文件 1 的 1:EVNToken.sol
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
library SafeMath {
function add(uint256 x, uint256 y)
internal constant
returns(uint256) {
uint256 z = x + y;
assert((z >= x) && (z >= y));
return z;
function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y)
internal constant
returns(uint256) {
assert(x >= y);
uint256 z = x - y;
return z;
function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y)
internal constant
returns(uint256) {
uint256 z = x * y;
assert((x == 0) || (z/x == y));
return z;
function parse(string s)
internal constant
returns (uint256)
bytes memory b = bytes(s);
uint result = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
if (b[i] >= 48 && b[i] <= 57) {
result = result * 10 + (uint(b[i]) - 48);
return result;
contract Token {
uint256 public totalSupply;
function balanceOf(address _owner) public constant returns (uint256 balance);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public constant returns (uint256 remaining);
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
contract StandardToken is Token {
mapping (address => uint256) balances;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
modifier onlyPayloadSize(uint numwords) {
assert(msg.data.length == numwords * 32 + 4);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)
returns (bool success) {
if (balances[msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0 && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) {
balances[msg.sender] = SafeMath.sub(balances[msg.sender], _value);
balances[_to] = SafeMath.add(balances[_to], _value);
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
} else {
return false;
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value)
returns (bool success) {
if (balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value && _value > 0 && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]) {
balances[_to] = SafeMath.add(balances[_to], _value);
balances[_from] = SafeMath.sub(balances[_from], _value);
allowed[_from][msg.sender] = SafeMath.sub(allowed[_from][msg.sender], _value);
Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
} else {
return false;
function balanceOf(address _owner)
public constant
returns (uint256 balance) {
return balances[_owner];
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value)
returns (bool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender)
public constant
returns (uint256 remaining) {
return allowed[_owner][_spender];
contract OraclizeI {
address public cbAddress;
function query(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg) payable returns (bytes32 _id);
function query_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg, uint _gaslimit) payable returns (bytes32 _id);
function query2(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg1, string _arg2) payable returns (bytes32 _id);
function query2_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, string _arg1, string _arg2, uint _gaslimit) payable returns (bytes32 _id);
function queryN(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, bytes _argN) payable returns (bytes32 _id);
function queryN_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string _datasource, bytes _argN, uint _gaslimit) payable returns (bytes32 _id);
function getPrice(string _datasource) returns (uint _dsprice);
function getPrice(string _datasource, uint gaslimit) returns (uint _dsprice);
function useCoupon(string _coupon);
function setProofType(byte _proofType);
function setConfig(bytes32 _config);
function setCustomGasPrice(uint _gasPrice);
function randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash() returns(bytes32);
contract OraclizeAddrResolverI {
function getAddress() returns (address _addr);
contract usingOraclize {
uint constant day = 60*60*24;
uint constant week = 60*60*24*7;
uint constant month = 60*60*24*30;
byte constant proofType_NONE = 0x00;
byte constant proofType_TLSNotary = 0x10;
byte constant proofType_Android = 0x20;
byte constant proofType_Ledger = 0x30;
byte constant proofType_Native = 0xF0;
byte constant proofStorage_IPFS = 0x01;
uint8 constant networkID_auto = 0;
uint8 constant networkID_mainnet = 1;
uint8 constant networkID_testnet = 2;
uint8 constant networkID_morden = 2;
uint8 constant networkID_consensys = 161;
OraclizeAddrResolverI OAR;
OraclizeI oraclize;
modifier oraclizeAPI {
if((address(OAR)==0)||(getCodeSize(address(OAR))==0)) oraclize_setNetwork(networkID_auto);
oraclize = OraclizeI(OAR.getAddress());
modifier coupon(string code){
oraclize = OraclizeI(OAR.getAddress());
function oraclize_setNetwork(uint8 networkID) internal returns(bool){
if (getCodeSize(0x1d3B2638a7cC9f2CB3D298A3DA7a90B67E5506ed)>0){
OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0x1d3B2638a7cC9f2CB3D298A3DA7a90B67E5506ed);
return true;
if (getCodeSize(0xc03A2615D5efaf5F49F60B7BB6583eaec212fdf1)>0){
OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0xc03A2615D5efaf5F49F60B7BB6583eaec212fdf1);
return true;
if (getCodeSize(0xB7A07BcF2Ba2f2703b24C0691b5278999C59AC7e)>0){
OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0xB7A07BcF2Ba2f2703b24C0691b5278999C59AC7e);
return true;
if (getCodeSize(0x146500cfd35B22E4A392Fe0aDc06De1a1368Ed48)>0){
OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0x146500cfd35B22E4A392Fe0aDc06De1a1368Ed48);
return true;
if (getCodeSize(0x6f485C8BF6fc43eA212E93BBF8ce046C7f1cb475)>0){
OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0x6f485C8BF6fc43eA212E93BBF8ce046C7f1cb475);
return true;
if (getCodeSize(0x20e12A1F859B3FeaE5Fb2A0A32C18F5a65555bBF)>0){
OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0x20e12A1F859B3FeaE5Fb2A0A32C18F5a65555bBF);
return true;
if (getCodeSize(0x51efaF4c8B3C9AfBD5aB9F4bbC82784Ab6ef8fAA)>0){
OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0x51efaF4c8B3C9AfBD5aB9F4bbC82784Ab6ef8fAA);
return true;
return false;
function __callback(bytes32 myid, string result) {
__callback(myid, result, new bytes(0));
function __callback(bytes32 myid, string result, bytes proof) {
function oraclize_useCoupon(string code) oraclizeAPI internal {
function oraclize_getPrice(string datasource) oraclizeAPI internal returns (uint){
return oraclize.getPrice(datasource);
function oraclize_getPrice(string datasource, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (uint){
return oraclize.getPrice(datasource, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string arg) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*200000) return 0;
return oraclize.query.value(price)(0, datasource, arg);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string arg) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*200000) return 0;
return oraclize.query.value(price)(timestamp, datasource, arg);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string arg, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource, gaslimit);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*gaslimit) return 0;
return oraclize.query_withGasLimit.value(price)(timestamp, datasource, arg, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string arg, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource, gaslimit);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*gaslimit) return 0;
return oraclize.query_withGasLimit.value(price)(0, datasource, arg, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string arg1, string arg2) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*200000) return 0;
return oraclize.query2.value(price)(0, datasource, arg1, arg2);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string arg1, string arg2) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*200000) return 0;
return oraclize.query2.value(price)(timestamp, datasource, arg1, arg2);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string arg1, string arg2, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource, gaslimit);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*gaslimit) return 0;
return oraclize.query2_withGasLimit.value(price)(timestamp, datasource, arg1, arg2, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string arg1, string arg2, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource, gaslimit);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*gaslimit) return 0;
return oraclize.query2_withGasLimit.value(price)(0, datasource, arg1, arg2, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[] argN) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*200000) return 0;
bytes memory args = stra2cbor(argN);
return oraclize.queryN.value(price)(0, datasource, args);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[] argN) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*200000) return 0;
bytes memory args = stra2cbor(argN);
return oraclize.queryN.value(price)(timestamp, datasource, args);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[] argN, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource, gaslimit);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*gaslimit) return 0;
bytes memory args = stra2cbor(argN);
return oraclize.queryN_withGasLimit.value(price)(timestamp, datasource, args, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[] argN, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource, gaslimit);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*gaslimit) return 0;
bytes memory args = stra2cbor(argN);
return oraclize.queryN_withGasLimit.value(price)(0, datasource, args, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[1] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[1] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[1] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[1] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[2] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[2] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[2] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[2] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[3] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[3] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[3] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[3] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[4] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[4] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[4] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[4] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[5] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
dynargs[4] = args[4];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[5] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
dynargs[4] = args[4];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, string[5] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
dynargs[4] = args[4];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, string[5] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
dynargs[4] = args[4];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[] argN) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*200000) return 0;
bytes memory args = ba2cbor(argN);
return oraclize.queryN.value(price)(0, datasource, args);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[] argN) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*200000) return 0;
bytes memory args = ba2cbor(argN);
return oraclize.queryN.value(price)(timestamp, datasource, args);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[] argN, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource, gaslimit);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*gaslimit) return 0;
bytes memory args = ba2cbor(argN);
return oraclize.queryN_withGasLimit.value(price)(timestamp, datasource, args, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[] argN, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id){
uint price = oraclize.getPrice(datasource, gaslimit);
if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice*gaslimit) return 0;
bytes memory args = ba2cbor(argN);
return oraclize.queryN_withGasLimit.value(price)(0, datasource, args, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[1] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[1] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[1] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[1] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[2] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[2] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[2] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[2] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[3] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[3] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[3] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[3] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[4] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[4] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[4] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[4] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[5] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
dynargs[4] = args[4];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[5] args) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
dynargs[4] = args[4];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs);
function oraclize_query(uint timestamp, string datasource, bytes[5] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
dynargs[4] = args[4];
return oraclize_query(timestamp, datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_query(string datasource, bytes[5] args, uint gaslimit) oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32 id) {
bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5);
dynargs[0] = args[0];
dynargs[1] = args[1];
dynargs[2] = args[2];
dynargs[3] = args[3];
dynargs[4] = args[4];
return oraclize_query(datasource, dynargs, gaslimit);
function oraclize_cbAddress() oraclizeAPI internal returns (address){
return oraclize.cbAddress();
function oraclize_setProof(byte proofP) oraclizeAPI internal {
return oraclize.setProofType(proofP);
function oraclize_setCustomGasPrice(uint gasPrice) oraclizeAPI internal {
return oraclize.setCustomGasPrice(gasPrice);
function oraclize_setConfig(bytes32 config) oraclizeAPI internal {
return oraclize.setConfig(config);
function oraclize_randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash() oraclizeAPI internal returns (bytes32){
return oraclize.randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash();
function getCodeSize(address _addr) constant internal returns(uint _size) {
assembly {
_size := extcodesize(_addr)
function parseAddr(string _a) internal returns (address){
bytes memory tmp = bytes(_a);
uint160 iaddr = 0;
uint160 b1;
uint160 b2;
for (uint i=2; i<2+2*20; i+=2){
iaddr *= 256;
b1 = uint160(tmp[i]);
b2 = uint160(tmp[i+1]);
if ((b1 >= 97)&&(b1 <= 102)) b1 -= 87;
else if ((b1 >= 65)&&(b1 <= 70)) b1 -= 55;
else if ((b1 >= 48)&&(b1 <= 57)) b1 -= 48;
if ((b2 >= 97)&&(b2 <= 102)) b2 -= 87;
else if ((b2 >= 65)&&(b2 <= 70)) b2 -= 55;
else if ((b2 >= 48)&&(b2 <= 57)) b2 -= 48;
iaddr += (b1*16+b2);
return address(iaddr);
function strCompare(string _a, string _b) internal returns (int) {
bytes memory a = bytes(_a);
bytes memory b = bytes(_b);
uint minLength = a.length;
if (b.length < minLength) minLength = b.length;
for (uint i = 0; i < minLength; i ++)
if (a[i] < b[i])
return -1;
else if (a[i] > b[i])
return 1;
if (a.length < b.length)
return -1;
else if (a.length > b.length)
return 1;
return 0;
function indexOf(string _haystack, string _needle) internal returns (int) {
bytes memory h = bytes(_haystack);
bytes memory n = bytes(_needle);
if(h.length < 1 || n.length < 1 || (n.length > h.length))
return -1;
else if(h.length > (2**128 -1))
return -1;
uint subindex = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < h.length; i ++)
if (h[i] == n[0])
subindex = 1;
while(subindex < n.length && (i + subindex) < h.length && h[i + subindex] == n[subindex])
if(subindex == n.length)
return int(i);
return -1;
function strConcat(string _a, string _b, string _c, string _d, string _e) internal returns (string) {
bytes memory _ba = bytes(_a);
bytes memory _bb = bytes(_b);
bytes memory _bc = bytes(_c);
bytes memory _bd = bytes(_d);
bytes memory _be = bytes(_e);
string memory abcde = new string(_ba.length + _bb.length + _bc.length + _bd.length + _be.length);
bytes memory babcde = bytes(abcde);
uint k = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < _ba.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _ba[i];
for (i = 0; i < _bb.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _bb[i];
for (i = 0; i < _bc.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _bc[i];
for (i = 0; i < _bd.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _bd[i];
for (i = 0; i < _be.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _be[i];
return string(babcde);
function strConcat(string _a, string _b, string _c, string _d) internal returns (string) {
return strConcat(_a, _b, _c, _d, "");
function strConcat(string _a, string _b, string _c) internal returns (string) {
return strConcat(_a, _b, _c, "", "");
function strConcat(string _a, string _b) internal returns (string) {
return strConcat(_a, _b, "", "", "");
function parseInt(string _a) internal returns (uint) {
return parseInt(_a, 0);
function parseInt(string _a, uint _b) internal returns (uint) {
bytes memory bresult = bytes(_a);
uint mint = 0;
bool decimals = false;
for (uint i=0; i<bresult.length; i++){
if ((bresult[i] >= 48)&&(bresult[i] <= 57)){
if (decimals){
if (_b == 0) break;
else _b--;
mint *= 10;
mint += uint(bresult[i]) - 48;
} else if (bresult[i] == 46) decimals = true;
if (_b > 0) mint *= 10**_b;
return mint;
function uint2str(uint i) internal returns (string){
if (i == 0) return "0";
uint j = i;
uint len;
while (j != 0){
j /= 10;
bytes memory bstr = new bytes(len);
uint k = len - 1;
while (i != 0){
bstr[k--] = byte(48 + i % 10);
i /= 10;
return string(bstr);
function stra2cbor(string[] arr) internal returns (bytes) {
uint arrlen = arr.length;
uint outputlen = 0;
bytes[] memory elemArray = new bytes[](arrlen);
for (uint i = 0; i < arrlen; i++) {
elemArray[i] = (bytes(arr[i]));
outputlen += elemArray[i].length + (elemArray[i].length - 1)/23 + 3;
uint ctr = 0;
uint cborlen = arrlen + 0x80;
outputlen += byte(cborlen).length;
bytes memory res = new bytes(outputlen);
while (byte(cborlen).length > ctr) {
res[ctr] = byte(cborlen)[ctr];
for (i = 0; i < arrlen; i++) {
res[ctr] = 0x5F;
for (uint x = 0; x < elemArray[i].length; x++) {
if (x % 23 == 0) {
uint elemcborlen = elemArray[i].length - x >= 24 ? 23 : elemArray[i].length - x;
elemcborlen += 0x40;
uint lctr = ctr;
while (byte(elemcborlen).length > ctr - lctr) {
res[ctr] = byte(elemcborlen)[ctr - lctr];
res[ctr] = elemArray[i][x];
res[ctr] = 0xFF;
return res;
function ba2cbor(bytes[] arr) internal returns (bytes) {
uint arrlen = arr.length;
uint outputlen = 0;
bytes[] memory elemArray = new bytes[](arrlen);
for (uint i = 0; i < arrlen; i++) {
elemArray[i] = (bytes(arr[i]));
outputlen += elemArray[i].length + (elemArray[i].length - 1)/23 + 3;
uint ctr = 0;
uint cborlen = arrlen + 0x80;
outputlen += byte(cborlen).length;
bytes memory res = new bytes(outputlen);
while (byte(cborlen).length > ctr) {
res[ctr] = byte(cborlen)[ctr];
for (i = 0; i < arrlen; i++) {
res[ctr] = 0x5F;
for (uint x = 0; x < elemArray[i].length; x++) {
if (x % 23 == 0) {
uint elemcborlen = elemArray[i].length - x >= 24 ? 23 : elemArray[i].length - x;
elemcborlen += 0x40;
uint lctr = ctr;
while (byte(elemcborlen).length > ctr - lctr) {
res[ctr] = byte(elemcborlen)[ctr - lctr];
res[ctr] = elemArray[i][x];
res[ctr] = 0xFF;
return res;
string oraclize_network_name;
function oraclize_setNetworkName(string _network_name) internal {
oraclize_network_name = _network_name;
function oraclize_getNetworkName() internal returns (string) {
return oraclize_network_name;
function oraclize_newRandomDSQuery(uint _delay, uint _nbytes, uint _customGasLimit) internal returns (bytes32){
if ((_nbytes == 0)||(_nbytes > 32)) throw;
bytes memory nbytes = new bytes(1);
nbytes[0] = byte(_nbytes);
bytes memory unonce = new bytes(32);
bytes memory sessionKeyHash = new bytes(32);
bytes32 sessionKeyHash_bytes32 = oraclize_randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash();
assembly {
mstore(unonce, 0x20)
mstore(add(unonce, 0x20), xor(blockhash(sub(number, 1)), xor(coinbase, timestamp)))
mstore(sessionKeyHash, 0x20)
mstore(add(sessionKeyHash, 0x20), sessionKeyHash_bytes32)
bytes[3] memory args = [unonce, nbytes, sessionKeyHash];
bytes32 queryId = oraclize_query(_delay, "random", args, _customGasLimit);
oraclize_randomDS_setCommitment(queryId, sha3(bytes8(_delay), args[1], sha256(args[0]), args[2]));
return queryId;
function oraclize_randomDS_setCommitment(bytes32 queryId, bytes32 commitment) internal {
oraclize_randomDS_args[queryId] = commitment;
mapping(bytes32=>bytes32) oraclize_randomDS_args;
mapping(bytes32=>bool) oraclize_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified;
function verifySig(bytes32 tosignh, bytes dersig, bytes pubkey) internal returns (bool){
bool sigok;
address signer;
bytes32 sigr;
bytes32 sigs;
bytes memory sigr_ = new bytes(32);
uint offset = 4+(uint(dersig[3]) - 0x20);
sigr_ = copyBytes(dersig, offset, 32, sigr_, 0);
bytes memory sigs_ = new bytes(32);
offset += 32 + 2;
sigs_ = copyBytes(dersig, offset+(uint(dersig[offset-1]) - 0x20), 32, sigs_, 0);
assembly {
sigr := mload(add(sigr_, 32))
sigs := mload(add(sigs_, 32))
(sigok, signer) = safer_ecrecover(tosignh, 27, sigr, sigs);
if (address(sha3(pubkey)) == signer) return true;
else {
(sigok, signer) = safer_ecrecover(tosignh, 28, sigr, sigs);
return (address(sha3(pubkey)) == signer);
function oraclize_randomDS_proofVerify__sessionKeyValidity(bytes proof, uint sig2offset) internal returns (bool) {
bool sigok;
bytes memory sig2 = new bytes(uint(proof[sig2offset+1])+2);
copyBytes(proof, sig2offset, sig2.length, sig2, 0);
bytes memory appkey1_pubkey = new bytes(64);
copyBytes(proof, 3+1, 64, appkey1_pubkey, 0);
bytes memory tosign2 = new bytes(1+65+32);
tosign2[0] = 1;
copyBytes(proof, sig2offset-65, 65, tosign2, 1);
bytes memory CODEHASH = hex"fd94fa71bc0ba10d39d464d0d8f465efeef0a2764e3887fcc9df41ded20f505c";
copyBytes(CODEHASH, 0, 32, tosign2, 1+65);
sigok = verifySig(sha256(tosign2), sig2, appkey1_pubkey);
if (sigok == false) return false;
bytes memory LEDGERKEY = hex"7fb956469c5c9b89840d55b43537e66a98dd4811ea0a27224272c2e5622911e8537a2f8e86a46baec82864e98dd01e9ccc2f8bc5dfc9cbe5a91a290498dd96e4";
bytes memory tosign3 = new bytes(1+65);
tosign3[0] = 0xFE;
copyBytes(proof, 3, 65, tosign3, 1);
bytes memory sig3 = new bytes(uint(proof[3+65+1])+2);
copyBytes(proof, 3+65, sig3.length, sig3, 0);
sigok = verifySig(sha256(tosign3), sig3, LEDGERKEY);
return sigok;
modifier oraclize_randomDS_proofVerify(bytes32 _queryId, string _result, bytes _proof) {
if ((_proof[0] != "L")||(_proof[1] != "P")||(_proof[2] != 1)) throw;
bool proofVerified = oraclize_randomDS_proofVerify__main(_proof, _queryId, bytes(_result), oraclize_getNetworkName());
if (proofVerified == false) throw;
function matchBytes32Prefix(bytes32 content, bytes prefix) internal returns (bool){
bool match_ = true;
for (var i=0; i<prefix.length; i++){
if (content[i] != prefix[i]) match_ = false;
return match_;
function oraclize_randomDS_proofVerify__main(bytes proof, bytes32 queryId, bytes result, string context_name) internal returns (bool){
bool checkok;
uint ledgerProofLength = 3+65+(uint(proof[3+65+1])+2)+32;
bytes memory keyhash = new bytes(32);
copyBytes(proof, ledgerProofLength, 32, keyhash, 0);
checkok = (sha3(keyhash) == sha3(sha256(context_name, queryId)));
if (checkok == false) return false;
bytes memory sig1 = new bytes(uint(proof[ledgerProofLength+(32+8+1+32)+1])+2);
copyBytes(proof, ledgerProofLength+(32+8+1+32), sig1.length, sig1, 0);
checkok = matchBytes32Prefix(sha256(sig1), result);
if (checkok == false) return false;
bytes memory commitmentSlice1 = new bytes(8+1+32);
copyBytes(proof, ledgerProofLength+32, 8+1+32, commitmentSlice1, 0);
bytes memory sessionPubkey = new bytes(64);
uint sig2offset = ledgerProofLength+32+(8+1+32)+sig1.length+65;
copyBytes(proof, sig2offset-64, 64, sessionPubkey, 0);
bytes32 sessionPubkeyHash = sha256(sessionPubkey);
if (oraclize_randomDS_args[queryId] == sha3(commitmentSlice1, sessionPubkeyHash)){
delete oraclize_randomDS_args[queryId];
} else return false;
bytes memory tosign1 = new bytes(32+8+1+32);
copyBytes(proof, ledgerProofLength, 32+8+1+32, tosign1, 0);
checkok = verifySig(sha256(tosign1), sig1, sessionPubkey);
if (checkok == false) return false;
if (oraclize_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified[sessionPubkeyHash] == false){
oraclize_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified[sessionPubkeyHash] = oraclize_randomDS_proofVerify__sessionKeyValidity(proof, sig2offset);
return oraclize_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified[sessionPubkeyHash];
function copyBytes(bytes from, uint fromOffset, uint length, bytes to, uint toOffset) internal returns (bytes) {
uint minLength = length + toOffset;
if (to.length < minLength) {
uint i = 32 + fromOffset;
uint j = 32 + toOffset;
while (i < (32 + fromOffset + length)) {
assembly {
let tmp := mload(add(from, i))
mstore(add(to, j), tmp)
i += 32;
j += 32;
return to;
function safer_ecrecover(bytes32 hash, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) internal returns (bool, address) {
bool ret;
address addr;
assembly {
let size := mload(0x40)
mstore(size, hash)
mstore(add(size, 32), v)
mstore(add(size, 64), r)
mstore(add(size, 96), s)
ret := call(3000, 1, 0, size, 128, size, 32)
addr := mload(size)
return (ret, addr);
function ecrecovery(bytes32 hash, bytes sig) internal returns (bool, address) {
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;
uint8 v;
if (sig.length != 65)
return (false, 0);
assembly {
r := mload(add(sig, 32))
s := mload(add(sig, 64))
v := byte(0, mload(add(sig, 96)))
if (v < 27)
v += 27;
if (v != 27 && v != 28)
return (false, 0);
return safer_ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);
contract EVNToken is StandardToken, usingOraclize {
string public constant name = "Envion";
string public constant symbol = "EVN";
uint256 public constant decimals = 18;
string public constant version = "0.9";
uint256 public constant TOKEN_CREATION_CAP = 130 * (10**6) * 10**decimals;
uint256 public constant TOKEN_CREATED_MIN = 1 * (10**6) * 10**decimals;
uint256 public constant ETH_RECEIVED_CAP = 5333 * (10**2) * 10**decimals;
uint256 public constant ETH_RECEIVED_MIN = 1 * (10**3) * 10**decimals;
uint256 public constant TOKEN_MIN = 1 * 10**decimals;
uint256 public constant TOKEN_FIRST_DISCOUNT_MULTIPLIER = 142857;
uint256 public constant TOKEN_SECOND_DISCOUNT_MULTIPLIER = 125000;
uint256 public constant TOKEN_THIRD_DISCOUNT_MULTIPLIER = 111111;
uint256 public fundingStartBlock;
uint256 public fundingEndBlock;
uint256 public roundTwoBlock;
uint256 public roundThreeBlock;
uint256 public roundFourBlock;
uint256 public ccReleaseBlock;
address public admin1;
address public admin2;
address public tokenVendor;
ContractState public state;
ContractState private savedState;
mapping (string => Purchase) purchases;
mapping (address => uint256) public ccLockedUpBalances;
string[] public purchaseArray;
mapping (address => bool) public isHolder;
address[] public holders;
mapping (address => bool) isIcoBuyer;
mapping (address => uint256) private ethBalances;
mapping (address => uint256) private noKycEthBalances;
uint256 public allReceivedEth;
uint256 public allUnKycedEth;
mapping (address => bytes32) private multiSigHashes;
mapping (address => bool) public isKycTeam;
mapping (address => bool) public kycVerified;
bool public teamTokensDelivered;
event updatedPrice(string price);
event newOraclizeQuery(string description);
uint public oraclizeQueryCost;
event LogRefund(address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event LogCreateEVN(address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event LogDeliverEVN(address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event LogCancelDelivery(address indexed _to, string _id);
event LogKycRefused(address indexed _user, uint256 _value);
event LogTeamTokensDelivered(address indexed distributor, uint256 _value);
enum ContractState { Fundraising, Finalized, Paused }
struct Purchase {
address buyer;
uint256 tokenAmount;
bool active;
modifier isFinalized() {
require(state == ContractState.Finalized);
modifier isFundraising() {
require(state == ContractState.Fundraising);
modifier isPaused() {
require(state == ContractState.Paused);
modifier notPaused() {
require(state != ContractState.Paused);
modifier isFundraisingIgnorePaused() {
require(state == ContractState.Fundraising || (state == ContractState.Paused && savedState == ContractState.Fundraising));
modifier onlyKycTeam(){
require(isKycTeam[msg.sender] == true);
modifier onlyOwner() {
require (msg.sender == admin1 || msg.sender == admin2);
multiSigHashes[msg.sender] = keccak256(msg.data);
if ((multiSigHashes[admin1]) == (multiSigHashes[admin2])) {
multiSigHashes[admin1] = 0x0;
multiSigHashes[admin2] = 0x0;
} else {
modifier onlyVendor() {
require(msg.sender == tokenVendor);
modifier minimumReached() {
require(allReceivedEth >= ETH_RECEIVED_MIN);
require(totalSupply >= TOKEN_CREATED_MIN);
modifier isKycVerified(address _user) {
if (isIcoBuyer[_user] == true) {
require (kycVerified[_user] == true);
modifier hasEnoughUnlockedTokens(address _user, uint256 _value) {
if (ccLockedUpBalances[_user] > 0 && block.number < ccReleaseBlock) {
require ((SafeMath.sub(balances[_user], _value)) >= ccLockedUpBalances[_user]);
function EVNToken(
uint256 _fundingStartBlock,
uint256 _fundingEndBlock,
uint256 _roundTwoBlock,
uint256 _roundThreeBlock,
uint256 _roundFourBlock,
address _admin1,
address _admin2,
address _tokenVendor,
uint256 _ccReleaseBlock)
require (block.number <= _fundingStartBlock);
require (_fundingStartBlock < _roundTwoBlock);
require (_roundTwoBlock < _roundThreeBlock);
require (_roundThreeBlock < _roundFourBlock);
require (_roundFourBlock < _fundingEndBlock);
require (_fundingEndBlock < _ccReleaseBlock);
require (_admin1 != 0x0);
require (_admin2 != 0x0);
require (_admin1 != _admin2);
require (_tokenVendor != 0x0);
require (_tokenVendor != _admin1);
require (_tokenVendor != _admin2);
require (msg.value > 0);
state = ContractState.Fundraising;
savedState = ContractState.Fundraising;
fundingStartBlock = _fundingStartBlock;
fundingEndBlock = _fundingEndBlock;
roundTwoBlock = _roundTwoBlock;
roundThreeBlock = _roundThreeBlock;
roundFourBlock = _roundFourBlock;
ccReleaseBlock = _ccReleaseBlock;
totalSupply = 0;
admin1 = _admin1;
admin2 = _admin2;
tokenVendor = _tokenVendor;
oraclize_setCustomGasPrice(100000000000 wei);
oraclizeQueryCost = oraclize_getPrice("URL");
function __callback(bytes32 myid, string result) {
require(msg.sender == oraclize_cbAddress());
ETH_USD_EXCHANGE_RATE_IN_CENTS = SafeMath.parse(result);
function updatePrice() payable {
if (msg.sender != oraclize_cbAddress()) {
require(msg.value >= 200 finney);
if (oraclize_getPrice("URL") > this.balance) {
newOraclizeQuery("Oraclize query was NOT sent, please add some ETH to cover for the query fee");
} else {
newOraclizeQuery("Oraclize sent, wait..");
oraclize_query(3600, "URL", "json(https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/price?fsym=ETH&tsyms=USD).USD", 220000);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)
hasEnoughUnlockedTokens(msg.sender, _value)
returns (bool success)
bool result = super.transfer(_to, _value);
if (result) {
return result;
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value)
hasEnoughUnlockedTokens(msg.sender, _value)
returns (bool success)
bool result = super.transferFrom(_from, _to, _value);
if (result) {
return result;
function getBalanceOf(address _owner)
returns (uint256 _balance)
return balances[_owner];
function getPurchaseById(string _id)
returns (address _buyer, uint256 _tokenAmount, bool _active){
_buyer = purchases[_id].buyer;
_tokenAmount = purchases[_id].tokenAmount;
_active = purchases[_id].active;
function getHolderCount()
returns (uint256 _holderCount)
return holders.length;
function getPurchaseCount()
returns (uint256 _purchaseCount)
return purchaseArray.length;
function getHolder(uint256 _index)
returns (address _holder)
return holders[_index];
function trackHolder(address _to)
returns (bool success)
if (isHolder[_to] == false) {
isHolder[_to] = true;
return true;
function createTokens()
require(block.number >= fundingStartBlock);
require(block.number <= fundingEndBlock);
require(msg.value > 0);
uint256 totalKycedAndUnKycEdEth = SafeMath.add(allUnKycedEth, allReceivedEth);
uint256 checkedReceivedEth = SafeMath.add(totalKycedAndUnKycEdEth, msg.value);
require(checkedReceivedEth <= ETH_RECEIVED_CAP);
uint256 tokens = SafeMath.mul(msg.value, ETH_USD_EXCHANGE_RATE_IN_CENTS);
tokens = tokens / 100;
tokens = safeMulPercentage(tokens, getCurrentDiscountRate());
require(tokens >= TOKEN_MIN);
uint256 checkedSupply = SafeMath.add(totalSupply, tokens);
require(checkedSupply <= TOKEN_CREATION_CAP);
if (kycVerified[msg.sender] == false) {
noKycEthBalances[msg.sender] = SafeMath.add(noKycEthBalances[msg.sender], msg.value);
allUnKycedEth = SafeMath.add(allUnKycedEth, msg.value);
} else {
ethBalances[msg.sender] = SafeMath.add(ethBalances[msg.sender], msg.value);
allReceivedEth = SafeMath.add(allReceivedEth, msg.value);
totalSupply = checkedSupply;
balances[msg.sender] += tokens;
isIcoBuyer[msg.sender] = true;
LogCreateEVN(msg.sender, tokens);
function addToKycTeam(address _teamMember)
isKycTeam[_teamMember] = true;
function removeFromKycTeam(address _teamMember)
isKycTeam[_teamMember] = false;
function unlockKyc(address _owner)
onlyKycTeam {
require(kycVerified[_owner] == false);
kycVerified[_owner] = true;
if (noKycEthBalances[_owner] > 0) {
ethBalances[_owner] = noKycEthBalances[_owner];
allReceivedEth = SafeMath.add(allReceivedEth, noKycEthBalances[_owner]);
allUnKycedEth = SafeMath.sub(allUnKycedEth, noKycEthBalances[_owner]);
noKycEthBalances[_owner] = 0;
function refuseKyc(address _user)
require (kycVerified[_user] == false);
uint256 EVNVal = balances[_user];
require(EVNVal > 0);
uint256 ethVal = noKycEthBalances[_user];
require(ethVal > 0);
allUnKycedEth = SafeMath.sub(allUnKycedEth, noKycEthBalances[_user]);
balances[_user] = ccLockedUpBalances[_user];
noKycEthBalances[_user] = 0;
totalSupply = SafeMath.sub(totalSupply, EVNVal);
LogKycRefused(_user, ethVal);
function cancelDelivery(string _purchaseID)
require (block.number < ccReleaseBlock);
require (purchases[_purchaseID].active == true);
balances[purchases[_purchaseID].buyer] = SafeMath.sub(balances[purchases[_purchaseID].buyer], purchases[_purchaseID].tokenAmount);
ccLockedUpBalances[purchases[_purchaseID].buyer] = SafeMath.sub(ccLockedUpBalances[purchases[_purchaseID].buyer], purchases[_purchaseID].tokenAmount);
purchases[_purchaseID].active = false;
totalSupply = SafeMath.sub(totalSupply, purchases[_purchaseID].tokenAmount);
LogCancelDelivery(purchases[_purchaseID].buyer, _purchaseID);
function deliverTokens(address _to, uint256 _tokens, string _purchaseId, bool _btcBuyer)
require(_to != 0x0);
require(_tokens > 0);
require(block.number >= fundingStartBlock);
require(block.number <= fundingEndBlock + 168000);
uint256 tokens = SafeMath.mul(_tokens, (10**(decimals) / 10**2));
uint256 checkedSupply = SafeMath.add(totalSupply, tokens);
require(checkedSupply <= TOKEN_CREATION_CAP);
totalSupply = checkedSupply;
purchases[_purchaseId] = Purchase({
buyer: _to,
tokenAmount: tokens,
active: true
if (_btcBuyer == false) {
ccLockedUpBalances[_to] = SafeMath.add(ccLockedUpBalances[_to], tokens);
balances[_to] = SafeMath.add(balances[_to], tokens);
isIcoBuyer[_to] = true;
LogDeliverEVN(_to, tokens);
function getCurrentDiscountRate()
returns (uint256 currentDiscountRate)
if (block.number < roundTwoBlock) {
} else if (block.number < roundThreeBlock){
} else if (block.number < roundFourBlock) {
} else {
return 100000;
function retrieveEth(uint256 _value, address _safe)
require(SafeMath.sub(this.balance, _value) >= allUnKycedEth);
require (_safe != 0x0);
function finalize(address _safe)
require(block.number > fundingEndBlock || totalSupply >= TOKEN_CREATED_MIN || allReceivedEth >= ETH_RECEIVED_MIN);
require (_safe != 0x0);
state = ContractState.Finalized;
savedState = ContractState.Finalized;
function pause()
savedState = state;
state = ContractState.Paused;
function proceed()
state = savedState;
function refund()
require(block.number > (fundingEndBlock + 42000));
require(allReceivedEth < ETH_RECEIVED_MIN || totalSupply < TOKEN_CREATED_MIN);
require (ethBalances[msg.sender] > 0 || noKycEthBalances[msg.sender] > 0);
uint256 EVNVal = balances[msg.sender];
require(EVNVal > 0);
uint256 ethVal = SafeMath.add(ethBalances[msg.sender], noKycEthBalances[msg.sender]);
require(ethVal > 0);
allReceivedEth = SafeMath.sub(allReceivedEth, ethBalances[msg.sender]);
allUnKycedEth = SafeMath.sub(allUnKycedEth, noKycEthBalances[msg.sender]);
balances[msg.sender] = 0;
ethBalances[msg.sender] = 0;
noKycEthBalances[msg.sender] = 0;
totalSupply = SafeMath.sub(totalSupply, EVNVal);
LogRefund(msg.sender, ethVal);
function deliverTeamTokens(address _to)
require(teamTokensDelivered == false);
require(_to != 0x0);
uint256 newTotalSupply = safeMulPercentage(totalSupply, 107526);
uint256 tokens = SafeMath.sub(newTotalSupply, totalSupply);
balances[_to] = tokens;
teamTokensDelivered = true;
totalSupply = newTotalSupply;
LogTeamTokensDelivered(_to, tokens);
function safeMulPercentage(uint256 value, uint256 percentage)
returns (uint256 resultValue)
require(percentage >= 100000);
require(percentage < 200000);
uint256 newValue = SafeMath.mul(value, percentage);
newValue = newValue / 10**5;
return newValue;
function setOraclizeGas(uint256 _option)
if (_option <= 30) {
oraclize_setCustomGasPrice(30000000000 wei);
} else if (_option <= 50) {
oraclize_setCustomGasPrice(50000000000 wei);
} else if (_option <= 70) {
oraclize_setCustomGasPrice(70000000000 wei);
} else if (_option <= 100) {
oraclize_setCustomGasPrice(100000000000 wei);