The night is full of dangers, but also full of possibility. All I.D.I.O.T. agents of worth must be forever vigilant. To be a master of interdimensional travel, one must be prepared to fight and take advantage of every opportunity. Behold the Pill, a device that can bridge the gap between realities and transport us to places beyond our imaginings. It is a powerful tool that must be guarded at all costs, for it is sure to be coveted by the professionals. And let us not forget the E.A.R.L.Y., ever on the lookout for ways to further the cause of their nefarious 'ends'. Lastly, pay heed to the clock, for it serves as a warning of the interdimensional fire that could consume us all if we are not careful. Now go forth and conquer, brave agents of I.D.I.O.T.!