Gecko could hear the noise of plastic and metal scraping against each other as he remained confined within a cold yet strangely comforting machine.
The room outside was dimly lit while three Enjineers were working diligently on their instruments.
He knew he was about to embark on a great adventure and had prepared himself the night before by meditating about the journey ahead.
At that moment, the Enjineers placed a fiercly glowing blue energy into the machine and flipped the switch to begin the process.
The machine began to hum, and Gecko started to feel a warmth eminating from the walls all around him.
As the heat from the glow increased, Gecko slipped into unconsciousness.
The blue energy had now consumed the machine, creating what appeared to be a giant shimmering water bubble.
The bubble held for several seconds, before increasing it's brightness to a blinding light.
As the bubble exploded, it sent blue light in all directions, briefly lighting the dimly the room and causing the Enjineers to shield their eyes.
. . .
Gecko awoke, slightly dazed and groggy. As his eyes focused he realised the Enjineers had been successful!
He was now in a distant land, ready to start his adventure in the Multiverse!