil-resistance. - BrightID was exemplified as a Proof of Personhood solution in Vitalik's article: Moving beyond coin voting governance. ( - Green Pill Podcast BrightID with Adam Stallard | Green Pill #35 - GreenPill | Podcast on Spotify - Bankless Podcast - Metrics are available at - A visualization of the graph and more statistics are viewable from the BrightID graph explorer ( Link your BrightID to see a personalized view. **Recipient Address** `0x78e084445C3F1006617e1f36794dd2261ecE4AE3` **Amount in ETH** 10 ETH