As I move towards stillness
A bit of turbulence experienced.
How do I quiet the mind
when all around me is an incessant turbine.
I still the outside and
focus on the water
A grounding,
to be experienced, like no other.
I escape.
A moment in clarity
A moment in peace.
A moment of grace
in New York city...which never sleeps
In NY form, do I grab this moment by the balls?
Or is that an automatic downfall?
In nurturing form, do I gingerly hold the moment?
Form and language matter.
How do I prolong it?
A moment...formless.
Fleeting and yet everlasting.
Encapsulated in a relative second; gone in that same second
This still moment
Distilled to a moment
My soul to seek yet another moment
Feed it: mo'ment