#: 16
Name: P1XEL6
P1XEL6* is the robot that is the soul of the company and party's king . He was created by PI2P using Pixelord technologies' inventions from a set of light bulbs and dynamics in a particle calculator. He is able to cheer up even the saddest and desperate robot. He loves drive, club life, fun and lively parties. He knows the best sets of famous DJs and constantly plays them for everyone around him. He does not know how to speak. However, he perfectly communicates with other robots with sounds. He loves everything bright and unusual. He always follows fashion trends in clothing, music and art. He consists of LEDs and sound amplifiers.
*P1xel6 is an exclusive robot created in collaboration with musician Pixelord. Pixelord (https://twitter.com/pixelord) wrote an authentic track especially for the P1XEL6, which will be performed as a part of the robot's release