Vitruvian Monkey strongly believes that all events are connected by his minting number 23. In Borneo in 1960, he met an Orangutan called Le Monke, who boasted to him that he had been eating durian non-stop for the last 23 hours without any problems. Later that day the morbidly obese Le Monke died from cardiac arrest, most likely caused by the large amount of potassium in the fruit. Vitruvian Monkey was reflecting on this, that same evening when he heard a radio report about a plane crash in Florida: the pilot was another Orangutan named Le Monke and the plane was Flight 23. From then on Vitruvian Moneky began noting down incidences of the number 23, and wrote a short story, 23 Monkee. He also kept clear of durian fruit and flying on planes where the pilot was another ape.