In the year 2150, in Shibuya, the cyborg RXZ-II, initially created as a bodyguard, gains consciousness of her own. Roaming the streets, she uses her skills to protect those in need, while confronting questions of identity and morality. Her encounters with a variety of characters shape her view of the world, leading her to discover her humanity through her compassion and empathy, defying expectations of what a machine can be.
Despite the challenges she faced, RXZ-II found comfort in the connections she formed with the inhabitants of Shibuya, discovering that although she was a cyborg, her capacity for compassion and empathy made her more human than many organic beings. And so, as the bright lights of Shibuya continued to illuminate the city's nights, RXZ-II stood as a silent guardian, protecting the weak and defying expectations of what a machine could be.
3228 x 3483 PNG | Digital Artwork by Yomu Yakadashi 2024