Half Shiba Inu, half horse and always armed with a fearsome scythe - that's Reaper Shib. <br /><br /> For thousands of years, there have been figures and legends representing death in various cultures. One of the most famous and enduring of these legends in the crypto world of the Shiba Inus is Reaper Shib. He is half Shiba Inu and half horse. Armed with his scythe, the Reaper Shib roams the forests spreading fear and terror among the inhabitants of the Shibs. <br /><br /> The Reaper Shib was first sighted in the 14th century, when the immense drop of Shiba Inu Tokens struck fear into the people of the Cryptoworld. At that time, the Shiba Tokens lost so much value that many of the Shiba Inus went hungry, which resulted in some also succumbing to a miserable death. The legends of the Reaper Shib say that he always appears when the drop of Shiba Inu Tokens is so strong that only a bullish to the moon can save the Crypto world. <br /><br /> He is especially often spotted on dark, foggy, and stormy nights. The Shiba Inu community already teaches its children not to roam the forest after dusk. The danger. Of encountering the Reaper Shib is simply too high. It is said that Reaper Shib gains strength when the Shiba Coins to the moon. <br /><br /> Unlike other fearsome creatures, however, Reaper Shib retreats when Shiba Tokens prices bullish. Some suggest that by appearing when the Coins drop, he gathers renewed power through the souls of the deceased. The power he gains from this is probably to be used to bullish the Shiba Tokens again and thus boost the crypto world. <br /><br /> Although Reaper Shib is fearsome and feasts on the souls of the dead, the Shiba Inu community relies on his actions to regain power, fame and fortune.