[Hi-Res Front](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/Files/Public/file/81) | [Hi-Res Back](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/Files/Public/file/82) | [Full Screen](https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/player/index.html?projectID=3&tokenID=5484&fallback=https://data.adultfantasy.io/v1/projects/3/tokens/5484/thumbnail)
Mint Pass #1 holders: [Download your Ashcan comic here](https://afv2.adultfantasy.io/PrivateFiles/100).
[Website](https://www.adultfantasy.io/) | [Discord](http://discord.gg/fXqvCcDHWg) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/adultfantasynft) | [White Paper](https://adult-fantasy.gitbook.io/adult-fantasy-nft-whitepaper/)
Sister Collections:
[Adult Fantasy: Season #1](https://opensea.io/collection/adultfantasy) | [AF Collabs](https://opensea.io/collection/af-collabs)
“Ashcan” editions are highly collectible, digest-sized prototypes and promotional materials produced and made available exclusively for collectors.
What does holding a Mint Pass #1: Ashcan Edition get you?
1) Your Mint Pass “Ashcan” NFT contains an exclusive “holders only” behind-the-scenes preview of the upcoming Origin Comic #1 release.
2) In order to reward AF holders for their trust, commitment and participation, Ashcan Edition holders will be able to burn and redeem their Ashcan NFT for the final Origin Comic #1 featuring Dee-Void.
3) Mint Pass #1: Ashcan Edition is not just a “placeholder” NFT used for the future redemption of Origin Comic #1. As a part of the Adult Fantasy “complete set” collection, Mint Pass #1: Ashcan Edition includes its own unique benefits, utility, and collectibility.