This song is about surrendering to life and allowing yourself to flow effortlessly as the sunlight does. Sunlight pulls inspiration from a lot of the music that I was listening to and was inspired by when I first began creating wavs. There's something beautiful about that youthful time and energy for me. It feels good to go back and start pulling from that place again.
Music is some of my favorite first memories as a child. My parents were free spirits who took me to countless live gigs and organically, it was the medium I gravitated most to in my life. When I was three years old, I begged my grandma for a mini drum set, since my parents couldn't afford it. Somehow, we found a child-size drum kit for me to start making noise. This was the start of my journey of learning multiple instruments and finding my voice in this language of music.
I grew up playing in bands and recording music from a very young age and always felt the hunger to create. When I started making music on my computer, I fell down the Ableton rabbit hole and it shifted what I thought was possible with music, beyond the things I had been doing in my bands. Not just sonically, but also from a self-reliance point of view. I wanted to see what it would be like to take from that original youthful sonic quality and energy.
This song takes inspiration from my band days and live instrumentation background, and fuses it with my electronic music experience (using a computer as an instrument). I take a seasonality approach to life and have been in a season of abundant music creation, which reminds me of the child-like wonder I had when I first started making music. This song attempts to capture a piece of that into an audio wav.
I feel in a similar place creatively to when I was younger and more naive, but without the naivety that stops you from actualizing your creations. My hope is for that child-like wonder to spread into the WRLD.
The golden egg winner will receive the first-ever "tab" pack, an ongoing NFT experience between audiovisual artists karma.wav and rariesthetics.
The packs are collections of highly curated audio and visual loops (called tabs) that later down the line will be a part of a greater experiment, fusing the packs to create improvisational art through live visuals and loops.
We're still working out the quirks, but we're excited about exploring audiovisual performance possibilities and building new ways to create improvisational art. We see the tab packs being a part of a composable (Lego Block Esque) audio and visual loop container. Probably nothing, though ;)
Flow like the sunshine & Stay wavy 🌊
Love, Karma.wav
Written by: Karma.wav
Produced by: Karma.wav
Artwork by: Violetta @violettagotwavs & Tori @ToriGenZ
Visual Architecture by: Arie @rariesthetics
"Tab" Pack by: Arie @rariesthetics & @karma.wav