In feudal Japan, the Krucius curse was feared, cast by a demon with a Hannya face, symbolizing jealousy and revenge. This demon dwelled in forests and mountains, transformed into a malevolent creature after being betrayed by a lover. The Krucius targeted those who committed treacheries or cruelties, bringing them horrific visions and endless misfortune.
Villagers attempted to appease the demon with rituals and offerings, and Shinto priests and Buddhist monks performed purification ceremonies to ward off its malevolent influence. Some believed that confronting the demon and begging for mercy was the only salvation, but few dared.
Stories spoke of people who broke the curse by demonstrating genuine remorse and compassion, proving to the demon that the human heart could overcome its weaknesses. Thus, the legend of the demon with a Hannya face continued to haunt the shadows of feudal Japan, an eternal tale of terror and morality.
2048 X 2048 PNG | Digital Artwork by Yomu Yakadashi 2024