11x14" Pencil & Markers 98lb - 160gsm Multimedia Paper
Originally titled Wild Kitten Glow. This is the logo behind the Maccphil brand. This artwork has been minted twice before: Firstly on the BNB chain (2021) from where it was sent to a dead wallet. Secondly it was minted on ETH where the 2nd copy has successfully been burned (2022). This is now the 3rd time I've minted this artwork. I feel this is the most significant version because MacCat is finally being deployed from my own smart contract.
Original description/poem + completion date:
“Electric colours rush to the head of this Wild Kitten. It’s face wrinkles in suspicion. It’s hair glows softly at night. Electric colours in its fur ignite. Wild Kitten Glow. August 7, 2021”