// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
* Welcome to Kiru Land.
* @title Kiru 👼🏻
* @author Kiru
* @notice Kiru is an efficient contract for the Kiru tokenized bonding curve.
* Unification of the asset and it's canonical market under a single
* contract allows for precise control over the market-making strategy,
* fully automated.
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* @dev Jita market, the bonding-curve of the Kiru token, executes buys and
* sells with different dynamics to optimise for price volatility on buys
* and deep liquidity on sells.
* Driven by the skew factor α(t), Jita binds price appreciation to
* uniform volume.
contract Kiru {
/////////////////////////// State ////////////////////////////
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* @notice The Magical Token.
string public constant name = "Kiru";
string public constant symbol = "KIRU";
uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
mapping(address => uint) private _balanceOf; // slot 0
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) private _allowance; // slot 1
uint cumulatedFees; // slot 2
uint256 _totalSupply; // slot 3
* @notice The initial skew factor α(0) scaled by 1e6
uint immutable ALPHA_INIT;
* @notice The slash factor ϕ scaled by 1e6
uint immutable PHI_FACTOR;
* @notice The initial reserve of KIRU R₁(0)
uint immutable R1_INIT;
* @notice Buyback address
address public immutable TREASURY;
* @notice constant storage slots
bytes32 immutable SELF_BALANCE_SLOT;
bytes32 immutable TREASURY_BALANCE_SLOT;
bytes32 immutable BURN_BALANCE_SLOT;
* @notice event signatures
bytes32 constant TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG = keccak256("Transfer(address,address,uint256)");
bytes32 constant APPROVAL_EVENT_SIG = keccak256("Approval(address,address,uint256)");
bytes32 constant BUY_EVENT_SIG = keccak256("Buy(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)");
bytes32 constant SELL_EVENT_SIG = keccak256("Sell(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)");
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);
event Buy(address indexed chad, uint amountIn, uint amountOut, uint r0, uint r1);
event Sell(address indexed jeet, uint amountIn, uint amountOut, uint r0, uint r1);
//////////////////////// Constructor /////////////////////////
* @notice t=0 state
uint _alpha,
uint _phi,
uint _r1Init,
uint _supply,
address _treasury
) payable {
ALPHA_INIT = _alpha;
PHI_FACTOR = _phi;
R1_INIT = _r1Init / 2;
TREASURY = _treasury;
_totalSupply = _supply;
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
* Load balanceOf[address(this)] slot
mstore(ptr, address())
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), 0)
_SELF_BALANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* Load balanceOf[_treasury] slot
mstore(ptr, _treasury)
_TREASURY_BALANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* Set the initial balances
sstore(_SELF_BALANCE_SLOT, _r1Init)
sstore(_TREASURY_BALANCE_SLOT, sub(_supply, _r1Init))
* set constants
//////////////////////////// Buy /////////////////////////////
* Nomenclature:
* R₀ = ETH reserves
* R₁ = Kiru reserves
* x = input amount
* y = output amount
* K = invariant R₀ * R₁
* α = skew factor
* var(0) = value of var at t=0
* var(t) = value of var at time t
* :::::::::::
* :::: : ::::
* ::: : :::
* :: R₀ : R₁ ::
* :............:...........:
* x - - - - - - -> :: . : :: - - - - - - -> y
* ::: ° : ° :::
* :::: : . :::::
* :::::::::::
* @notice Deposit is the entry point for entering the Kiru bonding-curve
* upon receiving ETH, the kiru contract computes the amount out `y`
* using the [skew trading function](https://github.com/RedKiruMoney/Kiru).
* The result is an asymmetric bonding curve that can optimise for price
* appreciation, biased by the skew factor α(t).
* The skew factor α(t) is a continuous function that dictates the
* evolution of the market's reserves asymmetry through time, decreasing
* as the ratio R₁(t) / R₁(0) decreases.
* ^
* | :
* | ::
* | :::
* | ::::
* | :::::
* | ::::::
* | :::::::::
* | :::::::::::::
* ∘------------------------------------->
* @dev The skew factor α(t) is a continuous function of the markets reserves
* computed as α(t) = 1 − α(0) ⋅ (R₁(0) / R₁(t))
* The market simulates a lp burn of α(t) right before a buy.
* The skew factor α(t) represents the fraction of the current reserves that
* the LP is withdrawing.
* We have the trading function (x, R₀, R₁) -> y :
* αK = αR₀ * αR₁
* αR₁′ = αK / (αR₀ + x)
* y = αR₁ - αR₁′
* After computing the swapped amount `y` on cut reserves, the LP provides the
* maximum possible liquidity from the withdrawn amount at the new market rate:
* spot = R₁ / R₀
* R₀′ = R₀ + x
* R₁′ = (R₀ * R₁) / R₀′
* @param out The minimum amount of KIRU to receive.
* This parameter introduces slippage bounds for the trade.
function deposit(uint out) external payable {
uint _R1_INIT = R1_INIT;
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
let chad := caller()
* Load balanceOf[msg.sender] slot
mstore(ptr, chad)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), 0)
let CALLER_BALANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* x = msg.value
* R₀ = token₀ reserves
* R₁ = token₁ reserves
let x := callvalue()
let r0 := sub(sub(selfbalance(), sload(2)), callvalue())
let r1 := sload(_SELF_BALANCE_SLOT)
* Compute the skew factor α(t) if activated
let r1InitR1Ratio := mul(div(mul(r1, 1000000), _R1_INIT), gt(_R1_INIT, r1))
let inverseAlpha := div(mul(_ALPHA_INIT, r1InitR1Ratio), 1000000)
let alpha := sub(1000000, inverseAlpha)
* α-reserves: reserves cut by the skew factor α(t)
let alphaR0 := div(mul(alpha, r0), 1000000)
let alphaR1 := div(mul(alpha, r1), 1000000)
* The new α-reserve 0, increased by x
* αR₀′ = αR₀ + x
let alphaR0Prime := add(alphaR0, x)
* The new α-reserve 1, computed as the constant product of the α-reserves
* αR₁′ = (αR₀ * αR₁) / αR₀′
let alphaR1Prime := div(mul(alphaR0, alphaR1), alphaR0Prime)
* The amount out y, computed as the difference between the initial α-reserve 1 and the new α-reserve 1
* y = αR₁ - αR₁′
let y := sub(alphaR1, alphaR1Prime)
* The new actual reserve 0, increased by x
* R₀′ = R₀ + x
let r0Prime := add(r0, x)
* The new actual reserve 1, computed as new reserve 0 * α-ratio
* where α-ratio: αR₁′ / αR₀′
* R₁′ = (αR₁′ / αR₀′) * R₀′ + ϵ
let r1Prime := add(div(mul(div(mul(alphaR1Prime, 1000000), alphaR0Prime), r0Prime), 1000000), 1)
* Delta between constant product of actual reserves and new reserve 1
* ΔR₁ = R₁ - R₁′ - y
let deltaToken1 := sub(sub(r1, r1Prime), y)
* Ensures that the amount out is within slippage bounds
if gt(out, y) {revert(0, 0)}
* Update the market reserves to (R₀′, R₁′) then update balances
sstore(_SELF_BALANCE_SLOT, r1Prime)
let balanceOfCaller := sload(CALLER_BALANCE_SLOT)
sstore(CALLER_BALANCE_SLOT, add(balanceOfCaller, y))
let balanceOfBurn := sload(_BURN_BALANCE_SLOT)
sstore(_BURN_BALANCE_SLOT, add(balanceOfBurn, deltaToken1))
* decrease total supply
sstore(3, sub(sload(3), deltaToken1))
* emit Transfer event
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), y)
log3(add(ptr, 0x20), 0x20, _TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG, address(), chad)
* emit Buy event
mstore(ptr, x)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), y)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x40), r0Prime)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x60), r1Prime)
log2(ptr, 0x80, _BUY_EVENT_SIG, chad)
/////////////////////////// Sell /////////////////////////////
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* @notice Withdraws ETH from Jita's bonding curve
* @dev This contracts operate at low-level and does not require sending funds
* before withdrawing, it instead requires the caller to have enough
* balance, then balance slots gets updated accordingly.
* @param value The amount of KIRU to sell.
* @param out The minimum amount of ETH to receive.
* This parameter introduces slippage bounds for the trade.
function withdraw(uint value, uint out) external {
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
* Load balanceOf[msg.sender] slot
let jeet := caller()
mstore(ptr, jeet)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), 0)
let FROM_BALANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* check that caller has enough funds
let balanceFrom := sload(FROM_BALANCE_SLOT)
if lt(balanceFrom, value) { revert(0, 0) }
let _cumulatedFees := sload(2)
* load market's reserves (R₀, R₁)
* r₀ = ETH balance - cumulated fees
* r₁ = KIRU balance
let r0 := sub(selfbalance(), _cumulatedFees)
let r1 := sload(_SELF_BALANCE_SLOT)
let y := value
* Only allow sell orders under 5% of Kiru's liquidity
* to prevent divergence.
if gt(y, div(r1, 5)) { revert(0, 0) }
* the kiru sent is sold for ETH using the CP formula:
* y = (R₁ - K / (R₀ + x)) * ϕfactor
* where:
* y: Kiru amount in
* x: Eth amount out
* K: R₀ * R₁
* ϕfactor: withdrawal penalty factor
* Compute the new reserve 1 by adding the amount out y
* R₁′ = R₁ + y
let r1Prime := add(r1, y)
* R₀′ = K / R₁′
let r0Prime := div(mul(r0, r1), r1Prime)
* Compute the raw amount out x
* x = R₀ - R₀′
let raw_x := sub(r0, r0Prime)
* Compute the withdrawal fee ϕ
* ϕ = x * ϕfactor
let phi := div(mul(raw_x, _PHI_FACTOR), 1000000)
* Compute the amount out x
* x = x - ϕ
let x := sub(raw_x, phi)
* Ensures that the amount out is within slippage bounds
if gt(out, x) {revert(0, 0)}
* increment cumulated fees
sstore(2, add(_cumulatedFees, phi))
* decrease sender's balance
sstore(FROM_BALANCE_SLOT, sub(balanceFrom, value))
* increase bonding curve balance
sstore(_SELF_BALANCE_SLOT, add(sload(_SELF_BALANCE_SLOT), value))
* Transfer ETH to the seller's address
if iszero(call(gas(), jeet, x, 0, 0, 0, 0)) { revert(0, 0) }
* emit Transfer event
mstore(ptr, value)
log3(ptr, 0x20, _TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG, jeet, address())
* emit Sell event
mstore(ptr, value)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), x)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x40), r0Prime)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x60), r1Prime)
log2(ptr, 0x80, _SELL_EVENT_SIG, jeet)
////////////////////////// Quote /////////////////////////////
* @notice Computes the amount of KIRU received for a given amount of ETH deposited
* given the current market reserves.
* @param value The amount of ETH to deposit.
* @return The amount of KIRU received.
function quoteDeposit(uint value) public view returns (uint) {
uint _R1_INIT = R1_INIT;
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
let r0 := sub(selfbalance(), sload(2))
let r1 := sload(_SELF_BALANCE_SLOT)
let r1InitR1Ratio := mul(div(mul(r1, 1000000), _R1_INIT), gt(_R1_INIT, r1))
let inverseAlpha := div(mul(_ALPHA_INIT, r1InitR1Ratio), 1000000)
let alpha := sub(1000000, inverseAlpha)
let alphaR0 := div(mul(alpha, r0), 1000000)
let alphaR1 := div(mul(alpha, r1), 1000000)
let alphaR0Prime := add(alphaR0, value)
let alphaR1Prime := div(mul(alphaR0, alphaR1), alphaR0Prime)
let y := sub(alphaR1, alphaR1Prime)
mstore(ptr, y)
return(ptr, 0x20)
* @notice Computes the amount of ETH received for a given amount of KIRU withdrawn
* given the current market reserves.
* @param value The amount of KIRU to withdraw.
* @return The amount of ETH received.
function quoteWithdraw(uint value) public view returns (uint) {
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
let r0 := sub(selfbalance(), sload(2))
let r1 := sload(_SELF_BALANCE_SLOT)
let r1Prime := add(r1, value)
let x := sub(r0, div(mul(r0, r1), r1Prime))
let phi := div(mul(x, _PHI_FACTOR), 1000000)
let xOut := sub(x, phi)
mstore(ptr, xOut)
return(ptr, 0x20)
/////////////////////////// View /////////////////////////////
* @notice Returns the market's reserves and the skew factor α(t).
* @return r0 The balance of the KIRU contract.
* @return r1 The balance of the KIRU contract.
* @return alpha The skew factor α(t).
function getState() public view returns (uint r0, uint r1, uint alpha) {
uint _R1_INIT = R1_INIT;
assembly {
r0 := sub(selfbalance(), sload(2))
r1 := sload(_SELF_BALANCE_SLOT)
let r1InitR1Ratio := mul(div(mul(r1, 1000000), _R1_INIT), gt(_R1_INIT, r1))
let inverseAlpha := div(mul(_ALPHA_INIT, r1InitR1Ratio), 1000000)
alpha := sub(1000000, inverseAlpha)
//////////////////////////// KIRU ////////////////////////////
* @notice Returns the balance of the specified address.
* @param to The address to get the balance of.
* @return _balance The balance of the specified address.
function balanceOf(address to) public view returns (uint _balance) {
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
* Load balanceOf[to] slot
mstore(ptr, to)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), 0)
let TO_BALANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* Load balanceOf[to]
_balance := sload(TO_BALANCE_SLOT)
* @notice Returns the amount of tokens that the spender is allowed to transfer from the owner.
* @param owner The address of the owner.
* @param spender The address of the spender.
* @return __allowance The amount of tokens that the spender is allowed to transfer from the owner.
function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint __allowance) {
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
* Load allowance[owner][spender] slot
mstore(ptr, owner)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), 1)
let OWNER_ALLOWANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
mstore(ptr, spender)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), OWNER_ALLOWANCE_SLOT)
let SPENDER_ALLOWANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* Load allowance[owner][spender]
__allowance := sload(SPENDER_ALLOWANCE_SLOT)
* @notice Efficient ERC20 transfer function
* @dev The caller must have sufficient balance to transfer the specified amount.
* @param to The address to transfer to.
* @param value The amount of kiru to transfer.
* @return true
function transfer(address to, uint value) public returns (bool) {
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
* Load balanceOf[msg.sender] slot
let from := caller()
mstore(ptr, from)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), 0)
let FROM_BALANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* Load balanceOf[to] slot
mstore(ptr, to)
let TO_BALANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* Ensures that caller has enough balance
let balanceFrom := sload(FROM_BALANCE_SLOT)
if lt(balanceFrom, value) { revert(0, 0) }
* decrease sender's balance
sstore(FROM_BALANCE_SLOT, sub(balanceFrom, value))
* increment recipient's balance
sstore(TO_BALANCE_SLOT, add(sload(TO_BALANCE_SLOT), value))
* emit Transfer event
mstore(ptr, value)
log3(ptr, 0x20, _TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG, from, to)
* return true
mstore(ptr, 1)
return(ptr, 0x20)
* @notice Efficient ERC20 transferFrom function
* @dev The caller must have sufficient allowance to transfer the specified amount.
* From must have sufficient balance to transfer the specified amount.
* @param from The address to transfer from.
* @param to The address to transfer to.
* @param value The amount of kiru to transfer.
* @return true
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) public returns (bool) {
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
* Load balanceOf[from] slot
let spender := caller()
mstore(ptr, from)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), 0)
let FROM_BALANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* Load balanceOf[to] slot
mstore(ptr, to)
let TO_BALANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* Load allowance[from][spender] slot
mstore(ptr, from)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), 1)
let ALLOWANCE_FROM_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
mstore(ptr, spender)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), ALLOWANCE_FROM_SLOT)
let ALLOWANCE_FROM_CALLER_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* check that msg.sender has sufficient allowance
let __allowance := sload(ALLOWANCE_FROM_CALLER_SLOT)
if lt(__allowance, value) { revert(0, 0) }
* Reduce the spender's allowance
sstore(ALLOWANCE_FROM_CALLER_SLOT, sub(__allowance, value))
* Ensures that from has enough funds
let balanceFrom := sload(FROM_BALANCE_SLOT)
if lt(balanceFrom, value) { revert(0, 0) }
* Decrease sender's balance
sstore(FROM_BALANCE_SLOT, sub(balanceFrom, value))
* Increment recipient's balance
sstore(TO_BALANCE_SLOT, add(sload(TO_BALANCE_SLOT), value))
* Emit Transfer event
mstore(ptr, value)
log3(ptr, 0x20, _TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG, from, to)
* Return true
mstore(ptr, 1)
return(ptr, 0x20)
* @notice Approves a spender to transfer KIRU tokens on behalf of the caller
* This function implements the ERC20 approve functionality, allowing
* delegation of token transfers to other addresses.
* @dev This function sets the allowance that the spender can transfer from
* the caller's balance. The allowance can be increased or decreased
* by calling this function again with a different value.
* Note that setting a non-zero allowance from a non-zero value should
* typically be done by first setting it to zero to prevent front-running.
* @param to The address being approved to spend tokens
* @param value The amount of tokens the spender is approved to transfer
* @return bool Returns true if the approval was successful
function approve(address to, uint value) public returns (bool) {
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
* Load allowance[owner][spender] slot
let owner := caller()
mstore(ptr, owner)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), 1)
let ALLOWANCE_CALLER_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
mstore(ptr, to)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), ALLOWANCE_CALLER_SLOT)
let ALLOWANCE_CALLER_TO_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
* Store the new allowance value
* Emit Approval event
mstore(ptr, value)
log3(ptr, 0x20, _APPROVAL_EVENT_SIG, owner, to)
* Return true
mstore(ptr, 1)
return(ptr, 0x20)
* @notice Burns KIRU tokens from the caller's balance
* The burned tokens are permanently removed from circulation,
* reducing the total supply.
* @dev This function requires the caller to have sufficient balance.
* The tokens are burned by transferring them to the zero address
* and decreasing the total supply.
* @param value The amount of KIRU tokens to burn
function burn(uint value) public {
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
let from := caller()
mstore(ptr, from)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x20), 0)
let FROM_BALANCE_SLOT := keccak256(ptr, 0x40)
let balanceFrom := sload(FROM_BALANCE_SLOT)
if lt(balanceFrom, value) { revert(0, 0) }
sstore(FROM_BALANCE_SLOT, sub(balanceFrom, value))
sstore(3, sub(sload(3), value))
mstore(ptr, value)
log3(ptr, 0x20, _TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG, from, 0)
* @notice Returns the total supply of KIRU tokens in circulation
* @dev This value decreases when tokens are burned and represents the current
* amount of KIRU tokens that exist
* @return The total number of KIRU tokens in circulation
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint) {
return _totalSupply;
* @notice Collects the cumulated withdraw fees and transfers them to the treasury.
function collect() external {
assembly {
let _cumulatedFees := sload(2)
// set cumulated fees to 0
sstore(2, 0)
// transfer cumulated fees to treasury
if iszero(call(gas(), _TREASURY, _cumulatedFees, 0, 0, 0, 0)) { revert (0, 0)}
receive() external payable {}
"compilationTarget": {
"src/Kiru.sol": "Kiru"
"evmVersion": "paris",
"libraries": {},
"metadata": {
"bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 100000000
"remappings": [
"viaIR": true