Curated COVAL Timelock Collection: This vault contains 500000 Circuits of Value .
Lock your COVAL (ERC20) in a timelock vault for 1 year and receive EMBLEM•VAULT•KEYS (Runes) when the vault unlocks.
Owners of a COVAL timelock vault will also receive vaulting discounts and Emblem Vault ecosystem benefits while they are held.
COVAL timelocked amounts
5k = 10% discount
50k = 25% discount
500k = 60% discount
Timelock vaults are a brand new DeFi technology that is created by Emblem Vault. It allows for the ability to lock any type of digital asset inside of a NFT for a set period of time or until a specified condition is met.
[View on Emblem.finance](https://emblem.finance/nft2?id=48939707941451011)