One of the most dangerous threats you may encounter during your interdimensional travels is the creature. These large, dark, and hairy beings have long tails and are typically found near areas of crime or other suspicious activity. It is wise to proceed with caution should you encounter one of these beings. According to local legend, tales of creatures such as these have been passed down for generations, but few thought them to be real. However, recent evidence has shown that these creatures do indeed exist, and can be highly dangerous. Though their motives and intentions remain a mystery, they have been known to be hostile and show a lack of regard for human life, often attacking on sight. It has also been reported that they have a special fondness for the interdimensional ampoule, so be sure to keep it safe at all times. Do not trust these creatures. If you must encounter one, make sure to always observe their movements, and keep your distance. It is better to remain safe than to take unnecessary risks.