"Cripples" is a deeply personal project, blending the repulsive with the beautiful, the bizarre with humor, all wrapped in a flawless aesthetic. Each figure reflects a unique facet of human behavior—whether it’s noble or flawed, tender or harsh.
Receiving love from friends and family during a challenging time of life inspired these characters, with their odd and quirky forms, to represent the two artists' journey through emotional turbulence. Despite their strange appearances, they exude a humorous charm, capturing the complexity of human nature and turning Cripples into a vivid portrayal of the human experience.
Encountering a Cripple may encourage reactions from curiosity and intrigue to introspective reflection. The contrast of grotesque and graceful elements invites a deeper contemplation of human imperfection, while the playful charm evokes lightness and empathy. The figures' strange beauty challenges the viewer to explore the contradictions between what we find repulsive and what we embrace as human.