Taaalls get taller when they are sold or transferred between tall-ets. Taaalls is an experimental smart contract and conceptual artwork by me mum, no affiliation with Yuga Labs or Larva Labs. See https://twitter.com/taaalls and http://www.taaalls.com for more info and terms of service.
Taaalls are a fully on chain artwork, meaning all data and artwork are stored on the Ethereum blockchain. Taaalls consume data directly from the on chain CryptoPunks, and programmatically edit the data to make each image grow wider and wider, based on the growth rate of each Taaall and the number of transfers.
Ten percent of the proceeds will be donated to charities focused on helping survivors of domestic violence.
The Taaalls collection is inspired in part by Alvin Lucier and his 1969 work titled I am Sitting in a Room. The artwork is a recording of his voice played back in a room, re-recorded, and played back repeatedly, until nothing remained but distortion. Through transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, Taaalls will stretch and become distorted until just a few horizontal lines of color remain. I regard this activity not so much as a demonstration of economic activity or transactions on a blockchain, but more as a way to smooth out any traits these NFTs may have. Taaalls are a fully on chain artwork, meaning all data and artwork are stored on the Ethereum blockchain. Taaalls draws its data directly from the on chain CryptoPunks, and programmatically edits the data based on the growth rate of each Taaalls and the number of transfers.
Taaalls can be understood in a copypasta Post-Modern Talluigi-analysis, in which Taaalls are the ultimate example of a collection shaped by the signifier. Taaalls as a collection can only be seen in mirror images; lost in a hall of mirrors they are a reflection of a reflection of a reflection. You start with CryptoPunks, the wholesome iconic punks, you reflect them to create On-chain CryptoPunks, the same thing but the data is on chain. You invert CryptoPunks to create CryptoPhunks, punks turned septic and libertarian, then you reflect the inversion in the reflection: you create a collection who can only exist in reference to others. Taaalls is the true nowhere collection, without the other collections they reflect, invert and parody they have no reason to exist. Taaalls identity only comes from what and who they are not, without a wider frame of reference they are nothing. Taaalls is not a collection unto itself. In a world where our identities are shaped by our warped relationships to brands and commerce we are all taaaaaaaaall.