Our first chapter deals with extraterrestrials and the various sightings of their presence in the multiverse. It has been long noted by our scientific teams and debriefing officers that some sightings of these entities have included an orange glowing substance that radiates from the creatures themselves. Often described as a kind of "interdimensional ampoule", these cosmic visitors have been known to both tense and peaceful standing in the same space beside one another. Therefore, if ever you come across one of these enigmatic presences, exercise great care and caution in both approach and interaction. As some of our more daring companies have found out, these creatures are not to be trifled with and may appear harmless, but their mysterious and powerful nature should never be underestimated. If a strange creature is encountered, it is best to keep a large distance and call in E.A.R.L.Y. personnel as quickly as possible.