How long one can stay inside? Any time up to the infinity, really. Although we don’t get to live infinitely. I tend to forget we are mere pathetic maggots. No, really, one can stay home for a very long time. I used to know somebody who would be living his dream like that, given a way of never leaving his apartments. Anything can be real, anything can happen.
I’d say that imagination becomes your best friend during a long home isolation. The lack of it will literally make the walls move. In the end your sanity will move too. A person with imagination can expand the very space. Imagination can be tricky though. It’s like an untamed beast, if you ask me.
It bolts wildly, it does whatever it wants, it soils the corners. In other words, it stands in the way.
I remember my imagination annoying me a lot when I was younger. Sometimes my head got full of terrible stuff when I needed to concentrate on my tasks, God help me!
I had put a lot of effort into trying to fix this. I had tried various solutions. To fight my imagination, I tried anything I could imagine. Some of the things were really cruel. For instance, I forced myself to spend an hour standing in a corner before work, as if I was in a kindergarten. As if my work would feel exciting like a rodeo competition in contrast with an hour-long corner vigil. This hour was supposed to exhaust my imagination.
Everything has turned out to the contrary. I started enjoying spending time in the corner. Ever paid attention to all those cracks and crevices in the wall? As I was studying them, the fiend of my imagination was drawing hell of a picture inside my head. I was looking at a little abrasion spot on the smooth surface, and tat some moment it turned into something more elaborate that one of Paolo Uccello’s “The Battle of San Romano” triptych pieces. Do you also remember the “Old Boy” movie? It’s about a Korean guy spending 15 years locked in a single room. And look what he has learned! He wasn’t wasting his time. He had spent it all contemplating revenge on another Korean guy.
Out whole planet, the whole Universe, the whole Being is a single room. How long one can stay inside? We have never ever left this place. I believe that the lines we see staring at the wall are the life itself. If these lines are fascinating or rubbish is up to us.