Under the bright light of the full moon, Tal Kele-au, bold as brass and twice as cheeky, snuck out of his family’s treehouse. His goal was the ocean. The swell had been predicted to be a once in a lifetime opportunity around midnight, and he was set to surf the biggest wave he could find. He mounted his trusty surfboard with a twirl of his tail and paddled out to sea. But, alas, the wave proved too much for the simian surfer, and he took a spill, tumbling into the water with a mighty splash. But never one to be discouraged, the little Apeling simply shrugged his wet fur and set off in search of his next adventure, grinning from ear to ear and ready for anything the world could throw at him. After all, he wasn't just any ordinary primate. He was the offspring of the legendary Board Apes of Talapoquila.