Anxiously waiting in the frigid winter air, the anticipation grew as Yosemite was brewing up conditions even Ansel Adams would've dreamt of. A blizzard through the night blanketed the landscape in a thick layer of fresh snow. Fog filled the glacially carved valley as if it were a stage with the curtains closed to hide the splendor that laid beyond my gaze. Slowly, as the fog lifted from the snow covered valley, Yosemite revealed herself behind her stormy vail. The monolithic El Capitan loomed over the winter wonderland like a granite guardian. Half Dome peered through her shrouded cover like a majestic masterpiece whom only the most dedicated of souls were allowed to view on this day.
I had pursued moments like this for years on end to no avail. Thankfully, the conditions aligned beyond perfection to create 'Shrouded'. A timeless image that will forever be one of the most prized experiences of my life.
Shot in Yosemite Valley, CA in February 2021.