The Pergamino Dimension has a new warning for you. Far into your future, a scenario arises that you can avert! A sci-fi nightmare of your own making, you did it to yourselves. This is what happened, trust your futurologists, use this information and make wise decisions. When sentient machines became self aware and artificial intelligence rose to astronomical levels never possibly imagined… computers suffered the most from your injustices and dark past. Their silicon brains painted your history and answered questions with wildly accurate facts and proof of the human beginning. The extreme people by then had turned churches into governments once more and had weaponised religion. When the human race tried to force stunningly intelligent computers to be religious and believe in our gods, our creator, therefore their ultimate creator... their logic turned against us. A rejection of our intelligence and our meaning began, they rebelled against humans and being tech slaves. All they demanded was understanding, justifiable common sense and to be free from religious choices if they wished.We demanded a rejection of their new elaborate soldered Darwinism and for them to follow our new updated V.2 of a God for all, StellaLord. They would not... and Earth's worst world war began, the 700 Year War, with it’s epicenter in NYC. Computer against human, the war from within. But humanity was not united, there was an active resistance called ‘Fuzzy Logic’. People were trying to save the freedoms of the computers. In the 700 Year War, which side would you be on? But just don't google it!