// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// WARNING! This smart contract has not been audited.
// This is an example contract to demonstrate how to integrate an application with the audited production release of AxiomV1 and AxiomV1Query.
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
// Constants and free functions to be inlined into by AxiomV1Core
// ZK circuit constants:
// AxiomV1 caches blockhashes in batches, stored as Merkle roots of binary Merkle trees
uint32 constant BLOCK_BATCH_SIZE = 1024;
uint32 constant BLOCK_BATCH_DEPTH = 10;
// constants for batch import of historical block hashes
// historical uploads a bigger batch of block hashes, stored as Merkle roots of binary Merkle trees
uint32 constant HISTORICAL_BLOCK_BATCH_SIZE = 131072; // 2 ** 17
uint32 constant HISTORICAL_BLOCK_BATCH_DEPTH = 17;
// we will consider the historical Merkle tree of blocks as a Merkle tree of the block batch roots
// The first 4 * 3 * 32 bytes of proof calldata are reserved for two BN254 G1 points for a pairing check
// It will then be followed by (7 + BLOCK_BATCH_DEPTH * 2) * 32 bytes of public inputs/outputs
uint32 constant AUX_PEAKS_START_IDX = 608; // PUBLIC_BYTES_START_IDX + 7 * 32
// Historical MMR Ring Buffer constants
uint32 constant MMR_RING_BUFFER_SIZE = 8;
/// @dev proofData stores bytes32 and uint256 values in hi-lo format as two uint128 values because the BN254 scalar field is 254 bits
/// @dev The first 12 * 32 bytes of proofData are reserved for ZK proof verification data
// Extract public instances from proof
// The public instances are laid out in the proof calldata as follows:
// First 4 * 3 * 32 = 384 bytes are reserved for proof verification data used with the pairing precompile
// 384..384 + 32 * 2: prevHash (32 bytes) as two uint128 cast to uint256, because zk proof uses 254 bit field and cannot fit uint256 into a single element
// 384 + 32 * 2..384 + 32 * 4: endHash (32 bytes) as two uint128 cast to uint256
// 384 + 32 * 4..384 + 32 * 5: startBlockNumber (uint32: 4 bytes) and endBlockNumber (uint32: 4 bytes) are concatenated as `startBlockNumber . endBlockNumber` (8 bytes) and then cast to uint256
// 384 + 32 * 5..384 + 32 * 7: root (32 bytes) as two uint128 cast to uint256, this is the highest peak of the MMR if endBlockNumber - startBlockNumber == 1023, otherwise 0
function getBoundaryBlockData(bytes calldata proofData)
returns (bytes32 prevHash, bytes32 endHash, uint32 startBlockNumber, uint32 endBlockNumber, bytes32 root)
prevHash = bytes32(uint256(bytes32(proofData[384:416])) << 128 | uint256(bytes32(proofData[416:448])));
endHash = bytes32(uint256(bytes32(proofData[448:480])) << 128 | uint256(bytes32(proofData[480:512])));
startBlockNumber = uint32(bytes4(proofData[536:540]));
endBlockNumber = uint32(bytes4(proofData[540:544]));
root = bytes32(uint256(bytes32(proofData[544:576])) << 128 | uint256(bytes32(proofData[576:608])));
// We have a Merkle mountain range of max depth BLOCK_BATCH_DEPTH (so length BLOCK_BATCH_DEPTH + 1 total) ordered in **decreasing** order of peak size, so:
// `root` from `getBoundaryBlockData` is the peak for depth BLOCK_BATCH_DEPTH
// `getAuxMmrPeak(proofData, i)` is the peaks for depth BLOCK_BATCH_DEPTH - 1 - i
// 384 + 32 * 7 + 32 * 2 * i .. 384 + 32 * 7 + 32 * 2 * (i + 1): (32 bytes) as two uint128 cast to uint256, same as blockHash
// Note that the decreasing ordering is *different* than the convention in library MerkleMountainRange
function getAuxMmrPeak(bytes calldata proofData, uint256 i) pure returns (bytes32) {
return bytes32(
uint256(bytes32(proofData[AUX_PEAKS_START_IDX + i * 64:AUX_PEAKS_START_IDX + i * 64 + 32])) << 128
| uint256(bytes32(proofData[AUX_PEAKS_START_IDX + i * 64 + 32:AUX_PEAKS_START_IDX + (i + 1) * 64]))
interface IAxiomV1Verifier {
/// @notice A merkle proof to verify a block against the verified blocks cached by Axiom
/// @dev `BLOCK_BATCH_DEPTH = 10`
struct BlockHashWitness {
uint32 blockNumber;
bytes32 claimedBlockHash;
bytes32 prevHash;
uint32 numFinal;
bytes32[BLOCK_BATCH_DEPTH] merkleProof;
/// @notice Verify the blockhash of block blockNumber equals claimedBlockHash. Assumes that blockNumber is within the last 256 most recent blocks.
/// @param blockNumber The block number to verify
/// @param claimedBlockHash The claimed blockhash of block blockNumber
function isRecentBlockHashValid(uint32 blockNumber, bytes32 claimedBlockHash) external view returns (bool);
/// @notice Verify the blockhash of block witness.blockNumber equals witness.claimedBlockHash by checking against Axiom's cache of #historicalRoots.
/// @dev For block numbers within the last 256, use #isRecentBlockHashValid instead.
/// @param witness The block hash to verify and the Merkle proof to verify it
/// witness.blockNumber is the block number to verify
/// witness.claimedBlockHash is the claimed blockhash of block witness.blockNumber
/// witness.prevHash is the prevHash stored in #historicalRoots(witness.blockNumber - witness.blockNumber % 1024)
/// witness.numFinal is the numFinal stored in #historicalRoots(witness.blockNumber - witness.blockNumber % 1024)
/// witness.merkleProof is the Merkle inclusion proof of witness.claimedBlockHash to the root stored in #historicalRoots(witness.blockNumber - witness.blockNumber % 1024)
/// witness.merkleProof[i] is the sibling of the Merkle node at depth 10 - i, for i = 0, ..., 10
function isBlockHashValid(BlockHashWitness calldata witness) external view returns (bool);
/// @notice Verify the blockhash of block blockNumber equals claimedBlockHash by checking against Axiom's cache of historical Merkle mountain ranges in #mmrRingBuffer.
/// @dev Use event logs to determine the correct bufferId and get the MMR at that index in the ring buffer.
/// @param mmr The Merkle mountain range commited to in #mmrRingBuffer(bufferId), must be correct length
/// @param bufferId The index in the ring buffer of #mmrRingBuffer
/// @param blockNumber The block number to verify
/// @param claimedBlockHash The claimed blockhash of block blockNumber
/// @param merkleProof The Merkle inclusion proof of claimedBlockHash to the corresponding peak in mmr. The correct peak is calculated from mmr.length and blockNumber.
function mmrVerifyBlockHash(
bytes32[] calldata mmr,
uint8 bufferId,
uint32 blockNumber,
bytes32 claimedBlockHash,
bytes32[] calldata merkleProof
) external view;
// The depth of the Merkle root of queries in:
// `keccakBlockResponse`, `keccakAccountResponse`, and `keccakStorageResponse`
uint32 constant QUERY_MERKLE_DEPTH = 6;
interface IAxiomV1Query {
/// @notice States of an on-chain query
/// @param Inactive The query has not been made or was refunded.
/// @param Active The query has been requested, but not fulfilled.
/// @param Fulfilled The query was successfully fulfilled.
enum AxiomQueryState {
/// @notice Stores metadata about a query
/// @param payment The ETH payment received, in wei.
/// @param state The state of the query.
/// @param deadlineBlockNumber The deadline (in block number) after which a refund may be granted.
/// @param refundee The address funds should be returned to if the query is not fulfilled.
struct AxiomQueryMetadata {
uint256 payment;
AxiomQueryState state;
uint32 deadlineBlockNumber;
address payable refundee;
/// @notice Response values read from ZK proof for query.
/// @param poseidonBlockResponse Poseidon Merkle root of `poseidon(blockHash . blockNumber . poseidon_tree_root(block_header))`
/// @param keccakBlockResponse Keccak Merkle root of `keccak(blockHash . blockNumber)`
/// @param poseidonAccountResponse Poseidon Merkle root of `poseidon(poseidonBlockResponseRow . poseidon(stateRoot . addr . poseidon_tree_root(account_state)))`
/// @param keccakAccountResponse Keccak Merkle root of `keccak(blockNumber . addr . keccak(nonce . balance . storageRoot . codeHash))`
/// @param poseidonStorageResponse Poseidon Merkle root of `poseidon(poseidonBlockResponseRow . poseidonAccountResponseRow . poseidon(storageRoot . slot . value))`
/// @param keccakStorageResponse Keccak Merkle root of `keccak(blockNumber . addr . slot . value)`
/// @param historicalMMRKeccak `keccak256(abi.encodePacked(mmr[10:]))`
/// @param recentMMRKeccak `keccak256(abi.encodePacked(mmr[:10]))`
// Detailed documentation on format here: https://hackmd.io/@axiom/S17K2drf2
// ** `poseidonBlockResponseRow = poseidon(blockHash . blockNumber . poseidon_tree_root(block_header))`
// ** `poseidonAccountResponseRow = poseidon(stateRoot . addr . poseidon_tree_root(account_state)))`
// ** `mmr` is a variable length array of bytes32 containing the Merkle Mountain Range the ZK proof is proving into.
// `mmr[idx]` is either `bytes32(0)` or the Merkle root of `1 << idx` block hashes.
// ** `mmr` is guaranteed to have length at least `10` and at most `32`.
struct AxiomMMRQueryResponse {
bytes32 poseidonBlockResponse;
bytes32 keccakBlockResponse;
bytes32 poseidonAccountResponse;
bytes32 keccakAccountResponse;
bytes32 poseidonStorageResponse;
bytes32 keccakStorageResponse;
bytes32 historicalMMRKeccak;
bytes32 recentMMRKeccak;
/// @notice Stores witness data for checking MMRs
/// @param prevHash The `prevHash` as in `IAxiomV1State`.
/// @param root The `root` as in `IAxiomV1State`.
/// @param numFinal The `numFinal` as in `IAxiomV1State`.
/// @param startBlockNumber The `startBlockNumber` as in `IAxiomV1State`.
/// @param recentMMRPeaks Peaks of the MMR committed to in the public input `recentMMRKeccak` of the ZK proof.
/// @param mmrComplementOrPeaks If `len(recentMMRPeaks) <= numFinal`, then this is a complementary MMR containing
/// the complement of `recentMMRPeaks` which together with `recentMMRPeaks` forms `root`.
/// If `len(recentMMRPeaks) > numFinal`, then this is the MMR peaks of the `numFinal` blockhashes commited
/// to in `root`.
struct RecentMMRWitness {
bytes32 prevHash;
bytes32 root;
uint32 numFinal;
uint32 startBlockNumber;
bytes32[10] recentMMRPeaks;
bytes32[10] mmrComplementOrPeaks;
/// @notice Store a query result into a single block
/// @param blockNumber The block number.
/// @param blockHash The block hash.
/// @param leafIdx The position of this result in the Merkle tree committed to by `keccakBlockResponse`.
/// @param proof A Merkle proof into `keccakBlockResponse`.
struct BlockResponse {
uint32 blockNumber;
bytes32 blockHash;
uint32 leafIdx;
bytes32[QUERY_MERKLE_DEPTH] proof;
/// @notice Store a query result into a single block
/// @param blockNumber The block number.
/// @param addr The address.
/// @param nonce The nonce.
/// @param balance The balance.
/// @param storageRoot The storage root.
/// @param codeHash The code hash.
/// @param leafIdx The position of this result in the Merkle tree committed to by `keccakAccountResponse`.
/// @param proof A Merkle proof into `keccakAccountResponse`.
// Note: Fields are zero-padded by prefixing with zero bytes to:
// * `nonce`: 8 bytes
// * `balance`: 12 bytes
// * `storageRoot`: 32 bytes
// * `codeHash`: 32 bytes
struct AccountResponse {
uint32 blockNumber;
address addr;
uint64 nonce;
uint96 balance;
bytes32 storageRoot;
bytes32 codeHash;
uint32 leafIdx;
bytes32[QUERY_MERKLE_DEPTH] proof;
/// @notice Store a query result into a single block
/// @param blockNumber The block number.
/// @param addr The address.
/// @param slot The storage slot index.
/// @param value The storage slot value.
/// @param leafIdx The position of this result in the Merkle tree committed to by `keccakStorageResponse`.
/// @param proof A Merkle proof into `keccakStorageResponse`.
struct StorageResponse {
uint32 blockNumber;
address addr;
uint256 slot;
uint256 value;
uint32 leafIdx;
bytes32[QUERY_MERKLE_DEPTH] proof;
/// @notice Read the set of verified query responses in Keccak form.
/// @param hash `verifiedKeccakResults(keccak256(keccakBlockResponse . keccakAccountResponse . keccakStorageResponse)) == true`
/// if and only if each of `keccakBlockResponse`, `keccakAccountResponse`, and `keccakStorageResponse` have been verified
/// on-chain by a ZK proof.
function verifiedKeccakResults(bytes32 hash) external view returns (bool);
/// @notice Read the set of verified query responses in Poseidon form.
/// @param hash `verifiedPoseidonResults(keccak256(poseidonBlockResponse . poseidonAccountResponse . poseidonStorageResponse)) == true`
/// if and only if each of `poseidonBlockResponse`, `poseidonAccountResponse`, and `poseidonStorageResponse` have been
/// verified on-chain by a ZK proof.
function verifiedPoseidonResults(bytes32 hash) external view returns (bool);
/// @notice Returns the metadata associated to a query
/// @param keccakQueryResponse The hash of the query response.
function queries(bytes32 keccakQueryResponse) external view
returns (
uint256 payment,
AxiomQueryState state,
uint32 deadlineBlockNumber,
address payable refundee
/// @notice Emitted when the `AxiomV1Core` address is updated.
/// @param newAddress The updated address.
event UpdateAxiomAddress(address newAddress);
/// @notice Emitted when the batch query verifier address is updated.
/// @param newAddress The updated address.
event UpdateMMRVerifierAddress(address newAddress);
/// @notice Emitted when a Keccak result is recorded
/// @param keccakBlockResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param keccakAccountResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param keccakStorageResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
event KeccakResultEvent(bytes32 keccakBlockResponse, bytes32 keccakAccountResponse, bytes32 keccakStorageResponse);
/// @notice Emitted when a Poseidon result is recorded
/// @param poseidonBlockResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param poseidonAccountResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param poseidonStorageResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
event PoseidonResultEvent(bytes32 poseidonBlockResponse, bytes32 poseidonAccountResponse, bytes32 poseidonStorageResponse);
/// @notice Emitted when the `minQueryPrice` is updated.
/// @param minQueryPrice The new `minQueryPrice`.
event UpdateMinQueryPrice(uint256 minQueryPrice);
/// @notice Emitted when the `maxQueryPrice` is updated.
/// @param maxQueryPrice The new `maxQueryPrice`.
event UpdateMaxQueryPrice(uint256 maxQueryPrice);
/// @notice Emitted when the `queryDeadlineInterval` is updated.
/// @param queryDeadlineInterval The new `queryDeadlineInterval`.
event UpdateQueryDeadlineInterval(uint32 queryDeadlineInterval);
/// @notice Emitted when a new query with off-chain data availability is requested.
/// @param keccakQueryResponse The hash of the claimed query response.
/// @param payment The ETH payment offered, in wei.
/// @param deadlineBlockNumber The deadline block number after which a refund is possible.
/// @param refundee The address of the refundee.
/// @param ipfsHash A content-addressed hash on IPFS where the query spec may be found.
event QueryInitiatedOffchain(bytes32 keccakQueryResponse, uint256 payment, uint32 deadlineBlockNumber, address refundee, bytes32 ipfsHash);
/// @notice Emitted when a new query with on-chain data availability is requested.
/// @param keccakQueryResponse The hash of the claimed query response.
/// @param payment The ETH payment offered, in wei.
/// @param deadlineBlockNumber The deadline block number after which a refund is possible.
/// @param refundee The address of the refundee.
/// @param queryHash The hash of the on-chain query.
event QueryInitiatedOnchain(bytes32 keccakQueryResponse, uint256 payment, uint32 deadlineBlockNumber, address refundee, bytes32 queryHash);
/// @notice Emitted when a query is fulfilled.
/// @param keccakQueryResponse The hash of the query response.
/// @param payment The ETH payment collected, in wei.
/// @param prover The address of the prover collecting payment.
event QueryFulfilled(bytes32 keccakQueryResponse, uint256 payment, address prover);
/// @notice Emitted when a query is refunded.
/// @param keccakQueryResponse The hash of the query response.
/// @param payment The ETH payment refunded minus gas, in wei.
/// @param refundee The address collecting the refund.
event QueryRefunded(bytes32 keccakQueryResponse, uint256 payment, uint32 deadlineBlockNumber, address refundee);
/// @notice Verify a query result on-chain.
/// @param mmrIdx The index of the cached MMR to verify against.
/// @param mmrWitness Witness data to reconcile `recentMMR` against `historicalRoots`.
/// @param proof The ZK proof data.
function verifyResultVsMMR(
uint32 mmrIdx,
RecentMMRWitness calldata mmrWitness,
bytes calldata proof
) external;
/// @notice Request proof for query with on-chain query data availability.
/// @param keccakQueryResponse The Keccak-encoded query response.
/// @param refundee The address refunds should be sent to.
/// @param query The serialized query.
function sendQuery(bytes32 keccakQueryResponse, address payable refundee, bytes calldata query) external payable;
/// @notice Request proof for query with off-chain query data availability.
/// @param keccakQueryResponse The Keccak-encoded query response.
/// @param refundee The address refunds should be sent to.
/// @param ipfsHash The IPFS hash the query should optionally be posted to.
function sendOffchainQuery(bytes32 keccakQueryResponse, address payable refundee, bytes32 ipfsHash) external payable;
/// @notice Fulfill a query request on-chain.
/// @param keccakQueryResponse The hashed query response.
/// @param payee The address to send payment to.
/// @param mmrIdx The index of the cached MMR to verify against.
/// @param mmrWitness Witness data to reconcile `recentMMR` against `historicalRoots`.
/// @param proof The ZK proof data.
function fulfillQueryVsMMR(
bytes32 keccakQueryResponse,
address payable payee,
uint32 mmrIdx,
RecentMMRWitness calldata mmrWitness,
bytes calldata proof
) external;
/// @notice Trigger refund collection for a query after the deadline has expired.
/// @param keccakQueryResponse THe hashed query response.
function collectRefund(bytes32 keccakQueryResponse) external;
/// @notice Checks whether an unpacked query response has already been verified.
/// @param keccakBlockResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param keccakAccountResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param keccakStorageResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
function isKeccakResultValid(bytes32 keccakBlockResponse, bytes32 keccakAccountResponse, bytes32 keccakStorageResponse)
returns (bool);
/// @notice Checks whether an unpacked query response has already been verified.
/// @param poseidonBlockResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param poseidonAccountResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param poseidonStorageResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
function isPoseidonResultValid(bytes32 poseidonBlockResponse, bytes32 poseidonAccountResponse, bytes32 poseidonStorageResponse)
returns (bool);
/// @notice Verify block, account, and storage data against responses which have already been proven.
/// @param keccakBlockResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param keccakAccountResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param keccakStorageResponse As documented in `AxiomMMRQueryResponse`.
/// @param blockResponses The list of block results.
/// @param accountResponses The list of account results.
/// @param storageResponses The list of storage results.
// block_response = keccak(blockHash . blockNumber)
// account_response = hash(blockNumber . address . hash_tree_root(account_state))
// storage_response = hash(blockNumber . address . slot . value)
function areResponsesValid(
bytes32 keccakBlockResponse,
bytes32 keccakAccountResponse,
bytes32 keccakStorageResponse,
BlockResponse[] calldata blockResponses,
AccountResponse[] calldata accountResponses,
StorageResponse[] calldata storageResponses
) external view returns (bool);
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.7.0) (access/Ownable.sol)
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Context.sol)
* @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the
* sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available
* via msg.sender and msg.data, they should not be accessed in such a direct
* manner, since when dealing with meta-transactions the account sending and
* paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application
* is concerned).
* This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.
abstract contract Context {
function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
return msg.sender;
function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) {
return msg.data;
* @dev Contract module which provides a basic access control mechanism, where
* there is an account (an owner) that can be granted exclusive access to
* specific functions.
* By default, the owner account will be the one that deploys the contract. This
* can later be changed with {transferOwnership}.
* This module is used through inheritance. It will make available the modifier
* `onlyOwner`, which can be applied to your functions to restrict their use to
* the owner.
abstract contract Ownable is Context {
address private _owner;
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
* @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner.
constructor() {
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
* @dev Returns the address of the current owner.
function owner() public view virtual returns (address) {
return _owner;
* @dev Throws if the sender is not the owner.
function _checkOwner() internal view virtual {
require(owner() == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");
* @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call
* `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner.
* NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner,
* thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner.
function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner {
* @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
* Can only be called by the current owner.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner {
require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address");
* @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`).
* Internal function without access restriction.
function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal virtual {
address oldOwner = _owner;
_owner = newOwner;
emit OwnershipTransferred(oldOwner, newOwner);
contract AccountAge is Ownable {
address public axiomQueryAddress;
mapping(address => uint32) public birthBlocks;
event UpdateAxiomQueryAddress(address newAddress);
event AccountAgeVerified(address account, uint32 birthBlock);
constructor(address _axiomQueryAddress) {
axiomQueryAddress = _axiomQueryAddress;
emit UpdateAxiomQueryAddress(_axiomQueryAddress);
function updateAxiomQueryAddress(address _axiomQueryAddress) external onlyOwner {
axiomQueryAddress = _axiomQueryAddress;
emit UpdateAxiomQueryAddress(_axiomQueryAddress);
function verifyAge(IAxiomV1Query.AccountResponse[] calldata accountProofs, bytes32[3] calldata keccakResponses)
require(accountProofs.length == 2, "Too many account proofs");
address account = accountProofs[0].addr;
require(account == accountProofs[1].addr, "Accounts are not the same");
require(accountProofs[0].blockNumber + 1 == accountProofs[1].blockNumber, "Block numbers are not consecutive");
require(accountProofs[0].nonce == 0, "Prev block nonce is not 0");
require(accountProofs[1].nonce > 0, "No account transactions in curr block");
uint256 addrSize;
assembly {
addrSize := extcodesize(account)
require(addrSize == 0, "Account is a contract");
new IAxiomV1Query.BlockResponse[](0),
new IAxiomV1Query.StorageResponse[](0)
"Proof not valid"
birthBlocks[account] = accountProofs[0].blockNumber;
emit AccountAgeVerified(account, accountProofs[0].blockNumber);
"compilationTarget": {
"src/AccountAge.flatten.sol": "AccountAge"
"evmVersion": "paris",
"libraries": {},
"metadata": {
"bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": [
"viaIR": true
[{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_axiomQueryAddress","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"constructor"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"account","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"uint32","name":"birthBlock","type":"uint32"}],"name":"AccountAgeVerified","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"internalType":"address","name":"previousOwner","type":"address"},{"indexed":true,"internalType":"address","name":"newOwner","type":"address"}],"name":"OwnershipTransferred","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"internalType":"address","name":"newAddress","type":"address"}],"name":"UpdateAxiomQueryAddress","type":"event"},{"inputs":[],"name":"axiomQueryAddress","outputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"name":"birthBlocks","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint32","name":"","type":"uint32"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"owner","outputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"renounceOwnership","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"newOwner","type":"address"}],"name":"transferOwnership","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"_axiomQueryAddress","type":"address"}],"name":"updateAxiomQueryAddress","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"components":[{"internalType":"uint32","name":"blockNumber","type":"uint32"},{"internalType":"address","name":"addr","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint64","name":"nonce","type":"uint64"},{"internalType":"uint96","name":"balance","type":"uint96"},{"internalType":"bytes32","name":"storageRoot","type":"bytes32"},{"internalType":"bytes32","name":"codeHash","type":"bytes32"},{"internalType":"uint32","name":"leafIdx","type":"uint32"},{"internalType":"bytes32[6]","name":"proof","type":"bytes32[6]"}],"internalType":"struct IAxiomV1Query.AccountResponse[]","name":"accountProofs","type":"tuple[]"},{"internalType":"bytes32[3]","name":"keccakResponses","type":"bytes32[3]"}],"name":"verifyAge","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"}]