Hey! I'm Nicholette aka YungRamen (facebook.com/plebmilk) aka 97numb (soundcloud.com/plebmilk). Updates on Makerverse: the Early Adopter heads are putting heads together as we speak about standardising the token metadata across the Multiverse. This will make it much easier to import your items into any game. If this is something you want to see, please show support in the Telegram (t.me/makerverse). Patrick and Kyle (Cats in Mechs) are working on a proposal. Also we're looking at ways (like Filecoin.io) to make the metadata timestamped and immutable, improving the long-term integrity of your items throughout the Multiverse. Again if this is something you'd like show your support in chats and social media channels! Makerverse is currently investigating multiple funding opportunities. Early pre sale website will be up soon, with very high value limited edition Multiverse-functional items available.