Cory Van Lew. A shadow casted by ignorance, it fades as we move further from the past. For too long women have had to fight to be on a level playing field with man. Shining light on the queens of our world will help bring balance. As the black woman may have one of the hardest journeys, I tapped into one of my favorite muses, “Kilo”. This is me literally shining light on a woman that deserves to have the light shined on her as much as any man in this world.
Kwame aka DarkMythst. Complementary to the term, afrofuturism, she plays a major role in the future of all existence. She is mother, wife, daughter, sister and all that encompasses her divine natural abilities to enhance evolving of mankind. Her blue melanated appearance, influenced by the symbolism and meaning through Cory Van Lew’s perspective of taking the negative aspects of the blues and turning it positive. She almost appears alien-like from another world, but her beauty radiating an invitation of curiosity. She is our future. Without her, mankind falls. She is the future, and paves the way through Afrofuture’her’ism!