We carve out an on-chain Cabinet to give eternal life to the dead presences that Isa Kost has carried through the years. Isa's practice is defined by a deep connection with death, a self-archeology where finding speaks to what is lost. - "The journey became clear to me when, drawing the ficus leaf, the memory of my father caring for a ficus plant in our house when I was a child arose. So did the sun spider, found through my childhood desire to visit the pyramids in Egypt. And the scent of the gardenia, which enveloped me for days in my room in Mexico, collected in a small bouquet given to me by a dear friend." - Building a Wunderkammer, a Cabinet of Curiosities, is a practice that began in the 16th century as a way to honor objects of strange value. Now, we place such objects on blockchain. Every object in Isa Kost's Cabinet of Curiosities is a dead memory, a dead experience that has called out to be found, and she grants them each eternity with a place on-chain. - A Sovrn Curated collection