The Portal is a wondrous creation that defies logic, a manifestation of space-time itself. By peering through the Portal, one can behold a new realm and journey forth in to it at a whim. Portals are not to be trifled with, and one should always use caution when dealing with them. For those brave enough to venture into the depths of the Portal, they should always carry a glowing item, as they can be used to find their way back. Travelers should expect danger and should be wary of those creatures and extraterrestrials that lurk in the shadows and may not be friendly. The use of an interdimensional ampoule may be necessary to power their craft, and it is best to have an escape plan should one be unfortunate enough to be found off-guard. The Portal should be treated with respect, for it holds countless secrets and legendary rewards, but also inconceivable dangers.