The machine is believed to be the key to unlocking the portal, an interdimensional door leading to other lands and new possibilities. To use the machine, one must acquire a Pill and enter it into the front-facing depository box of the machine. The Pill then dissolves into energy, which is broadcasted wirelessly to orbiting energy collection ships, where it can be used for various purposes. Though the Machine appears to be relatively benign and neutral, its true purpose is still unclear. It is believed to house an Interdimensional Ampoule, a glass ampoule with orange glowing contents - believed to hold great power and potential. Caution is advised when dealing with the Machine, as its unintended consequences could be dire and unforeseeable. Professional I.D.I.O.T.s have been known to disappear forever after using the Machine. Those seeking to tamper with the Machine must remember to stay alert, proceed with caution, and come well-prepared. Infiltrating other dimensions carries a risk, and the rewards may come after great peril. The Machine should be approached with solemn reverence and studied with great patience.