I remember cancelling a shoot after my wife & I learned that we had just lost our second child that year to a miscarriage.
As a father, it also took a huge toll on me. I just didn't have the space to interact with people at the time. When I told the model that I needed to reschedule, she replied with "Wow, that must be so hard for her. Make sure you're there for her and help her through this tough time..." It felt as I was being shrugged off by the entire world and I don't think I had ever felt that type of "unseen". Hell, even my wife was offended at the model's comment.
I could have carried that hurt with me. I honestly kind of wanted to but then I caught up with another friend some months later. She had just had twins; Her miracle babies. She shared her story and struggle with me and allowed me to make pictures as she prepared for their day. That hurt began to melt away in between the blessings she shared with me that day.