Pip had been right. The end of the path was closer than he thought and it brought him to a deep ledge, incense barely disguising the smell of salt and drying fish. Blue flames lit a small figure in the corner, a Traveller. Pip had seen these and the other Traveller types from far away before, but never this near.
Nervous but not scared, he moved closer.
A few hours had passed, and Pip learned that this was a friendly traveller, one that had been stuck on this ledge for a few weeks now, watching as others in the distance failed to notice the stranded lights waving. The traveller had been living only on the fish caught using small blue mushrooms as bait, and the water had only been drinkable due to a warm blue flame, who was equally welcoming.
Feeling newly attached to both the Traveller and her flame, Pip knew he had to find a way out. Carefully checking over the way he came in, the entrance was far too small to fit them both through, but he wouldn't be leaving the cave alone.