Sepp was born and raised in the land of the tree people, where being prepared is part of daily hardship. Swinging between explosive trees, Sepp knew exactly what he wanted in life. He wanted to shine, to be the most revered of all the apes in his forest city. From a young age, he learned to prepare for the long winters by participating in a 16-day Bootcamp. For years he has exercised mind and body. He endured torture by the worst kind of people and music. The price for his training was high - it advanced higher each year. He even went through the effort to try to understand why Australians thought it wise to wear Flip-Flops to the Bootcamp. Anyway, when the final moment arrived and he was physically and mentally able to tackle drinking 20 Wiesn Maß at Oktoberfest on one day, the bloody thing got canceled due to the flu. Outraged, Sepp is now preparing once again to rise against the usurpers. He exactly knows whose fault this is. He is prepared.