pragma solidity ^0.5.4;
* ERC20 contract interface.
contract ERC20 {
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint);
function decimals() public view returns (uint);
function balanceOf(address tokenOwner) public view returns (uint balance);
function allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender) public view returns (uint remaining);
function transfer(address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
function approve(address spender, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
* @title Module
* @dev Interface for a module.
* A module MUST implement the addModule() method to ensure that a wallet with at least one module
* can never end up in a "frozen" state.
* @author Julien Niset - <>
interface Module {
function init(BaseWallet _wallet) external;
function addModule(BaseWallet _wallet, Module _module) external;
function recoverToken(address _token) external;
* @title BaseWallet
* @dev Simple modular wallet that authorises modules to call its invoke() method.
* Based on by
* @author Julien Niset - <>
contract BaseWallet {
address public implementation;
address public owner;
mapping (address => bool) public authorised;
mapping (bytes4 => address) public enabled;
uint public modules;
function init(address _owner, address[] calldata _modules) external;
function authoriseModule(address _module, bool _value) external;
function enableStaticCall(address _module, bytes4 _method) external;
function setOwner(address _newOwner) external;
function invoke(address _target, uint _value, bytes calldata _data) external returns (bytes memory _result);
* @title ModuleRegistry
* @dev Registry of authorised modules.
* Modules must be registered before they can be authorised on a wallet.
* @author Julien Niset - <>
contract ModuleRegistry {
function registerModule(address _module, bytes32 _name) external;
function deregisterModule(address _module) external;
function registerUpgrader(address _upgrader, bytes32 _name) external;
function deregisterUpgrader(address _upgrader) external;
function recoverToken(address _token) external;
function moduleInfo(address _module) external view returns (bytes32);
function upgraderInfo(address _upgrader) external view returns (bytes32);
function isRegisteredModule(address _module) external view returns (bool);
function isRegisteredModule(address[] calldata _modules) external view returns (bool);
function isRegisteredUpgrader(address _upgrader) external view returns (bool);
contract TokenPriceProvider {
mapping(address => uint256) public cachedPrices;
function setPrice(ERC20 _token, uint256 _price) public;
function setPriceForTokenList(ERC20[] calldata _tokens, uint256[] calldata _prices) external;
function getEtherValue(uint256 _amount, address _token) external view returns (uint256);
* @title GuardianStorage
* @dev Contract storing the state of wallets related to guardians and lock.
* The contract only defines basic setters and getters with no logic. Only modules authorised
* for a wallet can modify its state.
* @author Julien Niset - <>
* @author Olivier Van Den Biggelaar - <>
contract GuardianStorage {
function addGuardian(BaseWallet _wallet, address _guardian) external;
function revokeGuardian(BaseWallet _wallet, address _guardian) external;
function guardianCount(BaseWallet _wallet) external view returns (uint256);
function getGuardians(BaseWallet _wallet) external view returns (address[] memory);
function isGuardian(BaseWallet _wallet, address _guardian) external view returns (bool);
function setLock(BaseWallet _wallet, uint256 _releaseAfter) external;
function isLocked(BaseWallet _wallet) external view returns (bool);
function getLock(BaseWallet _wallet) external view returns (uint256);
function getLocker(BaseWallet _wallet) external view returns (address);
* @title TransferStorage
* @dev Contract storing the state of wallets related to transfers (limit and whitelist).
* The contract only defines basic setters and getters with no logic. Only modules authorised
* for a wallet can modify its state.
* @author Julien Niset - <>
contract TransferStorage {
function setWhitelist(BaseWallet _wallet, address _target, uint256 _value) external;
function getWhitelist(BaseWallet _wallet, address _target) external view returns (uint256);
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
* @dev Multiplies two numbers, reverts on overflow.
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
// benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
// See:
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
require(c / a == b);
return c;
* @dev Integer division of two numbers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b > 0); // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
* @dev Subtracts two numbers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b <= a);
uint256 c = a - b;
return c;
* @dev Adds two numbers, reverts on overflow.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
require(c >= a);
return c;
* @dev Divides two numbers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo),
* reverts when dividing by zero.
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b != 0);
return a % b;
* @dev Returns ceil(a / b).
function ceil(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a / b;
if(a % b == 0) {
return c;
else {
return c + 1;
library GuardianUtils {
* @dev Checks if an address is an account guardian or an account authorised to sign on behalf of a smart-contract guardian
* given a list of guardians.
* @param _guardians the list of guardians
* @param _guardian the address to test
* @return true and the list of guardians minus the found guardian upon success, false and the original list of guardians if not found.
function isGuardian(address[] memory _guardians, address _guardian) internal view returns (bool, address[] memory) {
if(_guardians.length == 0 || _guardian == address(0)) {
return (false, _guardians);
bool isFound = false;
address[] memory updatedGuardians = new address[](_guardians.length - 1);
uint256 index = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _guardians.length; i++) {
if(!isFound) {
// check if _guardian is an account guardian
if(_guardian == _guardians[i]) {
isFound = true;
// check if _guardian is the owner of a smart contract guardian
if(isContract(_guardians[i]) && isGuardianOwner(_guardians[i], _guardian)) {
isFound = true;
if(index < updatedGuardians.length) {
updatedGuardians[index] = _guardians[i];
return isFound ? (true, updatedGuardians) : (false, _guardians);
* @dev Checks if an address is a contract.
* @param _addr The address.
function isContract(address _addr) internal view returns (bool) {
uint32 size;
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
size := extcodesize(_addr)
return (size > 0);
* @dev Checks if an address is the owner of a guardian contract.
* The method does not revert if the call to the owner() method consumes more then 5000 gas.
* @param _guardian The guardian contract
* @param _owner The owner to verify.
function isGuardianOwner(address _guardian, address _owner) internal view returns (bool) {
address owner = address(0);
bytes4 sig = bytes4(keccak256("owner()"));
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
let ptr := mload(0x40)
let result := staticcall(5000, _guardian, ptr, 0x20, ptr, 0x20)
if eq(result, 1) {
owner := mload(ptr)
return owner == _owner;
* @title BaseModule
* @dev Basic module that contains some methods common to all modules.
* @author Julien Niset - <>
contract BaseModule is Module {
// Empty calldata
bytes constant internal EMPTY_BYTES = "";
// The adddress of the module registry.
ModuleRegistry internal registry;
// The address of the Guardian storage
GuardianStorage internal guardianStorage;
* @dev Throws if the wallet is locked.
modifier onlyWhenUnlocked(BaseWallet _wallet) {
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-block-members
require(!guardianStorage.isLocked(_wallet), "BM: wallet must be unlocked");
event ModuleCreated(bytes32 name);
event ModuleInitialised(address wallet);
constructor(ModuleRegistry _registry, GuardianStorage _guardianStorage, bytes32 _name) public {
registry = _registry;
guardianStorage = _guardianStorage;
emit ModuleCreated(_name);
* @dev Throws if the sender is not the target wallet of the call.
modifier onlyWallet(BaseWallet _wallet) {
require(msg.sender == address(_wallet), "BM: caller must be wallet");
* @dev Throws if the sender is not the owner of the target wallet or the module itself.
modifier onlyWalletOwner(BaseWallet _wallet) {
require(msg.sender == address(this) || isOwner(_wallet, msg.sender), "BM: must be an owner for the wallet");
* @dev Throws if the sender is not the owner of the target wallet.
modifier strictOnlyWalletOwner(BaseWallet _wallet) {
require(isOwner(_wallet, msg.sender), "BM: msg.sender must be an owner for the wallet");
* @dev Inits the module for a wallet by logging an event.
* The method can only be called by the wallet itself.
* @param _wallet The wallet.
function init(BaseWallet _wallet) public onlyWallet(_wallet) {
emit ModuleInitialised(address(_wallet));
* @dev Adds a module to a wallet. First checks that the module is registered.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _module The modules to authorise.
function addModule(BaseWallet _wallet, Module _module) external strictOnlyWalletOwner(_wallet) {
require(registry.isRegisteredModule(address(_module)), "BM: module is not registered");
_wallet.authoriseModule(address(_module), true);
* @dev Utility method enbaling anyone to recover ERC20 token sent to the
* module by mistake and transfer them to the Module Registry.
* @param _token The token to recover.
function recoverToken(address _token) external {
uint total = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));
ERC20(_token).transfer(address(registry), total);
* @dev Helper method to check if an address is the owner of a target wallet.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _addr The address.
function isOwner(BaseWallet _wallet, address _addr) internal view returns (bool) {
return _wallet.owner() == _addr;
* @dev Helper method to invoke a wallet.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _to The target address for the transaction.
* @param _value The value of the transaction.
* @param _data The data of the transaction.
function invokeWallet(address _wallet, address _to, uint256 _value, bytes memory _data) internal returns (bytes memory _res) {
bool success;
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-call-value
(success, _res) ="invoke(address,uint256,bytes)", _to, _value, _data));
if(success && _res.length > 0) { //_res is empty if _wallet is an "old" BaseWallet that can't return output values
(_res) = abi.decode(_res, (bytes));
} else if (_res.length > 0) {
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize)
revert(0, returndatasize)
} else if(!success) {
revert("BM: wallet invoke reverted");
* @title RelayerModule
* @dev Base module containing logic to execute transactions signed by eth-less accounts and sent by a relayer.
* @author Julien Niset - <>
contract RelayerModule is BaseModule {
uint256 constant internal BLOCKBOUND = 10000;
mapping (address => RelayerConfig) public relayer;
struct RelayerConfig {
uint256 nonce;
mapping (bytes32 => bool) executedTx;
event TransactionExecuted(address indexed wallet, bool indexed success, bytes32 signedHash);
* @dev Throws if the call did not go through the execute() method.
modifier onlyExecute {
require(msg.sender == address(this), "RM: must be called via execute()");
/* ***************** Abstract method ************************* */
* @dev Gets the number of valid signatures that must be provided to execute a
* specific relayed transaction.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _data The data of the relayed transaction.
* @return The number of required signatures.
function getRequiredSignatures(BaseWallet _wallet, bytes memory _data) internal view returns (uint256);
* @dev Validates the signatures provided with a relayed transaction.
* The method MUST throw if one or more signatures are not valid.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _data The data of the relayed transaction.
* @param _signHash The signed hash representing the relayed transaction.
* @param _signatures The signatures as a concatenated byte array.
function validateSignatures(BaseWallet _wallet, bytes memory _data, bytes32 _signHash, bytes memory _signatures) internal view returns (bool);
/* ************************************************************ */
* @dev Executes a relayed transaction.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _data The data for the relayed transaction
* @param _nonce The nonce used to prevent replay attacks.
* @param _signatures The signatures as a concatenated byte array.
* @param _gasPrice The gas price to use for the gas refund.
* @param _gasLimit The gas limit to use for the gas refund.
function execute(
BaseWallet _wallet,
bytes calldata _data,
uint256 _nonce,
bytes calldata _signatures,
uint256 _gasPrice,
uint256 _gasLimit
returns (bool success)
uint startGas = gasleft();
bytes32 signHash = getSignHash(address(this), address(_wallet), 0, _data, _nonce, _gasPrice, _gasLimit);
require(checkAndUpdateUniqueness(_wallet, _nonce, signHash), "RM: Duplicate request");
require(verifyData(address(_wallet), _data), "RM: the wallet authorized is different then the target of the relayed data");
uint256 requiredSignatures = getRequiredSignatures(_wallet, _data);
if((requiredSignatures * 65) == _signatures.length) {
if(verifyRefund(_wallet, _gasLimit, _gasPrice, requiredSignatures)) {
if(requiredSignatures == 0 || validateSignatures(_wallet, _data, signHash, _signatures)) {
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-call-value
(success,) = address(this).call(_data);
refund(_wallet, startGas - gasleft(), _gasPrice, _gasLimit, requiredSignatures, msg.sender);
emit TransactionExecuted(address(_wallet), success, signHash);
* @dev Gets the current nonce for a wallet.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
function getNonce(BaseWallet _wallet) external view returns (uint256 nonce) {
return relayer[address(_wallet)].nonce;
* @dev Generates the signed hash of a relayed transaction according to ERC 1077.
* @param _from The starting address for the relayed transaction (should be the module)
* @param _to The destination address for the relayed transaction (should be the wallet)
* @param _value The value for the relayed transaction
* @param _data The data for the relayed transaction
* @param _nonce The nonce used to prevent replay attacks.
* @param _gasPrice The gas price to use for the gas refund.
* @param _gasLimit The gas limit to use for the gas refund.
function getSignHash(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _value,
bytes memory _data,
uint256 _nonce,
uint256 _gasPrice,
uint256 _gasLimit
returns (bytes32)
return keccak256(
"\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32",
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(byte(0x19), byte(0), _from, _to, _value, _data, _nonce, _gasPrice, _gasLimit))
* @dev Checks if the relayed transaction is unique.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _nonce The nonce
* @param _signHash The signed hash of the transaction
function checkAndUpdateUniqueness(BaseWallet _wallet, uint256 _nonce, bytes32 _signHash) internal returns (bool) {
if(relayer[address(_wallet)].executedTx[_signHash] == true) {
return false;
relayer[address(_wallet)].executedTx[_signHash] = true;
return true;
* @dev Checks that a nonce has the correct format and is valid.
* It must be constructed as nonce = {block number}{timestamp} where each component is 16 bytes.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _nonce The nonce
function checkAndUpdateNonce(BaseWallet _wallet, uint256 _nonce) internal returns (bool) {
if(_nonce <= relayer[address(_wallet)].nonce) {
return false;
uint256 nonceBlock = (_nonce & 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000) >> 128;
if(nonceBlock > block.number + BLOCKBOUND) {
return false;
relayer[address(_wallet)].nonce = _nonce;
return true;
* @dev Recovers the signer at a given position from a list of concatenated signatures.
* @param _signedHash The signed hash
* @param _signatures The concatenated signatures.
* @param _index The index of the signature to recover.
function recoverSigner(bytes32 _signedHash, bytes memory _signatures, uint _index) internal pure returns (address) {
uint8 v;
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;
// we jump 32 (0x20) as the first slot of bytes contains the length
// we jump 65 (0x41) per signature
// for v we load 32 bytes ending with v (the first 31 come from s) then apply a mask
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
r := mload(add(_signatures, add(0x20,mul(0x41,_index))))
s := mload(add(_signatures, add(0x40,mul(0x41,_index))))
v := and(mload(add(_signatures, add(0x41,mul(0x41,_index)))), 0xff)
require(v == 27 || v == 28);
return ecrecover(_signedHash, v, r, s);
* @dev Refunds the gas used to the Relayer.
* For security reasons the default behavior is to not refund calls with 0 or 1 signatures.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _gasUsed The gas used.
* @param _gasPrice The gas price for the refund.
* @param _gasLimit The gas limit for the refund.
* @param _signatures The number of signatures used in the call.
* @param _relayer The address of the Relayer.
function refund(BaseWallet _wallet, uint _gasUsed, uint _gasPrice, uint _gasLimit, uint _signatures, address _relayer) internal {
uint256 amount = 29292 + _gasUsed; // 21000 (transaction) + 7620 (execution of refund) + 672 to log the event + _gasUsed
// only refund if gas price not null, more than 1 signatures, gas less than gasLimit
if(_gasPrice > 0 && _signatures > 1 && amount <= _gasLimit) {
if(_gasPrice > tx.gasprice) {
amount = amount * tx.gasprice;
else {
amount = amount * _gasPrice;
invokeWallet(address(_wallet), _relayer, amount, EMPTY_BYTES);
* @dev Returns false if the refund is expected to fail.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _gasUsed The expected gas used.
* @param _gasPrice The expected gas price for the refund.
function verifyRefund(BaseWallet _wallet, uint _gasUsed, uint _gasPrice, uint _signatures) internal view returns (bool) {
if(_gasPrice > 0
&& _signatures > 1
&& (address(_wallet).balance < _gasUsed * _gasPrice || _wallet.authorised(address(this)) == false)) {
return false;
return true;
* @dev Checks that the wallet address provided as the first parameter of the relayed data is the same
* as the wallet passed as the input of the execute() method.
@return false if the addresses are different.
function verifyData(address _wallet, bytes memory _data) private pure returns (bool) {
require(_data.length >= 36, "RM: Invalid dataWallet");
address dataWallet;
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
//_data = {length:32}{sig:4}{_wallet:32}{...}
dataWallet := mload(add(_data, 0x24))
return dataWallet == _wallet;
* @dev Parses the data to extract the method signature.
function functionPrefix(bytes memory _data) internal pure returns (bytes4 prefix) {
require(_data.length >= 4, "RM: Invalid functionPrefix");
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly
assembly {
prefix := mload(add(_data, 0x20))
* @title BaseTransfer
* @dev Module containing internal methods to execute or approve transfers
* @author Olivier VDB - <>
contract BaseTransfer is BaseModule {
// Mock token address for ETH
address constant internal ETH_TOKEN = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE;
// *************** Events *************************** //
event Transfer(address indexed wallet, address indexed token, uint256 indexed amount, address to, bytes data);
event Approved(address indexed wallet, address indexed token, uint256 amount, address spender);
event CalledContract(address indexed wallet, address indexed to, uint256 amount, bytes data);
// *************** Internal Functions ********************* //
* @dev Helper method to transfer ETH or ERC20 for a wallet.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _token The ERC20 address.
* @param _to The recipient.
* @param _value The amount of ETH to transfer
* @param _data The data to *log* with the transfer.
function doTransfer(BaseWallet _wallet, address _token, address _to, uint256 _value, bytes memory _data) internal {
if(_token == ETH_TOKEN) {
invokeWallet(address(_wallet), _to, _value, EMPTY_BYTES);
else {
bytes memory methodData = abi.encodeWithSignature("transfer(address,uint256)", _to, _value);
invokeWallet(address(_wallet), _token, 0, methodData);
emit Transfer(address(_wallet), _token, _value, _to, _data);
* @dev Helper method to approve spending the ERC20 of a wallet.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _token The ERC20 address.
* @param _spender The spender address.
* @param _value The amount of token to transfer.
function doApproveToken(BaseWallet _wallet, address _token, address _spender, uint256 _value) internal {
bytes memory methodData = abi.encodeWithSignature("approve(address,uint256)", _spender, _value);
invokeWallet(address(_wallet), _token, 0, methodData);
emit Approved(address(_wallet), _token, _value, _spender);
* @dev Helper method to call an external contract.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _contract The contract address.
* @param _value The ETH value to transfer.
* @param _data The method data.
function doCallContract(BaseWallet _wallet, address _contract, uint256 _value, bytes memory _data) internal {
invokeWallet(address(_wallet), _contract, _value, _data);
emit CalledContract(address(_wallet), _contract, _value, _data);
* @title ApprovedTransfer
* @dev Module to transfer tokens (ETH or ERC20) with the approval of guardians.
* @author Julien Niset - <>
contract ApprovedTransfer is BaseModule, RelayerModule, BaseTransfer {
bytes32 constant NAME = "ApprovedTransfer";
constructor(ModuleRegistry _registry, GuardianStorage _guardianStorage) BaseModule(_registry, _guardianStorage, NAME) public {
* @dev transfers tokens (ETH or ERC20) from a wallet.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _token The address of the token to transfer.
* @param _to The destination address
* @param _amount The amoutnof token to transfer
* @param _data The data for the transaction (only for ETH transfers)
function transferToken(
BaseWallet _wallet,
address _token,
address _to,
uint256 _amount,
bytes calldata _data
doTransfer(_wallet, _token, _to, _amount, _data);
* @dev call a contract.
* @param _wallet The target wallet.
* @param _contract The address of the contract.
* @param _value The amount of ETH to transfer as part of call
* @param _data The encoded method data
function callContract(
BaseWallet _wallet,
address _contract,
uint256 _value,
bytes calldata _data
require(!_wallet.authorised(_contract) && _contract != address(_wallet), "AT: Forbidden contract");
doCallContract(_wallet, _contract, _value, _data);
// *************** Implementation of RelayerModule methods ********************* //
function validateSignatures(
BaseWallet _wallet,
bytes memory /* _data */,
bytes32 _signHash,
bytes memory _signatures
returns (bool)
address lastSigner = address(0);
address[] memory guardians = guardianStorage.getGuardians(_wallet);
bool isGuardian = false;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < _signatures.length / 65; i++) {
address signer = recoverSigner(_signHash, _signatures, i);
if(i == 0) {
// AT: first signer must be owner
if(!isOwner(_wallet, signer)) {
return false;
else {
// "AT: signers must be different"
if(signer <= lastSigner) {
return false;
lastSigner = signer;
(isGuardian, guardians) = GuardianUtils.isGuardian(guardians, signer);
// "AT: signatures not valid"
if(!isGuardian) {
return false;
return true;
function getRequiredSignatures(BaseWallet _wallet, bytes memory /* _data */) internal view returns (uint256) {
// owner + [n/2] guardians
return 1 + SafeMath.ceil(guardianStorage.guardianCount(_wallet), 2);
"compilationTarget": {
"ApprovedTransfer.sol": "ApprovedTransfer"
"evmVersion": "byzantium",
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 999
"remappings": []