We see symbols & signs that tag & mark territory; large concrete canvases leading up to the mouth of tunnels, walls encompassing parks so your eyes must see. At skateparks, on buildings of the popular business, on the side of your favorite restaurant. The signature of contemporary street art should not go unnoticed as it has a place in the art world today. Pay attention to what your city's 'Graffiti' says back to you. Whats the message?
‘Artistic Redaction’ is the systematic deletion of words & emotion with the use of art. A way to move through the negative energy & find room for something new. TWU is a 2-Volume Series totaling 100 unique 1/1 ERC721 NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain. Manifold contract / Metadata frozen on Arweave.
◉ TWU : Volume I, 1: 50
◉ KSR: Png . 6200 x 6200 pixels . 300 ppi