* Commit sha: c7bf36f004a2b0e11d7e14234cea7853fd3a523a
* GitHub repository: https://github.com/aragon/aragon-court
* Tool used for the deploy: https://github.com/aragon/aragon-network-deploy
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/lib/os/Uint256Helpers.sol
// Brought from https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS/blob/v4.3.0/contracts/common/Uint256Helpers.sol
// Adapted to use pragma ^0.5.8 and satisfy our linter rules
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
library Uint256Helpers {
uint256 private constant MAX_UINT8 = uint8(-1);
uint256 private constant MAX_UINT64 = uint64(-1);
string private constant ERROR_UINT8_NUMBER_TOO_BIG = "UINT8_NUMBER_TOO_BIG";
string private constant ERROR_UINT64_NUMBER_TOO_BIG = "UINT64_NUMBER_TOO_BIG";
function toUint8(uint256 a) internal pure returns (uint8) {
return uint8(a);
function toUint64(uint256 a) internal pure returns (uint64) {
return uint64(a);
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/lib/os/SafeMath64.sol
// Brought from https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS/blob/v4.3.0/contracts/lib/math/SafeMath64.sol
// Adapted to use pragma ^0.5.8 and satisfy our linter rules
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
* @title SafeMath64
* @dev Math operations for uint64 with safety checks that revert on error
library SafeMath64 {
string private constant ERROR_ADD_OVERFLOW = "MATH64_ADD_OVERFLOW";
string private constant ERROR_SUB_UNDERFLOW = "MATH64_SUB_UNDERFLOW";
string private constant ERROR_MUL_OVERFLOW = "MATH64_MUL_OVERFLOW";
string private constant ERROR_DIV_ZERO = "MATH64_DIV_ZERO";
* @dev Multiplies two numbers, reverts on overflow.
function mul(uint64 _a, uint64 _b) internal pure returns (uint64) {
uint256 c = uint256(_a) * uint256(_b);
require(c < 0x010000000000000000, ERROR_MUL_OVERFLOW); // 2**64 (less gas this way)
return uint64(c);
* @dev Integer division of two numbers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero.
function div(uint64 _a, uint64 _b) internal pure returns (uint64) {
require(_b > 0, ERROR_DIV_ZERO); // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
uint64 c = _a / _b;
// assert(_a == _b * c + _a % _b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
* @dev Subtracts two numbers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint64 _a, uint64 _b) internal pure returns (uint64) {
require(_b <= _a, ERROR_SUB_UNDERFLOW);
uint64 c = _a - _b;
return c;
* @dev Adds two numbers, reverts on overflow.
function add(uint64 _a, uint64 _b) internal pure returns (uint64) {
uint64 c = _a + _b;
require(c >= _a, ERROR_ADD_OVERFLOW);
return c;
* @dev Divides two numbers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo),
* reverts when dividing by zero.
function mod(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal pure returns (uint64) {
require(b != 0, ERROR_DIV_ZERO);
return a % b;
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/lib/os/TimeHelpers.sol
// Brought from https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS/blob/v4.3.0/contracts/common/TimeHelpers.sol
// Adapted to use pragma ^0.5.8 and satisfy our linter rules
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
contract TimeHelpers {
using Uint256Helpers for uint256;
* @dev Returns the current block number.
* Using a function rather than `block.number` allows us to easily mock the block number in
* tests.
function getBlockNumber() internal view returns (uint256) {
return block.number;
* @dev Returns the current block number, converted to uint64.
* Using a function rather than `block.number` allows us to easily mock the block number in
* tests.
function getBlockNumber64() internal view returns (uint64) {
return getBlockNumber().toUint64();
* @dev Returns the current timestamp.
* Using a function rather than `block.timestamp` allows us to easily mock it in
* tests.
function getTimestamp() internal view returns (uint256) {
return block.timestamp; // solium-disable-line security/no-block-members
* @dev Returns the current timestamp, converted to uint64.
* Using a function rather than `block.timestamp` allows us to easily mock it in
* tests.
function getTimestamp64() internal view returns (uint64) {
return getTimestamp().toUint64();
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/court/clock/IClock.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
interface IClock {
* @dev Ensure that the current term of the clock is up-to-date
* @return Identification number of the current term
function ensureCurrentTerm() external returns (uint64);
* @dev Transition up to a certain number of terms to leave the clock up-to-date
* @param _maxRequestedTransitions Max number of term transitions allowed by the sender
* @return Identification number of the term ID after executing the heartbeat transitions
function heartbeat(uint64 _maxRequestedTransitions) external returns (uint64);
* @dev Ensure that a certain term has its randomness set
* @return Randomness of the current term
function ensureCurrentTermRandomness() external returns (bytes32);
* @dev Tell the last ensured term identification number
* @return Identification number of the last ensured term
function getLastEnsuredTermId() external view returns (uint64);
* @dev Tell the current term identification number. Note that there may be pending term transitions.
* @return Identification number of the current term
function getCurrentTermId() external view returns (uint64);
* @dev Tell the number of terms the clock should transition to be up-to-date
* @return Number of terms the clock should transition to be up-to-date
function getNeededTermTransitions() external view returns (uint64);
* @dev Tell the information related to a term based on its ID
* @param _termId ID of the term being queried
* @return startTime Term start time
* @return randomnessBN Block number used for randomness in the requested term
* @return randomness Randomness computed for the requested term
function getTerm(uint64 _termId) external view returns (uint64 startTime, uint64 randomnessBN, bytes32 randomness);
* @dev Tell the randomness of a term even if it wasn't computed yet
* @param _termId Identification number of the term being queried
* @return Randomness of the requested term
function getTermRandomness(uint64 _termId) external view returns (bytes32);
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/court/clock/CourtClock.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
contract CourtClock is IClock, TimeHelpers {
using SafeMath64 for uint64;
// Maximum number of term transitions a callee may have to assume in order to call certain functions that require the Court being up-to-date
uint64 internal constant MAX_AUTO_TERM_TRANSITIONS_ALLOWED = 1;
// Max duration in seconds that a term can last
uint64 internal constant MAX_TERM_DURATION = 365 days;
// Max time until first term starts since contract is deployed
uint64 internal constant MAX_FIRST_TERM_DELAY_PERIOD = 2 * MAX_TERM_DURATION;
struct Term {
uint64 startTime; // Timestamp when the term started
uint64 randomnessBN; // Block number for entropy
bytes32 randomness; // Entropy from randomnessBN block hash
// Duration in seconds for each term of the Court
uint64 private termDuration;
// Last ensured term id
uint64 private termId;
// List of Court terms indexed by id
mapping (uint64 => Term) private terms;
event Heartbeat(uint64 previousTermId, uint64 currentTermId);
event StartTimeDelayed(uint64 previousStartTime, uint64 currentStartTime);
* @dev Ensure a certain term has already been processed
* @param _termId Identification number of the term to be checked
modifier termExists(uint64 _termId) {
require(_termId <= termId, ERROR_TERM_DOES_NOT_EXIST);
* @dev Constructor function
* @param _termParams Array containing:
* 0. _termDuration Duration in seconds per term
* 1. _firstTermStartTime Timestamp in seconds when the court will open (to give time for juror on-boarding)
constructor(uint64[2] memory _termParams) public {
uint64 _termDuration = _termParams[0];
uint64 _firstTermStartTime = _termParams[1];
require(_firstTermStartTime >= getTimestamp64() + _termDuration, ERROR_BAD_FIRST_TERM_START_TIME);
require(_firstTermStartTime <= getTimestamp64() + MAX_FIRST_TERM_DELAY_PERIOD, ERROR_BAD_FIRST_TERM_START_TIME);
termDuration = _termDuration;
// No need for SafeMath: we already checked values above
terms[0].startTime = _firstTermStartTime - _termDuration;
* @notice Ensure that the current term of the Court is up-to-date. If the Court is outdated by more than `MAX_AUTO_TERM_TRANSITIONS_ALLOWED`
* terms, the heartbeat function must be called manually instead.
* @return Identification number of the current term
function ensureCurrentTerm() external returns (uint64) {
return _ensureCurrentTerm();
* @notice Transition up to `_maxRequestedTransitions` terms
* @param _maxRequestedTransitions Max number of term transitions allowed by the sender
* @return Identification number of the term ID after executing the heartbeat transitions
function heartbeat(uint64 _maxRequestedTransitions) external returns (uint64) {
return _heartbeat(_maxRequestedTransitions);
* @notice Ensure that a certain term has its randomness set. As we allow to draft disputes requested for previous terms, if there
* were mined more than 256 blocks for the current term, the blockhash of its randomness BN is no longer available, given
* round will be able to be drafted in the following term.
* @return Randomness of the current term
function ensureCurrentTermRandomness() external returns (bytes32) {
// If the randomness for the given term was already computed, return
uint64 currentTermId = termId;
Term storage term = terms[currentTermId];
bytes32 termRandomness = term.randomness;
if (termRandomness != bytes32(0)) {
return termRandomness;
// Compute term randomness
bytes32 newRandomness = _computeTermRandomness(currentTermId);
require(newRandomness != bytes32(0), ERROR_TERM_RANDOMNESS_UNAVAILABLE);
term.randomness = newRandomness;
return newRandomness;
* @dev Tell the term duration of the Court
* @return Duration in seconds of the Court term
function getTermDuration() external view returns (uint64) {
return termDuration;
* @dev Tell the last ensured term identification number
* @return Identification number of the last ensured term
function getLastEnsuredTermId() external view returns (uint64) {
return _lastEnsuredTermId();
* @dev Tell the current term identification number. Note that there may be pending term transitions.
* @return Identification number of the current term
function getCurrentTermId() external view returns (uint64) {
return _currentTermId();
* @dev Tell the number of terms the Court should transition to be up-to-date
* @return Number of terms the Court should transition to be up-to-date
function getNeededTermTransitions() external view returns (uint64) {
return _neededTermTransitions();
* @dev Tell the information related to a term based on its ID. Note that if the term has not been reached, the
* information returned won't be computed yet. This function allows querying future terms that were not computed yet.
* @param _termId ID of the term being queried
* @return startTime Term start time
* @return randomnessBN Block number used for randomness in the requested term
* @return randomness Randomness computed for the requested term
function getTerm(uint64 _termId) external view returns (uint64 startTime, uint64 randomnessBN, bytes32 randomness) {
Term storage term = terms[_termId];
return (term.startTime, term.randomnessBN, term.randomness);
* @dev Tell the randomness of a term even if it wasn't computed yet
* @param _termId Identification number of the term being queried
* @return Randomness of the requested term
function getTermRandomness(uint64 _termId) external view termExists(_termId) returns (bytes32) {
return _computeTermRandomness(_termId);
* @dev Internal function to ensure that the current term of the Court is up-to-date. If the Court is outdated by more than
* `MAX_AUTO_TERM_TRANSITIONS_ALLOWED` terms, the heartbeat function must be called manually.
* @return Identification number of the resultant term ID after executing the corresponding transitions
function _ensureCurrentTerm() internal returns (uint64) {
// Check the required number of transitions does not exceeds the max allowed number to be processed automatically
uint64 requiredTransitions = _neededTermTransitions();
// If there are no transitions pending, return the last ensured term id
if (uint256(requiredTransitions) == 0) {
return termId;
// Process transition if there is at least one pending
return _heartbeat(requiredTransitions);
* @dev Internal function to transition the Court terms up to a requested number of terms
* @param _maxRequestedTransitions Max number of term transitions allowed by the sender
* @return Identification number of the resultant term ID after executing the requested transitions
function _heartbeat(uint64 _maxRequestedTransitions) internal returns (uint64) {
// Transition the minimum number of terms between the amount requested and the amount actually needed
uint64 neededTransitions = _neededTermTransitions();
uint256 transitions = uint256(_maxRequestedTransitions < neededTransitions ? _maxRequestedTransitions : neededTransitions);
require(transitions > 0, ERROR_INVALID_TRANSITION_TERMS);
uint64 blockNumber = getBlockNumber64();
uint64 previousTermId = termId;
uint64 currentTermId = previousTermId;
for (uint256 transition = 1; transition <= transitions; transition++) {
// Term IDs are incremented by one based on the number of time periods since the Court started. Since time is represented in uint64,
// even if we chose the minimum duration possible for a term (1 second), we can ensure terms will never reach 2^64 since time is
// already assumed to fit in uint64.
Term storage previousTerm = terms[currentTermId++];
Term storage currentTerm = terms[currentTermId];
// Set the start time of the new term. Note that we are using a constant term duration value to guarantee
// equally long terms, regardless of heartbeats.
currentTerm.startTime = previousTerm.startTime.add(termDuration);
// In order to draft a random number of jurors in a term, we use a randomness factor for each term based on a
// block number that is set once the term has started. Note that this information could not be known beforehand.
currentTerm.randomnessBN = blockNumber + 1;
termId = currentTermId;
emit Heartbeat(previousTermId, currentTermId);
return currentTermId;
* @dev Internal function to delay the first term start time only if it wasn't reached yet
* @param _newFirstTermStartTime New timestamp in seconds when the court will open
function _delayStartTime(uint64 _newFirstTermStartTime) internal {
require(_currentTermId() == 0, ERROR_CANNOT_DELAY_STARTED_COURT);
Term storage term = terms[0];
uint64 currentFirstTermStartTime = term.startTime.add(termDuration);
require(_newFirstTermStartTime > currentFirstTermStartTime, ERROR_CANNOT_DELAY_PAST_START_TIME);
// No need for SafeMath: we already checked above that `_newFirstTermStartTime` > `currentFirstTermStartTime` >= `termDuration`
term.startTime = _newFirstTermStartTime - termDuration;
emit StartTimeDelayed(currentFirstTermStartTime, _newFirstTermStartTime);
* @dev Internal function to notify when a term has been transitioned. This function must be overridden to provide custom behavior.
* @param _termId Identification number of the new current term that has been transitioned
function _onTermTransitioned(uint64 _termId) internal;
* @dev Internal function to tell the last ensured term identification number
* @return Identification number of the last ensured term
function _lastEnsuredTermId() internal view returns (uint64) {
return termId;
* @dev Internal function to tell the current term identification number. Note that there may be pending term transitions.
* @return Identification number of the current term
function _currentTermId() internal view returns (uint64) {
return termId.add(_neededTermTransitions());
* @dev Internal function to tell the number of terms the Court should transition to be up-to-date
* @return Number of terms the Court should transition to be up-to-date
function _neededTermTransitions() internal view returns (uint64) {
// Note that the Court is always initialized providing a start time for the first-term in the future. If that's the case,
// no term transitions are required.
uint64 currentTermStartTime = terms[termId].startTime;
if (getTimestamp64() < currentTermStartTime) {
return uint64(0);
// No need for SafeMath: we already know that the start time of the current term is in the past
return (getTimestamp64() - currentTermStartTime) / termDuration;
* @dev Internal function to compute the randomness that will be used to draft jurors for the given term. This
* function assumes the given term exists. To determine the randomness factor for a term we use the hash of a
* block number that is set once the term has started to ensure it cannot be known beforehand. Note that the
* hash function being used only works for the 256 most recent block numbers.
* @param _termId Identification number of the term being queried
* @return Randomness computed for the given term
function _computeTermRandomness(uint64 _termId) internal view returns (bytes32) {
Term storage term = terms[_termId];
require(getBlockNumber64() > term.randomnessBN, ERROR_TERM_RANDOMNESS_NOT_YET);
return blockhash(term.randomnessBN);
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/lib/os/ERC20.sol
// Brought from https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS/blob/v4.3.0/contracts/lib/token/ERC20.sol
// Adapted to use pragma ^0.5.8 and satisfy our linter rules
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
* @title ERC20 interface
* @dev see https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20
contract ERC20 {
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address _who) public view returns (uint256);
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
event Transfer(
address indexed from,
address indexed to,
uint256 value
event Approval(
address indexed owner,
address indexed spender,
uint256 value
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/court/config/IConfig.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
interface IConfig {
* @dev Tell the full Court configuration parameters at a certain term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the Court config of
* @return token Address of the token used to pay for fees
* @return fees Array containing:
* 0. jurorFee Amount of fee tokens that is paid per juror per dispute
* 1. draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* 2. settleFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover round settlement cost
* @return roundStateDurations Array containing the durations in terms of the different phases of a dispute:
* 0. evidenceTerms Max submitting evidence period duration in terms
* 1. commitTerms Commit period duration in terms
* 2. revealTerms Reveal period duration in terms
* 3. appealTerms Appeal period duration in terms
* 4. appealConfirmationTerms Appeal confirmation period duration in terms
* @return pcts Array containing:
* 0. penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
* 1. finalRoundReduction Permyriad of fee reduction for the last appeal round (‱ - 1/10,000)
* @return roundParams Array containing params for rounds:
* 0. firstRoundJurorsNumber Number of jurors to be drafted for the first round of disputes
* 1. appealStepFactor Increasing factor for the number of jurors of each round of a dispute
* 2. maxRegularAppealRounds Number of regular appeal rounds before the final round is triggered
* @return appealCollateralParams Array containing params for appeal collateral:
* 0. appealCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to appeal a preliminary ruling
* 1. appealConfirmCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to confirm appeal
* @return minActiveBalance Minimum amount of tokens jurors have to activate to participate in the Court
function getConfig(uint64 _termId) external view
returns (
ERC20 feeToken,
uint256[3] memory fees,
uint64[5] memory roundStateDurations,
uint16[2] memory pcts,
uint64[4] memory roundParams,
uint256[2] memory appealCollateralParams,
uint256 minActiveBalance
* @dev Tell the draft config at a certain term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the draft config of
* @return feeToken Address of the token used to pay for fees
* @return draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* @return penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
function getDraftConfig(uint64 _termId) external view returns (ERC20 feeToken, uint256 draftFee, uint16 penaltyPct);
* @dev Tell the min active balance config at a certain term
* @param _termId Term querying the min active balance config of
* @return Minimum amount of tokens jurors have to activate to participate in the Court
function getMinActiveBalance(uint64 _termId) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Tell whether a certain holder accepts automatic withdrawals of tokens or not
* @return True if the given holder accepts automatic withdrawals of their tokens, false otherwise
function areWithdrawalsAllowedFor(address _holder) external view returns (bool);
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/court/config/CourtConfigData.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
contract CourtConfigData {
struct Config {
FeesConfig fees; // Full fees-related config
DisputesConfig disputes; // Full disputes-related config
uint256 minActiveBalance; // Minimum amount of tokens jurors have to activate to participate in the Court
struct FeesConfig {
ERC20 token; // ERC20 token to be used for the fees of the Court
uint16 finalRoundReduction; // Permyriad of fees reduction applied for final appeal round (‱ - 1/10,000)
uint256 jurorFee; // Amount of tokens paid to draft a juror to adjudicate a dispute
uint256 draftFee; // Amount of tokens paid per round to cover the costs of drafting jurors
uint256 settleFee; // Amount of tokens paid per round to cover the costs of slashing jurors
struct DisputesConfig {
uint64 evidenceTerms; // Max submitting evidence period duration in terms
uint64 commitTerms; // Committing period duration in terms
uint64 revealTerms; // Revealing period duration in terms
uint64 appealTerms; // Appealing period duration in terms
uint64 appealConfirmTerms; // Confirmation appeal period duration in terms
uint16 penaltyPct; // Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
uint64 firstRoundJurorsNumber; // Number of jurors drafted on first round
uint64 appealStepFactor; // Factor in which the jurors number is increased on each appeal
uint64 finalRoundLockTerms; // Period a coherent juror in the final round will remain locked
uint256 maxRegularAppealRounds; // Before the final appeal
uint256 appealCollateralFactor; // Permyriad multiple of dispute fees required to appeal a preliminary ruling (‱ - 1/10,000)
uint256 appealConfirmCollateralFactor; // Permyriad multiple of dispute fees required to confirm appeal (‱ - 1/10,000)
struct DraftConfig {
ERC20 feeToken; // ERC20 token to be used for the fees of the Court
uint16 penaltyPct; // Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
uint256 draftFee; // Amount of tokens paid per round to cover the costs of drafting jurors
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/lib/os/SafeMath.sol
// Brought from https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS/blob/v4.3.0/contracts/lib/math/SafeMath.sol
// Adapted to use pragma ^0.5.8 and satisfy our linter rules
pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <0.6.0;
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that revert on error
library SafeMath {
string private constant ERROR_ADD_OVERFLOW = "MATH_ADD_OVERFLOW";
string private constant ERROR_SUB_UNDERFLOW = "MATH_SUB_UNDERFLOW";
string private constant ERROR_MUL_OVERFLOW = "MATH_MUL_OVERFLOW";
string private constant ERROR_DIV_ZERO = "MATH_DIV_ZERO";
* @dev Multiplies two numbers, reverts on overflow.
function mul(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
// benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
// See: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity/pull/522
if (_a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = _a * _b;
require(c / _a == _b, ERROR_MUL_OVERFLOW);
return c;
* @dev Integer division of two numbers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero.
function div(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(_b > 0, ERROR_DIV_ZERO); // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
uint256 c = _a / _b;
// assert(_a == _b * c + _a % _b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
* @dev Subtracts two numbers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(_b <= _a, ERROR_SUB_UNDERFLOW);
uint256 c = _a - _b;
return c;
* @dev Adds two numbers, reverts on overflow.
function add(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = _a + _b;
require(c >= _a, ERROR_ADD_OVERFLOW);
return c;
* @dev Divides two numbers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo),
* reverts when dividing by zero.
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b != 0, ERROR_DIV_ZERO);
return a % b;
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/lib/PctHelpers.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
library PctHelpers {
using SafeMath for uint256;
uint256 internal constant PCT_BASE = 10000; // ‱ (1 / 10,000)
function isValid(uint16 _pct) internal pure returns (bool) {
return _pct <= PCT_BASE;
function pct(uint256 self, uint16 _pct) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return self.mul(uint256(_pct)) / PCT_BASE;
function pct256(uint256 self, uint256 _pct) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return self.mul(_pct) / PCT_BASE;
function pctIncrease(uint256 self, uint16 _pct) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// No need for SafeMath: for addition note that `PCT_BASE` is lower than (2^256 - 2^16)
return self.mul(PCT_BASE + uint256(_pct)) / PCT_BASE;
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/court/config/CourtConfig.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
contract CourtConfig is IConfig, CourtConfigData {
using SafeMath64 for uint64;
using PctHelpers for uint256;
string private constant ERROR_TOO_OLD_TERM = "CONF_TOO_OLD_TERM";
// Max number of terms that each of the different adjudication states can last (if lasted 1h, this would be a year)
uint64 internal constant MAX_ADJ_STATE_DURATION = 8670;
// Cap the max number of regular appeal rounds
uint256 internal constant MAX_REGULAR_APPEAL_ROUNDS_LIMIT = 10;
// Future term ID in which a config change has been scheduled
uint64 private configChangeTermId;
// List of all the configs used in the Court
Config[] private configs;
// List of configs indexed by id
mapping (uint64 => uint256) private configIdByTerm;
// Holders opt-in config for automatic withdrawals
mapping (address => bool) private withdrawalsAllowed;
event NewConfig(uint64 fromTermId, uint64 courtConfigId);
event AutomaticWithdrawalsAllowedChanged(address indexed holder, bool allowed);
* @dev Constructor function
* @param _feeToken Address of the token contract that is used to pay for fees
* @param _fees Array containing:
* 0. jurorFee Amount of fee tokens that is paid per juror per dispute
* 1. draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* 2. settleFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover round settlement cost
* @param _roundStateDurations Array containing the durations in terms of the different phases of a dispute:
* 0. evidenceTerms Max submitting evidence period duration in terms
* 1. commitTerms Commit period duration in terms
* 2. revealTerms Reveal period duration in terms
* 3. appealTerms Appeal period duration in terms
* 4. appealConfirmationTerms Appeal confirmation period duration in terms
* @param _pcts Array containing:
* 0. penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
* 1. finalRoundReduction Permyriad of fee reduction for the last appeal round (‱ - 1/10,000)
* @param _roundParams Array containing params for rounds:
* 0. firstRoundJurorsNumber Number of jurors to be drafted for the first round of disputes
* 1. appealStepFactor Increasing factor for the number of jurors of each round of a dispute
* 2. maxRegularAppealRounds Number of regular appeal rounds before the final round is triggered
* 3. finalRoundLockTerms Number of terms that a coherent juror in a final round is disallowed to withdraw (to prevent 51% attacks)
* @param _appealCollateralParams Array containing params for appeal collateral:
* 0. appealCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to appeal a preliminary ruling
* 1. appealConfirmCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to confirm appeal
* @param _minActiveBalance Minimum amount of juror tokens that can be activated
ERC20 _feeToken,
uint256[3] memory _fees,
uint64[5] memory _roundStateDurations,
uint16[2] memory _pcts,
uint64[4] memory _roundParams,
uint256[2] memory _appealCollateralParams,
uint256 _minActiveBalance
// Leave config at index 0 empty for non-scheduled config changes
configs.length = 1;
* @notice Set the automatic withdrawals config for the sender to `_allowed`
* @param _allowed Whether or not the automatic withdrawals are allowed by the sender
function setAutomaticWithdrawals(bool _allowed) external {
withdrawalsAllowed[msg.sender] = _allowed;
emit AutomaticWithdrawalsAllowedChanged(msg.sender, _allowed);
* @dev Tell the full Court configuration parameters at a certain term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the Court config of
* @return token Address of the token used to pay for fees
* @return fees Array containing:
* 0. jurorFee Amount of fee tokens that is paid per juror per dispute
* 1. draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* 2. settleFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover round settlement cost
* @return roundStateDurations Array containing the durations in terms of the different phases of a dispute:
* 0. evidenceTerms Max submitting evidence period duration in terms
* 1. commitTerms Commit period duration in terms
* 2. revealTerms Reveal period duration in terms
* 3. appealTerms Appeal period duration in terms
* 4. appealConfirmationTerms Appeal confirmation period duration in terms
* @return pcts Array containing:
* 0. penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
* 1. finalRoundReduction Permyriad of fee reduction for the last appeal round (‱ - 1/10,000)
* @return roundParams Array containing params for rounds:
* 0. firstRoundJurorsNumber Number of jurors to be drafted for the first round of disputes
* 1. appealStepFactor Increasing factor for the number of jurors of each round of a dispute
* 2. maxRegularAppealRounds Number of regular appeal rounds before the final round is triggered
* @return appealCollateralParams Array containing params for appeal collateral:
* 0. appealCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to appeal a preliminary ruling
* 1. appealConfirmCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to confirm appeal
* @return minActiveBalance Minimum amount of tokens jurors have to activate to participate in the Court
function getConfig(uint64 _termId) external view
returns (
ERC20 feeToken,
uint256[3] memory fees,
uint64[5] memory roundStateDurations,
uint16[2] memory pcts,
uint64[4] memory roundParams,
uint256[2] memory appealCollateralParams,
uint256 minActiveBalance
* @dev Tell the draft config at a certain term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the draft config of
* @return feeToken Address of the token used to pay for fees
* @return draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* @return penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
function getDraftConfig(uint64 _termId) external view returns (ERC20 feeToken, uint256 draftFee, uint16 penaltyPct);
* @dev Tell the min active balance config at a certain term
* @param _termId Term querying the min active balance config of
* @return Minimum amount of tokens jurors have to activate to participate in the Court
function getMinActiveBalance(uint64 _termId) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Tell whether a certain holder accepts automatic withdrawals of tokens or not
* @param _holder Address of the token holder querying if withdrawals are allowed for
* @return True if the given holder accepts automatic withdrawals of their tokens, false otherwise
function areWithdrawalsAllowedFor(address _holder) external view returns (bool) {
return withdrawalsAllowed[_holder];
* @dev Tell the term identification number of the next scheduled config change
* @return Term identification number of the next scheduled config change
function getConfigChangeTermId() external view returns (uint64) {
return configChangeTermId;
* @dev Internal to make sure to set a config for the new term, it will copy the previous term config if none
* @param _termId Identification number of the new current term that has been transitioned
function _ensureTermConfig(uint64 _termId) internal {
// If the term being transitioned had no config change scheduled, keep the previous one
uint256 currentConfigId = configIdByTerm[_termId];
if (currentConfigId == 0) {
uint256 previousConfigId = configIdByTerm[_termId.sub(1)];
configIdByTerm[_termId] = previousConfigId;
* @dev Assumes that sender it's allowed (either it's from governor or it's on init)
* @param _termId Identification number of the current Court term
* @param _fromTermId Identification number of the term in which the config will be effective at
* @param _feeToken Address of the token contract that is used to pay for fees.
* @param _fees Array containing:
* 0. jurorFee Amount of fee tokens that is paid per juror per dispute
* 1. draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* 2. settleFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover round settlement cost
* @param _roundStateDurations Array containing the durations in terms of the different phases of a dispute:
* 0. evidenceTerms Max submitting evidence period duration in terms
* 1. commitTerms Commit period duration in terms
* 2. revealTerms Reveal period duration in terms
* 3. appealTerms Appeal period duration in terms
* 4. appealConfirmationTerms Appeal confirmation period duration in terms
* @param _pcts Array containing:
* 0. penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
* 1. finalRoundReduction Permyriad of fee reduction for the last appeal round (‱ - 1/10,000)
* @param _roundParams Array containing params for rounds:
* 0. firstRoundJurorsNumber Number of jurors to be drafted for the first round of disputes
* 1. appealStepFactor Increasing factor for the number of jurors of each round of a dispute
* 2. maxRegularAppealRounds Number of regular appeal rounds before the final round is triggered
* 3. finalRoundLockTerms Number of terms that a coherent juror in a final round is disallowed to withdraw (to prevent 51% attacks)
* @param _appealCollateralParams Array containing params for appeal collateral:
* 0. appealCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to appeal a preliminary ruling
* 1. appealConfirmCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to confirm appeal
* @param _minActiveBalance Minimum amount of juror tokens that can be activated
function _setConfig(
uint64 _termId,
uint64 _fromTermId,
ERC20 _feeToken,
uint256[3] memory _fees,
uint64[5] memory _roundStateDurations,
uint16[2] memory _pcts,
uint64[4] memory _roundParams,
uint256[2] memory _appealCollateralParams,
uint256 _minActiveBalance
// If the current term is not zero, changes must be scheduled at least after the current period.
// No need to ensure delays for on-going disputes since these already use their creation term for that.
require(_termId == 0 || _fromTermId > _termId, ERROR_TOO_OLD_TERM);
// Make sure appeal collateral factors are greater than zero
require(_appealCollateralParams[0] > 0 && _appealCollateralParams[1] > 0, ERROR_ZERO_COLLATERAL_FACTOR);
// Make sure the given penalty and final round reduction pcts are not greater than 100%
require(PctHelpers.isValid(_pcts[0]), ERROR_INVALID_PENALTY_PCT);
require(PctHelpers.isValid(_pcts[1]), ERROR_INVALID_FINAL_ROUND_REDUCTION_PCT);
// Disputes must request at least one juror to be drafted initially
require(_roundParams[0] > 0, ERROR_BAD_INITIAL_JURORS_NUMBER);
// Prevent that further rounds have zero jurors
require(_roundParams[1] > 0, ERROR_BAD_APPEAL_STEP_FACTOR);
// Make sure the max number of appeals allowed does not reach the limit
uint256 _maxRegularAppealRounds = _roundParams[2];
bool isMaxAppealRoundsValid = _maxRegularAppealRounds > 0 && _maxRegularAppealRounds <= MAX_REGULAR_APPEAL_ROUNDS_LIMIT;
require(isMaxAppealRoundsValid, ERROR_INVALID_MAX_APPEAL_ROUNDS);
// Make sure each adjudication round phase duration is valid
for (uint i = 0; i < _roundStateDurations.length; i++) {
require(_roundStateDurations[i] > 0 && _roundStateDurations[i] < MAX_ADJ_STATE_DURATION, ERROR_LARGE_ROUND_PHASE_DURATION);
// Make sure min active balance is not zero
require(_minActiveBalance > 0, ERROR_ZERO_MIN_ACTIVE_BALANCE);
// If there was a config change already scheduled, reset it (in that case we will overwrite last array item).
// Otherwise, schedule a new config.
if (configChangeTermId > _termId) {
configIdByTerm[configChangeTermId] = 0;
} else {
uint64 courtConfigId = uint64(configs.length - 1);
Config storage config = configs[courtConfigId];
config.fees = FeesConfig({
token: _feeToken,
jurorFee: _fees[0],
draftFee: _fees[1],
settleFee: _fees[2],
finalRoundReduction: _pcts[1]
config.disputes = DisputesConfig({
evidenceTerms: _roundStateDurations[0],
commitTerms: _roundStateDurations[1],
revealTerms: _roundStateDurations[2],
appealTerms: _roundStateDurations[3],
appealConfirmTerms: _roundStateDurations[4],
penaltyPct: _pcts[0],
firstRoundJurorsNumber: _roundParams[0],
appealStepFactor: _roundParams[1],
maxRegularAppealRounds: _maxRegularAppealRounds,
finalRoundLockTerms: _roundParams[3],
appealCollateralFactor: _appealCollateralParams[0],
appealConfirmCollateralFactor: _appealCollateralParams[1]
config.minActiveBalance = _minActiveBalance;
configIdByTerm[_fromTermId] = courtConfigId;
configChangeTermId = _fromTermId;
emit NewConfig(_fromTermId, courtConfigId);
* @dev Internal function to get the Court config for a given term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the Court config of
* @param _lastEnsuredTermId Identification number of the last ensured term of the Court
* @return token Address of the token used to pay for fees
* @return fees Array containing:
* 0. jurorFee Amount of fee tokens that is paid per juror per dispute
* 1. draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* 2. settleFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover round settlement cost
* @return roundStateDurations Array containing the durations in terms of the different phases of a dispute:
* 0. evidenceTerms Max submitting evidence period duration in terms
* 1. commitTerms Commit period duration in terms
* 2. revealTerms Reveal period duration in terms
* 3. appealTerms Appeal period duration in terms
* 4. appealConfirmationTerms Appeal confirmation period duration in terms
* @return pcts Array containing:
* 0. penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
* 1. finalRoundReduction Permyriad of fee reduction for the last appeal round (‱ - 1/10,000)
* @return roundParams Array containing params for rounds:
* 0. firstRoundJurorsNumber Number of jurors to be drafted for the first round of disputes
* 1. appealStepFactor Increasing factor for the number of jurors of each round of a dispute
* 2. maxRegularAppealRounds Number of regular appeal rounds before the final round is triggered
* 3. finalRoundLockTerms Number of terms that a coherent juror in a final round is disallowed to withdraw (to prevent 51% attacks)
* @return appealCollateralParams Array containing params for appeal collateral:
* 0. appealCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to appeal a preliminary ruling
* 1. appealConfirmCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to confirm appeal
* @return minActiveBalance Minimum amount of juror tokens that can be activated
function _getConfigAt(uint64 _termId, uint64 _lastEnsuredTermId) internal view
returns (
ERC20 feeToken,
uint256[3] memory fees,
uint64[5] memory roundStateDurations,
uint16[2] memory pcts,
uint64[4] memory roundParams,
uint256[2] memory appealCollateralParams,
uint256 minActiveBalance
Config storage config = _getConfigFor(_termId, _lastEnsuredTermId);
FeesConfig storage feesConfig = config.fees;
feeToken = feesConfig.token;
fees = [feesConfig.jurorFee, feesConfig.draftFee, feesConfig.settleFee];
DisputesConfig storage disputesConfig = config.disputes;
roundStateDurations = [
pcts = [disputesConfig.penaltyPct, feesConfig.finalRoundReduction];
roundParams = [
appealCollateralParams = [disputesConfig.appealCollateralFactor, disputesConfig.appealConfirmCollateralFactor];
minActiveBalance = config.minActiveBalance;
* @dev Tell the draft config at a certain term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the draft config of
* @param _lastEnsuredTermId Identification number of the last ensured term of the Court
* @return feeToken Address of the token used to pay for fees
* @return draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* @return penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
function _getDraftConfig(uint64 _termId, uint64 _lastEnsuredTermId) internal view
returns (ERC20 feeToken, uint256 draftFee, uint16 penaltyPct)
Config storage config = _getConfigFor(_termId, _lastEnsuredTermId);
return (config.fees.token, config.fees.draftFee, config.disputes.penaltyPct);
* @dev Internal function to get the min active balance config for a given term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the min active balance config of
* @param _lastEnsuredTermId Identification number of the last ensured term of the Court
* @return Minimum amount of juror tokens that can be activated at the given term
function _getMinActiveBalance(uint64 _termId, uint64 _lastEnsuredTermId) internal view returns (uint256) {
Config storage config = _getConfigFor(_termId, _lastEnsuredTermId);
return config.minActiveBalance;
* @dev Internal function to get the Court config for a given term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the min active balance config of
* @param _lastEnsuredTermId Identification number of the last ensured term of the Court
* @return Court config for the given term
function _getConfigFor(uint64 _termId, uint64 _lastEnsuredTermId) internal view returns (Config storage) {
uint256 id = _getConfigIdFor(_termId, _lastEnsuredTermId);
return configs[id];
* @dev Internal function to get the Court config ID for a given term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the Court config of
* @param _lastEnsuredTermId Identification number of the last ensured term of the Court
* @return Identification number of the config for the given terms
function _getConfigIdFor(uint64 _termId, uint64 _lastEnsuredTermId) internal view returns (uint256) {
// If the given term is lower or equal to the last ensured Court term, it is safe to use a past Court config
if (_termId <= _lastEnsuredTermId) {
return configIdByTerm[_termId];
// If the given term is in the future but there is a config change scheduled before it, use the incoming config
uint64 scheduledChangeTermId = configChangeTermId;
if (scheduledChangeTermId <= _termId) {
return configIdByTerm[scheduledChangeTermId];
// If no changes are scheduled, use the Court config of the last ensured term
return configIdByTerm[_lastEnsuredTermId];
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/lib/os/IsContract.sol
// Brought from https://github.com/aragon/aragonOS/blob/v4.3.0/contracts/common/IsContract.sol
// Adapted to use pragma ^0.5.8 and satisfy our linter rules
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
contract IsContract {
* NOTE: this should NEVER be used for authentication
* (see pitfalls: https://github.com/fergarrui/ethereum-security/tree/master/contracts/extcodesize).
* This is only intended to be used as a sanity check that an address is actually a contract,
* RATHER THAN an address not being a contract.
function isContract(address _target) internal view returns (bool) {
if (_target == address(0)) {
return false;
uint256 size;
assembly { size := extcodesize(_target) }
return size > 0;
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/court/controller/Controller.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
contract Controller is IsContract, CourtClock, CourtConfig {
address private constant ZERO_ADDRESS = address(0);
// DisputeManager module ID - keccak256(abi.encodePacked("DISPUTE_MANAGER"))
bytes32 internal constant DISPUTE_MANAGER = 0x14a6c70f0f6d449c014c7bbc9e68e31e79e8474fb03b7194df83109a2d888ae6;
// Treasury module ID - keccak256(abi.encodePacked("TREASURY"))
bytes32 internal constant TREASURY = 0x06aa03964db1f7257357ef09714a5f0ca3633723df419e97015e0c7a3e83edb7;
// Voting module ID - keccak256(abi.encodePacked("VOTING"))
bytes32 internal constant VOTING = 0x7cbb12e82a6d63ff16fe43977f43e3e2b247ecd4e62c0e340da8800a48c67346;
// JurorsRegistry module ID - keccak256(abi.encodePacked("JURORS_REGISTRY"))
bytes32 internal constant JURORS_REGISTRY = 0x3b21d36b36308c830e6c4053fb40a3b6d79dde78947fbf6b0accd30720ab5370;
// Subscriptions module ID - keccak256(abi.encodePacked("SUBSCRIPTIONS"))
bytes32 internal constant SUBSCRIPTIONS = 0x2bfa3327fe52344390da94c32a346eeb1b65a8b583e4335a419b9471e88c1365;
* @dev Governor of the whole system. Set of three addresses to recover funds, change configuration settings and setup modules
struct Governor {
address funds; // This address can be unset at any time. It is allowed to recover funds from the ControlledRecoverable modules
address config; // This address is meant not to be unset. It is allowed to change the different configurations of the whole system
address modules; // This address can be unset at any time. It is allowed to plug/unplug modules from the system
// Governor addresses of the system
Governor private governor;
// List of modules registered for the system indexed by ID
mapping (bytes32 => address) internal modules;
event ModuleSet(bytes32 id, address addr);
event FundsGovernorChanged(address previousGovernor, address currentGovernor);
event ConfigGovernorChanged(address previousGovernor, address currentGovernor);
event ModulesGovernorChanged(address previousGovernor, address currentGovernor);
* @dev Ensure the msg.sender is the funds governor
modifier onlyFundsGovernor {
require(msg.sender == governor.funds, ERROR_SENDER_NOT_GOVERNOR);
* @dev Ensure the msg.sender is the modules governor
modifier onlyConfigGovernor {
require(msg.sender == governor.config, ERROR_SENDER_NOT_GOVERNOR);
* @dev Ensure the msg.sender is the modules governor
modifier onlyModulesGovernor {
require(msg.sender == governor.modules, ERROR_SENDER_NOT_GOVERNOR);
* @dev Constructor function
* @param _termParams Array containing:
* 0. _termDuration Duration in seconds per term
* 1. _firstTermStartTime Timestamp in seconds when the court will open (to give time for juror on-boarding)
* @param _governors Array containing:
* 0. _fundsGovernor Address of the funds governor
* 1. _configGovernor Address of the config governor
* 2. _modulesGovernor Address of the modules governor
* @param _feeToken Address of the token contract that is used to pay for fees
* @param _fees Array containing:
* 0. jurorFee Amount of fee tokens that is paid per juror per dispute
* 1. draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* 2. settleFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover round settlement cost
* @param _roundStateDurations Array containing the durations in terms of the different phases of a dispute:
* 0. evidenceTerms Max submitting evidence period duration in terms
* 1. commitTerms Commit period duration in terms
* 2. revealTerms Reveal period duration in terms
* 3. appealTerms Appeal period duration in terms
* 4. appealConfirmationTerms Appeal confirmation period duration in terms
* @param _pcts Array containing:
* 0. penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked to each drafted jurors (‱ - 1/10,000)
* 1. finalRoundReduction Permyriad of fee reduction for the last appeal round (‱ - 1/10,000)
* @param _roundParams Array containing params for rounds:
* 0. firstRoundJurorsNumber Number of jurors to be drafted for the first round of disputes
* 1. appealStepFactor Increasing factor for the number of jurors of each round of a dispute
* 2. maxRegularAppealRounds Number of regular appeal rounds before the final round is triggered
* 3. finalRoundLockTerms Number of terms that a coherent juror in a final round is disallowed to withdraw (to prevent 51% attacks)
* @param _appealCollateralParams Array containing params for appeal collateral:
* 1. appealCollateralFactor Permyriad multiple of dispute fees required to appeal a preliminary ruling
* 2. appealConfirmCollateralFactor Permyriad multiple of dispute fees required to confirm appeal
* @param _minActiveBalance Minimum amount of juror tokens that can be activated
uint64[2] memory _termParams,
address[3] memory _governors,
ERC20 _feeToken,
uint256[3] memory _fees,
uint64[5] memory _roundStateDurations,
uint16[2] memory _pcts,
uint64[4] memory _roundParams,
uint256[2] memory _appealCollateralParams,
uint256 _minActiveBalance
CourtConfig(_feeToken, _fees, _roundStateDurations, _pcts, _roundParams, _appealCollateralParams, _minActiveBalance)
* @notice Change Court configuration params
* @param _fromTermId Identification number of the term in which the config will be effective at
* @param _feeToken Address of the token contract that is used to pay for fees
* @param _fees Array containing:
* 0. jurorFee Amount of fee tokens that is paid per juror per dispute
* 1. draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* 2. settleFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover round settlement cost
* @param _roundStateDurations Array containing the durations in terms of the different phases of a dispute:
* 0. evidenceTerms Max submitting evidence period duration in terms
* 1. commitTerms Commit period duration in terms
* 2. revealTerms Reveal period duration in terms
* 3. appealTerms Appeal period duration in terms
* 4. appealConfirmationTerms Appeal confirmation period duration in terms
* @param _pcts Array containing:
* 0. penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked to each drafted jurors (‱ - 1/10,000)
* 1. finalRoundReduction Permyriad of fee reduction for the last appeal round (‱ - 1/10,000)
* @param _roundParams Array containing params for rounds:
* 0. firstRoundJurorsNumber Number of jurors to be drafted for the first round of disputes
* 1. appealStepFactor Increasing factor for the number of jurors of each round of a dispute
* 2. maxRegularAppealRounds Number of regular appeal rounds before the final round is triggered
* 3. finalRoundLockTerms Number of terms that a coherent juror in a final round is disallowed to withdraw (to prevent 51% attacks)
* @param _appealCollateralParams Array containing params for appeal collateral:
* 1. appealCollateralFactor Permyriad multiple of dispute fees required to appeal a preliminary ruling
* 2. appealConfirmCollateralFactor Permyriad multiple of dispute fees required to confirm appeal
* @param _minActiveBalance Minimum amount of juror tokens that can be activated
function setConfig(
uint64 _fromTermId,
ERC20 _feeToken,
uint256[3] calldata _fees,
uint64[5] calldata _roundStateDurations,
uint16[2] calldata _pcts,
uint64[4] calldata _roundParams,
uint256[2] calldata _appealCollateralParams,
uint256 _minActiveBalance
uint64 currentTermId = _ensureCurrentTerm();
* @notice Delay the Court start time to `_newFirstTermStartTime`
* @param _newFirstTermStartTime New timestamp in seconds when the court will open
function delayStartTime(uint64 _newFirstTermStartTime) external onlyConfigGovernor {
* @notice Change funds governor address to `_newFundsGovernor`
* @param _newFundsGovernor Address of the new funds governor to be set
function changeFundsGovernor(address _newFundsGovernor) external onlyFundsGovernor {
* @notice Change config governor address to `_newConfigGovernor`
* @param _newConfigGovernor Address of the new config governor to be set
function changeConfigGovernor(address _newConfigGovernor) external onlyConfigGovernor {
* @notice Change modules governor address to `_newModulesGovernor`
* @param _newModulesGovernor Address of the new governor to be set
function changeModulesGovernor(address _newModulesGovernor) external onlyModulesGovernor {
* @notice Remove the funds governor. Set the funds governor to the zero address.
* @dev This action cannot be rolled back, once the funds governor has been unset, funds cannot be recovered from recoverable modules anymore
function ejectFundsGovernor() external onlyFundsGovernor {
* @notice Remove the modules governor. Set the modules governor to the zero address.
* @dev This action cannot be rolled back, once the modules governor has been unset, system modules cannot be changed anymore
function ejectModulesGovernor() external onlyModulesGovernor {
* @notice Set module `_id` to `_addr`
* @param _id ID of the module to be set
* @param _addr Address of the module to be set
function setModule(bytes32 _id, address _addr) external onlyModulesGovernor {
_setModule(_id, _addr);
* @notice Set many modules at once
* @param _ids List of ids of each module to be set
* @param _addresses List of addressed of each the module to be set
function setModules(bytes32[] calldata _ids, address[] calldata _addresses) external onlyModulesGovernor {
require(_ids.length == _addresses.length, ERROR_INVALID_IMPLS_INPUT_LENGTH);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _ids.length; i++) {
_setModule(_ids[i], _addresses[i]);
* @dev Tell the full Court configuration parameters at a certain term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the Court config of
* @return token Address of the token used to pay for fees
* @return fees Array containing:
* 0. jurorFee Amount of fee tokens that is paid per juror per dispute
* 1. draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* 2. settleFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover round settlement cost
* @return roundStateDurations Array containing the durations in terms of the different phases of a dispute:
* 0. evidenceTerms Max submitting evidence period duration in terms
* 1. commitTerms Commit period duration in terms
* 2. revealTerms Reveal period duration in terms
* 3. appealTerms Appeal period duration in terms
* 4. appealConfirmationTerms Appeal confirmation period duration in terms
* @return pcts Array containing:
* 0. penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
* 1. finalRoundReduction Permyriad of fee reduction for the last appeal round (‱ - 1/10,000)
* @return roundParams Array containing params for rounds:
* 0. firstRoundJurorsNumber Number of jurors to be drafted for the first round of disputes
* 1. appealStepFactor Increasing factor for the number of jurors of each round of a dispute
* 2. maxRegularAppealRounds Number of regular appeal rounds before the final round is triggered
* 3. finalRoundLockTerms Number of terms that a coherent juror in a final round is disallowed to withdraw (to prevent 51% attacks)
* @return appealCollateralParams Array containing params for appeal collateral:
* 0. appealCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to appeal a preliminary ruling
* 1. appealConfirmCollateralFactor Multiple of dispute fees required to confirm appeal
function getConfig(uint64 _termId) external view
returns (
ERC20 feeToken,
uint256[3] memory fees,
uint64[5] memory roundStateDurations,
uint16[2] memory pcts,
uint64[4] memory roundParams,
uint256[2] memory appealCollateralParams,
uint256 minActiveBalance
uint64 lastEnsuredTermId = _lastEnsuredTermId();
return _getConfigAt(_termId, lastEnsuredTermId);
* @dev Tell the draft config at a certain term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the draft config of
* @return feeToken Address of the token used to pay for fees
* @return draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* @return penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked for each drafted juror (‱ - 1/10,000)
function getDraftConfig(uint64 _termId) external view returns (ERC20 feeToken, uint256 draftFee, uint16 penaltyPct) {
uint64 lastEnsuredTermId = _lastEnsuredTermId();
return _getDraftConfig(_termId, lastEnsuredTermId);
* @dev Tell the min active balance config at a certain term
* @param _termId Identification number of the term querying the min active balance config of
* @return Minimum amount of tokens jurors have to activate to participate in the Court
function getMinActiveBalance(uint64 _termId) external view returns (uint256) {
uint64 lastEnsuredTermId = _lastEnsuredTermId();
return _getMinActiveBalance(_termId, lastEnsuredTermId);
* @dev Tell the address of the funds governor
* @return Address of the funds governor
function getFundsGovernor() external view returns (address) {
return governor.funds;
* @dev Tell the address of the config governor
* @return Address of the config governor
function getConfigGovernor() external view returns (address) {
return governor.config;
* @dev Tell the address of the modules governor
* @return Address of the modules governor
function getModulesGovernor() external view returns (address) {
return governor.modules;
* @dev Tell address of a module based on a given ID
* @param _id ID of the module being queried
* @return Address of the requested module
function getModule(bytes32 _id) external view returns (address) {
return _getModule(_id);
* @dev Tell the address of the DisputeManager module
* @return Address of the DisputeManager module
function getDisputeManager() external view returns (address) {
return _getDisputeManager();
* @dev Tell the address of the Treasury module
* @return Address of the Treasury module
function getTreasury() external view returns (address) {
return _getModule(TREASURY);
* @dev Tell the address of the Voting module
* @return Address of the Voting module
function getVoting() external view returns (address) {
return _getModule(VOTING);
* @dev Tell the address of the JurorsRegistry module
* @return Address of the JurorsRegistry module
function getJurorsRegistry() external view returns (address) {
return _getModule(JURORS_REGISTRY);
* @dev Tell the address of the Subscriptions module
* @return Address of the Subscriptions module
function getSubscriptions() external view returns (address) {
return _getSubscriptions();
* @dev Internal function to set the address of the funds governor
* @param _newFundsGovernor Address of the new config governor to be set
function _setFundsGovernor(address _newFundsGovernor) internal {
emit FundsGovernorChanged(governor.funds, _newFundsGovernor);
governor.funds = _newFundsGovernor;
* @dev Internal function to set the address of the config governor
* @param _newConfigGovernor Address of the new config governor to be set
function _setConfigGovernor(address _newConfigGovernor) internal {
emit ConfigGovernorChanged(governor.config, _newConfigGovernor);
governor.config = _newConfigGovernor;
* @dev Internal function to set the address of the modules governor
* @param _newModulesGovernor Address of the new modules governor to be set
function _setModulesGovernor(address _newModulesGovernor) internal {
emit ModulesGovernorChanged(governor.modules, _newModulesGovernor);
governor.modules = _newModulesGovernor;
* @dev Internal function to set a module
* @param _id Id of the module to be set
* @param _addr Address of the module to be set
function _setModule(bytes32 _id, address _addr) internal {
require(isContract(_addr), ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION_NOT_CONTRACT);
modules[_id] = _addr;
emit ModuleSet(_id, _addr);
* @dev Internal function to notify when a term has been transitioned
* @param _termId Identification number of the new current term that has been transitioned
function _onTermTransitioned(uint64 _termId) internal {
* @dev Internal function to tell the address of the DisputeManager module
* @return Address of the DisputeManager module
function _getDisputeManager() internal view returns (address) {
return _getModule(DISPUTE_MANAGER);
* @dev Internal function to tell the address of the Subscriptions module
* @return Address of the Subscriptions module
function _getSubscriptions() internal view returns (address) {
return _getModule(SUBSCRIPTIONS);
* @dev Internal function to tell address of a module based on a given ID
* @param _id ID of the module being queried
* @return Address of the requested module
function _getModule(bytes32 _id) internal view returns (address) {
return modules[_id];
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/arbitration/IArbitrator.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
interface IArbitrator {
* @dev Create a dispute over the Arbitrable sender with a number of possible rulings
* @param _possibleRulings Number of possible rulings allowed for the dispute
* @param _metadata Optional metadata that can be used to provide additional information on the dispute to be created
* @return Dispute identification number
function createDispute(uint256 _possibleRulings, bytes calldata _metadata) external returns (uint256);
* @dev Close the evidence period of a dispute
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to close its evidence submitting period
function closeEvidencePeriod(uint256 _disputeId) external;
* @dev Execute the Arbitrable associated to a dispute based on its final ruling
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to be executed
function executeRuling(uint256 _disputeId) external;
* @dev Tell the dispute fees information to create a dispute
* @return recipient Address where the corresponding dispute fees must be transferred to
* @return feeToken ERC20 token used for the fees
* @return feeAmount Total amount of fees that must be allowed to the recipient
function getDisputeFees() external view returns (address recipient, ERC20 feeToken, uint256 feeAmount);
* @dev Tell the subscription fees information for a subscriber to be up-to-date
* @param _subscriber Address of the account paying the subscription fees for
* @return recipient Address where the corresponding subscriptions fees must be transferred to
* @return feeToken ERC20 token used for the subscription fees
* @return feeAmount Total amount of fees that must be allowed to the recipient
function getSubscriptionFees(address _subscriber) external view returns (address recipient, ERC20 feeToken, uint256 feeAmount);
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/standards/ERC165.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
interface ERC165 {
* @dev Query if a contract implements a certain interface
* @param _interfaceId The interface identifier being queried, as specified in ERC-165
* @return True if the contract implements the requested interface and if its not 0xffffffff, false otherwise
function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceId) external pure returns (bool);
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/arbitration/IArbitrable.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
contract IArbitrable is ERC165 {
bytes4 internal constant ERC165_INTERFACE_ID = bytes4(0x01ffc9a7);
bytes4 internal constant ARBITRABLE_INTERFACE_ID = bytes4(0x88f3ee69);
* @dev Emitted when an IArbitrable instance's dispute is ruled by an IArbitrator
* @param arbitrator IArbitrator instance ruling the dispute
* @param disputeId Identification number of the dispute being ruled by the arbitrator
* @param ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator
event Ruled(IArbitrator indexed arbitrator, uint256 indexed disputeId, uint256 ruling);
* @dev Emitted when new evidence is submitted for the IArbitrable instance's dispute
* @param disputeId Identification number of the dispute receiving new evidence
* @param submitter Address of the account submitting the evidence
* @param evidence Data submitted for the evidence of the dispute
* @param finished Whether or not the submitter has finished submitting evidence
event EvidenceSubmitted(uint256 indexed disputeId, address indexed submitter, bytes evidence, bool finished);
* @dev Submit evidence for a dispute
* @param _disputeId Id of the dispute in the Court
* @param _evidence Data submitted for the evidence related to the dispute
* @param _finished Whether or not the submitter has finished submitting evidence
function submitEvidence(uint256 _disputeId, bytes calldata _evidence, bool _finished) external;
* @dev Give a ruling for a certain dispute, the account calling it must have rights to rule on the contract
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to be ruled
* @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator, where 0 is reserved for "refused to make a decision"
function rule(uint256 _disputeId, uint256 _ruling) external;
* @dev ERC165 - Query if a contract implements a certain interface
* @param _interfaceId The interface identifier being queried, as specified in ERC-165
* @return True if this contract supports the given interface, false otherwise
function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceId) external pure returns (bool) {
return _interfaceId == ARBITRABLE_INTERFACE_ID || _interfaceId == ERC165_INTERFACE_ID;
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/disputes/IDisputeManager.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
interface IDisputeManager {
enum DisputeState {
enum AdjudicationState {
* @dev Create a dispute to be drafted in a future term
* @param _subject Arbitrable instance creating the dispute
* @param _possibleRulings Number of possible rulings allowed for the drafted jurors to vote on the dispute
* @param _metadata Optional metadata that can be used to provide additional information on the dispute to be created
* @return Dispute identification number
function createDispute(IArbitrable _subject, uint8 _possibleRulings, bytes calldata _metadata) external returns (uint256);
* @dev Close the evidence period of a dispute
* @param _subject IArbitrable instance requesting to close the evidence submission period
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to close its evidence submitting period
function closeEvidencePeriod(IArbitrable _subject, uint256 _disputeId) external;
* @dev Draft jurors for the next round of a dispute
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to be drafted
function draft(uint256 _disputeId) external;
* @dev Appeal round of a dispute in favor of a certain ruling
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute being appealed
* @param _roundId Identification number of the dispute round being appealed
* @param _ruling Ruling appealing a dispute round in favor of
function createAppeal(uint256 _disputeId, uint256 _roundId, uint8 _ruling) external;
* @dev Confirm appeal for a round of a dispute in favor of a ruling
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute confirming an appeal of
* @param _roundId Identification number of the dispute round confirming an appeal of
* @param _ruling Ruling being confirmed against a dispute round appeal
function confirmAppeal(uint256 _disputeId, uint256 _roundId, uint8 _ruling) external;
* @dev Compute the final ruling for a dispute
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to compute its final ruling
* @return subject Arbitrable instance associated to the dispute
* @return finalRuling Final ruling decided for the given dispute
function computeRuling(uint256 _disputeId) external returns (IArbitrable subject, uint8 finalRuling);
* @dev Settle penalties for a round of a dispute
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to settle penalties for
* @param _roundId Identification number of the dispute round to settle penalties for
* @param _jurorsToSettle Maximum number of jurors to be slashed in this call
function settlePenalties(uint256 _disputeId, uint256 _roundId, uint256 _jurorsToSettle) external;
* @dev Claim rewards for a round of a dispute for juror
* @dev For regular rounds, it will only reward winning jurors
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to settle rewards for
* @param _roundId Identification number of the dispute round to settle rewards for
* @param _juror Address of the juror to settle their rewards
function settleReward(uint256 _disputeId, uint256 _roundId, address _juror) external;
* @dev Settle appeal deposits for a round of a dispute
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to settle appeal deposits for
* @param _roundId Identification number of the dispute round to settle appeal deposits for
function settleAppealDeposit(uint256 _disputeId, uint256 _roundId) external;
* @dev Tell the amount of token fees required to create a dispute
* @return feeToken ERC20 token used for the fees
* @return feeAmount Total amount of fees to be paid for a dispute at the given term
function getDisputeFees() external view returns (ERC20 feeToken, uint256 feeAmount);
* @dev Tell information of a certain dispute
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute being queried
* @return subject Arbitrable subject being disputed
* @return possibleRulings Number of possible rulings allowed for the drafted jurors to vote on the dispute
* @return state Current state of the dispute being queried: pre-draft, adjudicating, or ruled
* @return finalRuling The winning ruling in case the dispute is finished
* @return lastRoundId Identification number of the last round created for the dispute
* @return createTermId Identification number of the term when the dispute was created
function getDispute(uint256 _disputeId) external view
returns (IArbitrable subject, uint8 possibleRulings, DisputeState state, uint8 finalRuling, uint256 lastRoundId, uint64 createTermId);
* @dev Tell information of a certain adjudication round
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute being queried
* @param _roundId Identification number of the round being queried
* @return draftTerm Term from which the requested round can be drafted
* @return delayedTerms Number of terms the given round was delayed based on its requested draft term id
* @return jurorsNumber Number of jurors requested for the round
* @return selectedJurors Number of jurors already selected for the requested round
* @return settledPenalties Whether or not penalties have been settled for the requested round
* @return collectedTokens Amount of juror tokens that were collected from slashed jurors for the requested round
* @return coherentJurors Number of jurors that voted in favor of the final ruling in the requested round
* @return state Adjudication state of the requested round
function getRound(uint256 _disputeId, uint256 _roundId) external view
returns (
uint64 draftTerm,
uint64 delayedTerms,
uint64 jurorsNumber,
uint64 selectedJurors,
uint256 jurorFees,
bool settledPenalties,
uint256 collectedTokens,
uint64 coherentJurors,
AdjudicationState state
* @dev Tell appeal-related information of a certain adjudication round
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute being queried
* @param _roundId Identification number of the round being queried
* @return maker Address of the account appealing the given round
* @return appealedRuling Ruling confirmed by the appealer of the given round
* @return taker Address of the account confirming the appeal of the given round
* @return opposedRuling Ruling confirmed by the appeal taker of the given round
function getAppeal(uint256 _disputeId, uint256 _roundId) external view
returns (address maker, uint64 appealedRuling, address taker, uint64 opposedRuling);
* @dev Tell information related to the next round due to an appeal of a certain round given.
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute being queried
* @param _roundId Identification number of the round requesting the appeal details of
* @return nextRoundStartTerm Term ID from which the next round will start
* @return nextRoundJurorsNumber Jurors number for the next round
* @return newDisputeState New state for the dispute associated to the given round after the appeal
* @return feeToken ERC20 token used for the next round fees
* @return jurorFees Total amount of fees to be distributed between the winning jurors of the next round
* @return totalFees Total amount of fees for a regular round at the given term
* @return appealDeposit Amount to be deposit of fees for a regular round at the given term
* @return confirmAppealDeposit Total amount of fees for a regular round at the given term
function getNextRoundDetails(uint256 _disputeId, uint256 _roundId) external view
returns (
uint64 nextRoundStartTerm,
uint64 nextRoundJurorsNumber,
DisputeState newDisputeState,
ERC20 feeToken,
uint256 totalFees,
uint256 jurorFees,
uint256 appealDeposit,
uint256 confirmAppealDeposit
* @dev Tell juror-related information of a certain adjudication round
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute being queried
* @param _roundId Identification number of the round being queried
* @param _juror Address of the juror being queried
* @return weight Juror weight drafted for the requested round
* @return rewarded Whether or not the given juror was rewarded based on the requested round
function getJuror(uint256 _disputeId, uint256 _roundId, address _juror) external view returns (uint64 weight, bool rewarded);
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/subscriptions/ISubscriptions.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
interface ISubscriptions {
* @dev Tell whether a certain subscriber has paid all the fees up to current period or not
* @param _subscriber Address of subscriber being checked
* @return True if subscriber has paid all the fees up to current period, false otherwise
function isUpToDate(address _subscriber) external view returns (bool);
* @dev Tell the minimum amount of fees to pay and resulting last paid period for a given subscriber in order to be up-to-date
* @param _subscriber Address of the subscriber willing to pay
* @return feeToken ERC20 token used for the subscription fees
* @return amountToPay Amount of subscription fee tokens to be paid
* @return newLastPeriodId Identification number of the resulting last paid period
function getOwedFeesDetails(address _subscriber) external view returns (ERC20, uint256, uint256);
// File: ../../aragon-court/contracts/court/AragonCourt.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
contract AragonCourt is Controller, IArbitrator {
using Uint256Helpers for uint256;
// Arbitrable interface ID based on ERC-165
bytes4 private constant ARBITRABLE_INTERFACE_ID = bytes4(0x88f3ee69);
* @dev Constructor function
* @param _termParams Array containing:
* 0. _termDuration Duration in seconds per term
* 1. _firstTermStartTime Timestamp in seconds when the court will open (to give time for juror on-boarding)
* @param _governors Array containing:
* 0. _fundsGovernor Address of the funds governor
* 1. _configGovernor Address of the config governor
* 2. _modulesGovernor Address of the modules governor
* @param _feeToken Address of the token contract that is used to pay for fees
* @param _fees Array containing:
* 0. jurorFee Amount of fee tokens that is paid per juror per dispute
* 1. draftFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover the drafting cost
* 2. settleFee Amount of fee tokens per juror to cover round settlement cost
* @param _roundStateDurations Array containing the durations in terms of the different phases of a dispute:
* 0. evidenceTerms Max submitting evidence period duration in terms
* 1. commitTerms Commit period duration in terms
* 2. revealTerms Reveal period duration in terms
* 3. appealTerms Appeal period duration in terms
* 4. appealConfirmationTerms Appeal confirmation period duration in terms
* @param _pcts Array containing:
* 0. penaltyPct Permyriad of min active tokens balance to be locked to each drafted jurors (‱ - 1/10,000)
* 1. finalRoundReduction Permyriad of fee reduction for the last appeal round (‱ - 1/10,000)
* @param _roundParams Array containing params for rounds:
* 0. firstRoundJurorsNumber Number of jurors to be drafted for the first round of disputes
* 1. appealStepFactor Increasing factor for the number of jurors of each round of a dispute
* 2. maxRegularAppealRounds Number of regular appeal rounds before the final round is triggered
* 3. finalRoundLockTerms Number of terms that a coherent juror in a final round is disallowed to withdraw (to prevent 51% attacks)
* @param _appealCollateralParams Array containing params for appeal collateral:
* 1. appealCollateralFactor Permyriad multiple of dispute fees required to appeal a preliminary ruling
* 2. appealConfirmCollateralFactor Permyriad multiple of dispute fees required to confirm appeal
* @param _minActiveBalance Minimum amount of juror tokens that can be activated
uint64[2] memory _termParams,
address[3] memory _governors,
ERC20 _feeToken,
uint256[3] memory _fees,
uint64[5] memory _roundStateDurations,
uint16[2] memory _pcts,
uint64[4] memory _roundParams,
uint256[2] memory _appealCollateralParams,
uint256 _minActiveBalance
// solium-disable-previous-line no-empty-blocks
* @notice Create a dispute with `_possibleRulings` possible rulings
* @param _possibleRulings Number of possible rulings allowed for the drafted jurors to vote on the dispute
* @param _metadata Optional metadata that can be used to provide additional information on the dispute to be created
* @return Dispute identification number
function createDispute(uint256 _possibleRulings, bytes calldata _metadata) external returns (uint256) {
IArbitrable subject = IArbitrable(msg.sender);
ISubscriptions subscriptions = ISubscriptions(_getSubscriptions());
require(subscriptions.isUpToDate(address(subject)), ERROR_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_PAID);
IDisputeManager disputeManager = IDisputeManager(_getDisputeManager());
return disputeManager.createDispute(subject, _possibleRulings.toUint8(), _metadata);
* @notice Close the evidence period of dispute #`_disputeId`
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to close its evidence submitting period
function closeEvidencePeriod(uint256 _disputeId) external {
IArbitrable subject = IArbitrable(msg.sender);
IDisputeManager disputeManager = IDisputeManager(_getDisputeManager());
disputeManager.closeEvidencePeriod(subject, _disputeId);
* @notice Execute the Arbitrable associated to dispute #`_disputeId` based on its final ruling
* @param _disputeId Identification number of the dispute to be executed
function executeRuling(uint256 _disputeId) external {
IDisputeManager disputeManager = IDisputeManager(_getDisputeManager());
(IArbitrable subject, uint8 ruling) = disputeManager.computeRuling(_disputeId);
subject.rule(_disputeId, uint256(ruling));
* @dev Tell the dispute fees information to create a dispute
* @return recipient Address where the corresponding dispute fees must be transferred to
* @return feeToken ERC20 token used for the fees
* @return feeAmount Total amount of fees that must be allowed to the recipient
function getDisputeFees() external view returns (address recipient, ERC20 feeToken, uint256 feeAmount) {
recipient = _getDisputeManager();
IDisputeManager disputeManager = IDisputeManager(recipient);
(feeToken, feeAmount) = disputeManager.getDisputeFees();
* @dev Tell the subscription fees information for a subscriber to be up-to-date
* @param _subscriber Address of the account paying the subscription fees for
* @return recipient Address where the corresponding subscriptions fees must be transferred to
* @return feeToken ERC20 token used for the subscription fees
* @return feeAmount Total amount of fees that must be allowed to the recipient
function getSubscriptionFees(address _subscriber) external view returns (address recipient, ERC20 feeToken, uint256 feeAmount) {
recipient = _getSubscriptions();
ISubscriptions subscriptions = ISubscriptions(recipient);
(feeToken, feeAmount,) = subscriptions.getOwedFeesDetails(_subscriber);
"compilationTarget": {
"AragonCourt.sol": "AragonCourt"
"evmVersion": "petersburg",
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 5000
"remappings": []