I use this piece to represent an Octave I wrote, which highlights the recurring pattern in Nigeria's political system;
“For every try, a strange surprise,
Deja vu, a twisted guise.
Each leap, a loop, an endless game,
The puzzle twists, it is all the same.
Is it real or just a dream?
A conundrum, it may seem.
Round and round, mind in flux,
Caught in a loop, a puzzling crux.”
The poem describes a feeling of being stuck in a repetitive cycle or pattern, and feeling confused or unsure about what is real or just an illusion and this can be seen in the Nigeria political system since independence in 1960.
Nigeria has been grappling with political instability and unrest for decades and every attempt at breaking out always result in the same endless game, each leap, a loop, an endless game…” This problem cannot be ignored due to its implications for the country, the region, human rights, and international perceptions of Nigeria. It is crucial to analyze the reasons for this cycle's persistence and find ways to break it to improve the lives of Nigerians and promote stability and development in the region.