// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.8.18;
import {BaseStrategy, ERC20} from "https://github.com/yearn/tokenized-strategy/blob/v3.0.3/src/BaseStrategy.sol";
import {Math} from "https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/v4.9.5/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/v4.9.5/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import {IAToken} from "./interfaces/Aave/V3/IAtoken.sol";
import {IStakedAave} from "./interfaces/Aave/V3/IStakedAave.sol";
import {IPool} from "./interfaces/Aave/V3/IPool.sol";
import {IRewardsController} from "./interfaces/Aave/V3/IRewardsController.sol";
// Swappers
import {UniswapV3Swapper} from "https://github.com/yearn/tokenized-strategy-periphery/src/swappers/UniswapV3Swapper.sol";
import {AuctionSwapper, Auction} from "https://github.com/yearn/tokenized-strategy-periphery/src/swappers/AuctionSwapper.sol";
contract AaveV3Lender is BaseStrategy, UniswapV3Swapper, AuctionSwapper {
using SafeERC20 for ERC20;
IStakedAave internal constant stkAave =
address internal constant AAVE =
// To get the Supply cap of an asset.
uint256 internal constant SUPPLY_CAP_START_BIT_POSITION = 116;
uint256 internal immutable decimals;
// The pool to deposit and withdraw through.
IPool public immutable lendingPool;
// The a Token specific rewards contract for claiming rewards.
IRewardsController public immutable rewardsController;
// The token that we get in return for deposits.
IAToken public immutable aToken;
// Local variable if the pool uses virtual accounting.
bool internal virtualAccounting;
// Bool to decide to try and claim rewards. Defaults to False.
bool public claimRewards;
// If rewards should be sold through Auctions.
bool public useAuction = true;
// Mapping to be set by management for any reward tokens.
// This can be used to set different mins for different tokens
// or to set to uin256.max if selling a reward token is reverting
// to allow for reports to still work properly.
mapping(address => uint256) public minAmountToSellMapping;
address _asset,
string memory _name,
address _lendingPool,
address _router,
address _base
) BaseStrategy(_asset, _name) {
lendingPool = IPool(_lendingPool);
// Set the aToken based on the asset we are using.
aToken = IAToken(lendingPool.getReserveData(_asset).aTokenAddress);
// Make sure its a real token.
require(address(aToken) != address(0), "!aToken");
// Get aToken decimals for supply caps.
decimals = ERC20(address(aToken)).decimals();
// Set the rewards controller
rewardsController = aToken.getIncentivesController();
// Set if using the virtual accounting.
// Make approve the lending pool for cheaper deposits.
asset.safeApprove(address(lendingPool), type(uint256).max);
// Set uni swapper values
// We will use the minAmountToSell mapping instead.
minAmountToSell = 0;
router = _router;
base = _base;
* @notice Set the uni fees for swaps.
* @dev External function available to management to set
* the fees used in the `UniswapV3Swapper.
* Any incentivized tokens will need a fee to be set for each
* reward token that it wishes to swap on reports.
* @param _token0 The first token of the pair.
* @param _token1 The second token of the pair.
* @param _fee The fee to be used for the pair.
function setUniFees(
address _token0,
address _token1,
uint24 _fee
) external onlyManagement {
_setUniFees(_token0, _token1, _fee);
* @dev Should deploy up to '_amount' of 'asset' in the yield source.
* This function is called at the end of a {deposit} or {mint}
* call. Meaning that unless a whitelist is implemented it will
* be entirely permissionless and thus can be sandwiched or otherwise
* manipulated.
* @param _amount The amount of 'asset' that the strategy should attempt
* to deposit in the yield source.
function _deployFunds(uint256 _amount) internal override {
lendingPool.supply(address(asset), _amount, address(this), 0);
* @dev Will attempt to free the '_amount' of 'asset'.
* The amount of 'asset' that is already loose has already
* been accounted for.
* This function is called during {withdraw} and {redeem} calls.
* Meaning that unless a whitelist is implemented it will be
* entirely permissionless and thus can be sandwiched or otherwise
* manipulated.
* Should not rely on asset.balanceOf(address(this)) calls other than
* for diff accounting purposes.
* Any difference between `_amount` and what is actually freed will be
* counted as a loss and passed on to the withdrawer. This means
* care should be taken in times of illiquidity. It may be better to revert
* if withdraws are simply illiquid so not to realize incorrect losses.
* Any difference between `_amount` and what is actually freed will be
* counted as a loss and passed on to the withdrawer. This means
* care should be taken in times of illiquidity. It may be better to revert
* if withdraws are simply illiquid so not to realize incorrect losses.
* @param _amount, The amount of 'asset' to be freed.
function _freeFunds(uint256 _amount) internal override {
Math.min(aToken.balanceOf(address(this)), _amount),
* @dev Internal function to harvest all rewards, redeploy any idle
* funds and return an accurate accounting of all funds currently
* held by the Strategy.
* This should do any needed harvesting, rewards selling, accrual,
* redepositing etc. to get the most accurate view of current assets.
* NOTE: All applicable assets including loose assets should be
* accounted for in this function.
* Care should be taken when relying on oracles or swap values rather
* than actual amounts as all Strategy profit/loss accounting will
* be done based on this returned value.
* This can still be called post a shutdown, a strategist can check
* `TokenizedStrategy.isShutdown()` to decide if funds should be
* redeployed or simply realize any profits/losses.
* @return _totalAssets A trusted and accurate account for the total
* amount of 'asset' the strategy currently holds including idle funds.
function _harvestAndReport()
returns (uint256 _totalAssets)
if (claimRewards) {
// Claim and sell any rewards to `asset`.
_totalAssets = aToken.balanceOf(address(this)) + balanceOfAsset();
function balanceOfAsset() public view returns (uint256) {
return asset.balanceOf(address(this));
* @notice Used to claim any pending rewards and sell them to asset.
function _claimAndSellRewards() internal {
// Claim any pending stkAave.
//claim all rewards
address[] memory assets = new address[](1);
assets[0] = address(aToken);
(address[] memory rewardsList, ) = rewardsController
// Start cooldown on any new stkAave.
// If using the Auction contract we are done.
if (useAuction) return;
// Else swap as much as possible back to asset through uni.
address token;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardsList.length; ++i) {
token = rewardsList[i];
if (token == address(asset) || token == address(aToken)) {
} else if (token == address(stkAave)) {
// We swap Aave => asset
token = AAVE;
uint256 balance = ERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this));
if (balance > minAmountToSellMapping[token]) {
_swapFrom(token, address(asset), balance, 0);
function _redeemAave() internal {
if (!checkCooldown()) {
uint256 stkAaveBalance = ERC20(address(stkAave)).balanceOf(
if (stkAaveBalance > 0) {
stkAave.redeem(address(this), stkAaveBalance);
function checkCooldown() public view returns (bool) {
if (block.chainid != 1) return false;
uint256 cooldownStartTimestamp = IStakedAave(stkAave)
if (cooldownStartTimestamp == 0) return false;
uint256 cooldownSeconds = IStakedAave(stkAave).getCooldownSeconds();
uint256 UNSTAKE_WINDOW = IStakedAave(stkAave).UNSTAKE_WINDOW();
if (block.timestamp >= cooldownStartTimestamp + cooldownSeconds) {
block.timestamp - (cooldownStartTimestamp + cooldownSeconds) <=
} else {
return false;
function _harvestStkAave() internal {
if (block.chainid != 1) return;
// request start of cooldown period
if (ERC20(address(stkAave)).balanceOf(address(this)) > 0) {
function manualRedeemAave() external onlyKeepers {
* @notice Gets the max amount of `asset` that an address can deposit.
* @dev Defaults to an unlimited amount for any address. But can
* be overridden by strategists.
* This function will be called before any deposit or mints to enforce
* any limits desired by the strategist. This can be used for either a
* traditional deposit limit or for implementing a whitelist etc.
* EX:
* if(isAllowed[_owner]) return super.availableDepositLimit(_owner);
* This does not need to take into account any conversion rates
* from shares to assets. But should know that any non max uint256
* amounts may be converted to shares. So it is recommended to keep
* custom amounts low enough as not to cause overflow when multiplied
* by `totalSupply`.
* @param . The address that is depositing into the strategy.
* @return . The available amount the `_owner` can deposit in terms of `asset`
function availableDepositLimit(
address /*_owner*/
) public view override returns (uint256) {
// Get the data configuration bitmap.
uint256 _data = lendingPool
// Cannot deposit when paused or frozen.
if (_isPaused(_data) || _isFrozen(_data)) return 0;
uint256 supplyCap = _getSupplyCap(_data);
// If we have no supply cap.
if (supplyCap == 0) return type(uint256).max;
// Supply plus any already idle funds.
uint256 supply = aToken.totalSupply() + asset.balanceOf(address(this));
// If we already hit the cap.
if (supplyCap <= supply) return 0;
// Return the remaining room.
unchecked {
return supplyCap - supply;
* @notice Gets the supply cap of the reserve
* @return The supply cap
function getSupplyCap() public view returns (uint256) {
* @dev Given the data configuration returns the supply cap.
function _getSupplyCap(uint256 _data) internal view returns (uint256) {
// Get out the supply cap for the asset.
uint256 cap = (_data & ~SUPPLY_CAP_MASK) >>
// Adjust to the correct decimals.
return cap * (10 ** decimals);
* @dev Paused flag is at the 60th bit
function _isPaused(uint256 _data) internal view returns (bool) {
// Create a mask with only the 60th bit set
uint256 mask = 1 << 60; // Bitwise left shift by 59 positions
// Perform bitwise AND operation to check if the 60th bit is 0.
return (_data & mask) != 0;
* @dev Frozen flag is at the 57th bit.
function _isFrozen(uint256 _data) internal view returns (bool) {
// Create a mask with only the 57th bit set
uint256 mask = 1 << 57; // Bitwise left shift by 56 positions
// Perform bitwise AND operation to check if the 57th bit 0.
return (_data & mask) != 0;
* @dev Open function to set the local bool corresponding to
* if the pool is using the virtual accounting method.
function setIsVirtualAccActive() public {
virtualAccounting =
* @dev Gets the liquid balance that can be withdrawn from the pool
function _getLiquidity() internal view returns (uint256) {
if (virtualAccounting) {
return lendingPool.getVirtualUnderlyingBalance(address(asset));
} else {
return asset.balanceOf(address(aToken));
* @notice Gets the max amount of `asset` that can be withdrawn.
* @dev Defaults to an unlimited amount for any address. But can
* be overridden by strategists.
* This function will be called before any withdraw or redeem to enforce
* any limits desired by the strategist. This can be used for illiquid
* or sandwichable strategies. It should never be lower than `totalIdle`.
* EX:
* return TokenIzedStrategy.totalIdle();
* This does not need to take into account the `_owner`'s share balance
* or conversion rates from shares to assets.
* @param . The address that is withdrawing from the strategy.
* @return . The available amount that can be withdrawn in terms of `asset`
function availableWithdrawLimit(
address /*_owner*/
) public view override returns (uint256) {
uint256 liquidity;
// IF pool is not paused
if (
) {
// Get the tracked virtual balance
liquidity = _getLiquidity();
return balanceOfAsset() + liquidity;
* @notice Set the `minAmountToSellMapping` for a specific `_token`.
* @dev This can be used by management to adjust wether or not the
* _claimAndSellRewards() function will attempt to sell a specific
* reward token. This can be used if liquidity is to low, amounts
* are to low or any other reason that may cause reverts.
* @param _token The address of the token to adjust.
* @param _amount Min required amount to sell.
function setMinAmountToSellMapping(
address _token,
uint256 _amount
) external onlyManagement {
minAmountToSellMapping[_token] = _amount;
* @notice Set wether or not the strategy should claim and sell rewards.
* @param _bool Wether or not rewards should be claimed and sold
function setClaimRewards(bool _bool) external onlyManagement {
claimRewards = _bool;
///////////// DUTCH AUCTION FUNCTIONS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
function setAuction(address _auction) external onlyEmergencyAuthorized {
if (_auction != address(0)) {
require(Auction(_auction).want() == address(asset), "wrong want");
auction = _auction;
function _auctionKicked(
address _token
) internal virtual override returns (uint256 _kicked) {
require(_token != address(asset), "asset");
_kicked = super._auctionKicked(_token);
require(_kicked >= minAmountToSellMapping[_token], "too little");
* @notice Set if tokens should be sold through the dutch auction contract.
function setUseAuction(bool _useAuction) external onlyManagement {
useAuction = _useAuction;
* @dev Optional function for a strategist to override that will
* allow management to manually withdraw deployed funds from the
* yield source if a strategy is shutdown.
* This should attempt to free `_amount`, noting that `_amount` may
* be more than is currently deployed.
* NOTE: This will not realize any profits or losses. A separate
* {report} will be needed in order to record any profit/loss. If
* a report may need to be called after a shutdown it is important
* to check if the strategy is shutdown during {_harvestAndReport}
* so that it does not simply re-deploy all funds that had been freed.
* EX:
* if(freeAsset > 0 && !TokenizedStrategy.isShutdown()) {
* depositFunds...
* }
* @param _amount The amount of asset to attempt to free.
function _emergencyWithdraw(uint256 _amount) internal override {
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.8.0) (utils/Address.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.1;
* @dev Collection of functions related to the address type
library Address {
* @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract.
* ====
* It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns
* false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract.
* Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following
* types of addresses:
* - an externally-owned account
* - a contract in construction
* - an address where a contract will be created
* - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed
* ====
* ====
* You shouldn't rely on `isContract` to protect against flash loan attacks!
* Preventing calls from contracts is highly discouraged. It breaks composability, breaks support for smart wallets
* like Gnosis Safe, and does not provide security since it can be circumvented by calling from a contract
* constructor.
* ====
function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {
// This method relies on extcodesize/address.code.length, which returns 0
// for contracts in construction, since the code is only stored at the end
// of the constructor execution.
return account.code.length > 0;
* @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to
* `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors.
* https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1884[EIP1884] increases the gas cost
* of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit
* imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via
* `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation.
* https://diligence.consensys.net/posts/2019/09/stop-using-soliditys-transfer-now/[Learn more].
* IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be
* taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using
* {ReentrancyGuard} or the
* https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.5.11/security-considerations.html#use-the-checks-effects-interactions-pattern[checks-effects-interactions pattern].
function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal {
require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance");
(bool success, ) = recipient.call{value: amount}("");
require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted");
* @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A
* plain `call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this
* function instead.
* If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this
* function (like regular Solidity function calls).
* Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value,
* use https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/units-and-global-variables.html?highlight=abi.decode#abi-encoding-and-decoding-functions[`abi.decode`].
* Requirements:
* - `target` must be a contract.
* - calling `target` with `data` must not revert.
* _Available since v3.1._
function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {
return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, "Address: low-level call failed");
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with
* `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.
* _Available since v3.1._
function functionCall(
address target,
bytes memory data,
string memory errorMessage
) internal returns (bytes memory) {
return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage);
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
* but also transferring `value` wei to `target`.
* Requirements:
* - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`.
* - the called Solidity function must be `payable`.
* _Available since v3.1._
function functionCallWithValue(
address target,
bytes memory data,
uint256 value
) internal returns (bytes memory) {
return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed");
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but
* with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts.
* _Available since v3.1._
function functionCallWithValue(
address target,
bytes memory data,
uint256 value,
string memory errorMessage
) internal returns (bytes memory) {
require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call");
(bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.call{value: value}(data);
return verifyCallResultFromTarget(target, success, returndata, errorMessage);
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
* but performing a static call.
* _Available since v3.3._
function functionStaticCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
return functionStaticCall(target, data, "Address: low-level static call failed");
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],
* but performing a static call.
* _Available since v3.3._
function functionStaticCall(
address target,
bytes memory data,
string memory errorMessage
) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
(bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.staticcall(data);
return verifyCallResultFromTarget(target, success, returndata, errorMessage);
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`],
* but performing a delegate call.
* _Available since v3.4._
function functionDelegateCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) {
return functionDelegateCall(target, data, "Address: low-level delegate call failed");
* @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`],
* but performing a delegate call.
* _Available since v3.4._
function functionDelegateCall(
address target,
bytes memory data,
string memory errorMessage
) internal returns (bytes memory) {
(bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.delegatecall(data);
return verifyCallResultFromTarget(target, success, returndata, errorMessage);
* @dev Tool to verify that a low level call to smart-contract was successful, and revert (either by bubbling
* the revert reason or using the provided one) in case of unsuccessful call or if target was not a contract.
* _Available since v4.8._
function verifyCallResultFromTarget(
address target,
bool success,
bytes memory returndata,
string memory errorMessage
) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
if (success) {
if (returndata.length == 0) {
// only check isContract if the call was successful and the return data is empty
// otherwise we already know that it was a contract
require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract");
return returndata;
} else {
_revert(returndata, errorMessage);
* @dev Tool to verify that a low level call was successful, and revert if it wasn't, either by bubbling the
* revert reason or using the provided one.
* _Available since v4.3._
function verifyCallResult(
bool success,
bytes memory returndata,
string memory errorMessage
) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
if (success) {
return returndata;
} else {
_revert(returndata, errorMessage);
function _revert(bytes memory returndata, string memory errorMessage) private pure {
// Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present
if (returndata.length > 0) {
// The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let returndata_size := mload(returndata)
revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size)
} else {
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Context.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the
* sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available
* via msg.sender and msg.data, they should not be accessed in such a direct
* manner, since when dealing with meta-transactions the account sending and
* paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application
* is concerned).
* This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.
abstract contract Context {
function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
return msg.sender;
function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) {
return msg.data;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity >=0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
library DataTypesV3 {
struct ReserveDataLegacy {
//stores the reserve configuration
ReserveConfigurationMap configuration;
//the liquidity index. Expressed in ray
uint128 liquidityIndex;
//the current supply rate. Expressed in ray
uint128 currentLiquidityRate;
//variable borrow index. Expressed in ray
uint128 variableBorrowIndex;
//the current variable borrow rate. Expressed in ray
uint128 currentVariableBorrowRate;
//the current stable borrow rate. Expressed in ray
uint128 currentStableBorrowRate;
//timestamp of last update
uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp;
//the id of the reserve. Represents the position in the list of the active reserves
uint16 id;
//aToken address
address aTokenAddress;
//stableDebtToken address
address stableDebtTokenAddress;
//variableDebtToken address
address variableDebtTokenAddress;
//address of the interest rate strategy
address interestRateStrategyAddress;
//the current treasury balance, scaled
uint128 accruedToTreasury;
//the outstanding unbacked aTokens minted through the bridging feature
uint128 unbacked;
//the outstanding debt borrowed against this asset in isolation mode
uint128 isolationModeTotalDebt;
struct ReserveData {
//stores the reserve configuration
ReserveConfigurationMap configuration;
//the liquidity index. Expressed in ray
uint128 liquidityIndex;
//the current supply rate. Expressed in ray
uint128 currentLiquidityRate;
//variable borrow index. Expressed in ray
uint128 variableBorrowIndex;
//the current variable borrow rate. Expressed in ray
uint128 currentVariableBorrowRate;
//the current stable borrow rate. Expressed in ray
uint128 currentStableBorrowRate;
//timestamp of last update
uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp;
//the id of the reserve. Represents the position in the list of the active reserves
uint16 id;
//timestamp until when liquidations are not allowed on the reserve, if set to past liquidations will be allowed
uint40 liquidationGracePeriodUntil;
//aToken address
address aTokenAddress;
//stableDebtToken address
address stableDebtTokenAddress;
//variableDebtToken address
address variableDebtTokenAddress;
//address of the interest rate strategy
address interestRateStrategyAddress;
//the current treasury balance, scaled
uint128 accruedToTreasury;
//the outstanding unbacked aTokens minted through the bridging feature
uint128 unbacked;
//the outstanding debt borrowed against this asset in isolation mode
uint128 isolationModeTotalDebt;
//the amount of underlying accounted for by the protocol
uint128 virtualUnderlyingBalance;
struct ReserveConfigurationMap {
//bit 0-15: LTV
//bit 16-31: Liq. threshold
//bit 32-47: Liq. bonus
//bit 48-55: Decimals
//bit 56: reserve is active
//bit 57: reserve is frozen
//bit 58: borrowing is enabled
//bit 59: stable rate borrowing enabled
//bit 60: asset is paused
//bit 61: borrowing in isolation mode is enabled
//bit 62-63: reserved
//bit 64-79: reserve factor
//bit 80-115 borrow cap in whole tokens, borrowCap == 0 => no cap
//bit 116-151 supply cap in whole tokens, supplyCap == 0 => no cap
//bit 152-167 liquidation protocol fee
//bit 168-175 eMode category
//bit 176-211 unbacked mint cap in whole tokens, unbackedMintCap == 0 => minting disabled
//bit 212-251 debt ceiling for isolation mode with (ReserveConfiguration::DEBT_CEILING_DECIMALS) decimals
//bit 252-255 unused
uint256 data;
struct UserConfigurationMap {
* @dev Bitmap of the users collaterals and borrows. It is divided in pairs of bits, one pair per asset.
* The first bit indicates if an asset is used as collateral by the user, the second whether an
* asset is borrowed by the user.
uint256 data;
struct EModeCategory {
// each eMode category has a custom ltv and liquidation threshold
uint16 ltv;
uint16 liquidationThreshold;
uint16 liquidationBonus;
// each eMode category may or may not have a custom oracle to override the individual assets price oracles
address priceSource;
string label;
enum InterestRateMode {
struct ReserveCache {
uint256 currScaledVariableDebt;
uint256 nextScaledVariableDebt;
uint256 currPrincipalStableDebt;
uint256 currAvgStableBorrowRate;
uint256 currTotalStableDebt;
uint256 nextAvgStableBorrowRate;
uint256 nextTotalStableDebt;
uint256 currLiquidityIndex;
uint256 nextLiquidityIndex;
uint256 currVariableBorrowIndex;
uint256 nextVariableBorrowIndex;
uint256 currLiquidityRate;
uint256 currVariableBorrowRate;
uint256 reserveFactor;
ReserveConfigurationMap reserveConfiguration;
address aTokenAddress;
address stableDebtTokenAddress;
address variableDebtTokenAddress;
uint40 reserveLastUpdateTimestamp;
uint40 stableDebtLastUpdateTimestamp;
struct ExecuteLiquidationCallParams {
uint256 reservesCount;
uint256 debtToCover;
address collateralAsset;
address debtAsset;
address user;
bool receiveAToken;
address priceOracle;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
address priceOracleSentinel;
struct ExecuteSupplyParams {
address asset;
uint256 amount;
address onBehalfOf;
uint16 referralCode;
struct ExecuteBorrowParams {
address asset;
address user;
address onBehalfOf;
uint256 amount;
InterestRateMode interestRateMode;
uint16 referralCode;
bool releaseUnderlying;
uint256 maxStableRateBorrowSizePercent;
uint256 reservesCount;
address oracle;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
address priceOracleSentinel;
struct ExecuteRepayParams {
address asset;
uint256 amount;
InterestRateMode interestRateMode;
address onBehalfOf;
bool useATokens;
struct ExecuteWithdrawParams {
address asset;
uint256 amount;
address to;
uint256 reservesCount;
address oracle;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
struct ExecuteSetUserEModeParams {
uint256 reservesCount;
address oracle;
uint8 categoryId;
struct FinalizeTransferParams {
address asset;
address from;
address to;
uint256 amount;
uint256 balanceFromBefore;
uint256 balanceToBefore;
uint256 reservesCount;
address oracle;
uint8 fromEModeCategory;
struct FlashloanParams {
address receiverAddress;
address[] assets;
uint256[] amounts;
uint256[] interestRateModes;
address onBehalfOf;
bytes params;
uint16 referralCode;
uint256 flashLoanPremiumToProtocol;
uint256 flashLoanPremiumTotal;
uint256 maxStableRateBorrowSizePercent;
uint256 reservesCount;
address addressesProvider;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
bool isAuthorizedFlashBorrower;
struct FlashloanSimpleParams {
address receiverAddress;
address asset;
uint256 amount;
bytes params;
uint16 referralCode;
uint256 flashLoanPremiumToProtocol;
uint256 flashLoanPremiumTotal;
struct FlashLoanRepaymentParams {
uint256 amount;
uint256 totalPremium;
uint256 flashLoanPremiumToProtocol;
address asset;
address receiverAddress;
uint16 referralCode;
struct CalculateUserAccountDataParams {
UserConfigurationMap userConfig;
uint256 reservesCount;
address user;
address oracle;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
struct ValidateBorrowParams {
ReserveCache reserveCache;
UserConfigurationMap userConfig;
address asset;
address userAddress;
uint256 amount;
InterestRateMode interestRateMode;
uint256 maxStableLoanPercent;
uint256 reservesCount;
address oracle;
uint8 userEModeCategory;
address priceOracleSentinel;
bool isolationModeActive;
address isolationModeCollateralAddress;
uint256 isolationModeDebtCeiling;
struct ValidateLiquidationCallParams {
ReserveCache debtReserveCache;
uint256 totalDebt;
uint256 healthFactor;
address priceOracleSentinel;
struct CalculateInterestRatesParams {
uint256 unbacked;
uint256 liquidityAdded;
uint256 liquidityTaken;
uint256 totalStableDebt;
uint256 totalVariableDebt;
uint256 averageStableBorrowRate;
uint256 reserveFactor;
address reserve;
bool usingVirtualBalance;
uint256 virtualUnderlyingBalance;
struct InitReserveParams {
address asset;
address aTokenAddress;
address stableDebtAddress;
address variableDebtAddress;
address interestRateStrategyAddress;
uint16 reservesCount;
uint16 maxNumberReserves;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.6.12;
import "https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/v4.9.5/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {IScaledBalanceToken} from "./IScaledBalanceToken.sol";
import {IRewardsController} from "./IRewardsController.sol";
import {IPool} from "./IPool.sol";
* @title IInitializableAToken
* @author Aave
* @notice Interface for the initialize function on AToken
interface IInitializableAToken {
* @dev Emitted when an aToken is initialized
* @param underlyingAsset The address of the underlying asset
* @param pool The address of the associated pool
* @param treasury The address of the treasury
* @param incentivesController The address of the incentives controller for this aToken
* @param aTokenDecimals The decimals of the underlying
* @param aTokenName The name of the aToken
* @param aTokenSymbol The symbol of the aToken
* @param params A set of encoded parameters for additional initialization
event Initialized(
address indexed underlyingAsset,
address indexed pool,
address treasury,
address incentivesController,
uint8 aTokenDecimals,
string aTokenName,
string aTokenSymbol,
bytes params
* @notice Initializes the aToken
* @param pool The pool contract that is initializing this contract
* @param treasury The address of the Aave treasury, receiving the fees on this aToken
* @param underlyingAsset The address of the underlying asset of this aToken (E.g. WETH for aWETH)
* @param incentivesController The smart contract managing potential incentives distribution
* @param aTokenDecimals The decimals of the aToken, same as the underlying asset's
* @param aTokenName The name of the aToken
* @param aTokenSymbol The symbol of the aToken
* @param params A set of encoded parameters for additional initialization
function initialize(
IPool pool,
address treasury,
address underlyingAsset,
IRewardsController incentivesController,
uint8 aTokenDecimals,
string calldata aTokenName,
string calldata aTokenSymbol,
bytes calldata params
) external;
* @title IAToken
* @author Aave
* @notice Defines the basic interface for an AToken.
interface IAToken is IERC20, IScaledBalanceToken, IInitializableAToken {
* @dev Emitted during the transfer action
* @param from The user whose tokens are being transferred
* @param to The recipient
* @param value The amount being transferred
* @param index The next liquidity index of the reserve
event BalanceTransfer(
address indexed from,
address indexed to,
uint256 value,
uint256 index
* @notice Mints `amount` aTokens to `user`
* @param caller The address performing the mint
* @param onBehalfOf The address of the user that will receive the minted aTokens
* @param amount The amount of tokens getting minted
* @param index The next liquidity index of the reserve
* @return `true` if the the previous balance of the user was 0
function mint(
address caller,
address onBehalfOf,
uint256 amount,
uint256 index
) external returns (bool);
* @notice Burns aTokens from `user` and sends the equivalent amount of underlying to `receiverOfUnderlying`
* @dev In some instances, the mint event could be emitted from a burn transaction
* if the amount to burn is less than the interest that the user accrued
* @param from The address from which the aTokens will be burned
* @param receiverOfUnderlying The address that will receive the underlying
* @param amount The amount being burned
* @param index The next liquidity index of the reserve
function burn(
address from,
address receiverOfUnderlying,
uint256 amount,
uint256 index
) external;
* @notice Mints aTokens to the reserve treasury
* @param amount The amount of tokens getting minted
* @param index The next liquidity index of the reserve
function mintToTreasury(uint256 amount, uint256 index) external;
* @notice Transfers aTokens in the event of a borrow being liquidated, in case the liquidators reclaims the aToken
* @param from The address getting liquidated, current owner of the aTokens
* @param to The recipient
* @param value The amount of tokens getting transferred
function transferOnLiquidation(
address from,
address to,
uint256 value
) external;
* @notice Transfers the underlying asset to `target`.
* @dev Used by the Pool to transfer assets in borrow(), withdraw() and flashLoan()
* @param user The recipient of the underlying
* @param amount The amount getting transferred
function transferUnderlyingTo(address user, uint256 amount) external;
* @notice Handles the underlying received by the aToken after the transfer has been completed.
* @dev The default implementation is empty as with standard ERC20 tokens, nothing needs to be done after the
* transfer is concluded. However in the future there may be aTokens that allow for example to stake the underlying
* to receive LM rewards. In that case, `handleRepayment()` would perform the staking of the underlying asset.
* @param user The user executing the repayment
* @param amount The amount getting repaid
function handleRepayment(address user, uint256 amount) external;
* @notice Allow passing a signed message to approve spending
* @dev implements the permit function as for
* https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/8a34d644aacf0f9f8f00815307fd7dd5da07655f/EIPS/eip-2612.md
* @param owner The owner of the funds
* @param spender The spender
* @param value The amount
* @param deadline The deadline timestamp, type(uint256).max for max deadline
* @param v Signature param
* @param s Signature param
* @param r Signature param
function permit(
address owner,
address spender,
uint256 value,
uint256 deadline,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external;
* @dev Returns the address of the incentives controller contract
function getIncentivesController()
returns (IRewardsController);
* @notice Returns the address of the underlying asset of this aToken (E.g. WETH for aWETH)
* @return The address of the underlying asset
function UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS() external view returns (address);
* @notice Returns the address of the Aave treasury, receiving the fees on this aToken.
* @return Address of the Aave treasury
function RESERVE_TREASURY_ADDRESS() external view returns (address);
* @notice Get the domain separator for the token
* @dev Return cached value if chainId matches cache, otherwise recomputes separator
* @return The domain separator of the token at current chain
function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32);
* @notice Returns the nonce for owner.
* @param owner The address of the owner
* @return The nonce of the owner
function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Rescue and transfer tokens locked in this contract
* @param token The address of the token
* @param to The address of the recipient
* @param amount The amount of token to transfer
function rescueTokens(address token, address to, uint256 amount) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC20/extensions/IERC20Metadata.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../IERC20.sol";
* @dev Interface for the optional metadata functions from the ERC20 standard.
* _Available since v4.1._
interface IERC20Metadata is IERC20 {
* @dev Returns the name of the token.
function name() external view returns (string memory);
* @dev Returns the symbol of the token.
function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
* @dev Returns the decimals places of the token.
function decimals() external view returns (uint8);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import {IPoolAddressesProvider} from "./IPoolAddressesProvider.sol";
import {DataTypesV3} from "./DataTypesV3.sol";
* @title IPool
* @author Aave
* @notice Defines the basic interface for an Aave Pool.
interface IPool {
* @dev Emitted on mintUnbacked()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address initiating the supply
* @param onBehalfOf The beneficiary of the supplied assets, receiving the aTokens
* @param amount The amount of supplied assets
* @param referralCode The referral code used
event MintUnbacked(
address indexed reserve,
address user,
address indexed onBehalfOf,
uint256 amount,
uint16 indexed referralCode
* @dev Emitted on backUnbacked()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param backer The address paying for the backing
* @param amount The amount added as backing
* @param fee The amount paid in fees
event BackUnbacked(
address indexed reserve,
address indexed backer,
uint256 amount,
uint256 fee
* @dev Emitted on supply()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address initiating the supply
* @param onBehalfOf The beneficiary of the supply, receiving the aTokens
* @param amount The amount supplied
* @param referralCode The referral code used
event Supply(
address indexed reserve,
address user,
address indexed onBehalfOf,
uint256 amount,
uint16 indexed referralCode
* @dev Emitted on withdraw()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset being withdrawn
* @param user The address initiating the withdrawal, owner of aTokens
* @param to The address that will receive the underlying
* @param amount The amount to be withdrawn
event Withdraw(
address indexed reserve,
address indexed user,
address indexed to,
uint256 amount
* @dev Emitted on borrow() and flashLoan() when debt needs to be opened
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset being borrowed
* @param user The address of the user initiating the borrow(), receiving the funds on borrow() or just
* initiator of the transaction on flashLoan()
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will be getting the debt
* @param amount The amount borrowed out
* @param interestRateMode The rate mode: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
* @param borrowRate The numeric rate at which the user has borrowed, expressed in ray
* @param referralCode The referral code used
event Borrow(
address indexed reserve,
address user,
address indexed onBehalfOf,
uint256 amount,
DataTypesV3.InterestRateMode interestRateMode,
uint256 borrowRate,
uint16 indexed referralCode
* @dev Emitted on repay()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The beneficiary of the repayment, getting his debt reduced
* @param repayer The address of the user initiating the repay(), providing the funds
* @param amount The amount repaid
* @param useATokens True if the repayment is done using aTokens, `false` if done with underlying asset directly
event Repay(
address indexed reserve,
address indexed user,
address indexed repayer,
uint256 amount,
bool useATokens
* @dev Emitted on swapBorrowRateMode()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address of the user swapping his rate mode
* @param interestRateMode The current interest rate mode of the position being swapped: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
event SwapBorrowRateMode(
address indexed reserve,
address indexed user,
DataTypesV3.InterestRateMode interestRateMode
* @dev Emitted on borrow(), repay() and liquidationCall() when using isolated assets
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param totalDebt The total isolation mode debt for the reserve
event IsolationModeTotalDebtUpdated(
address indexed asset,
uint256 totalDebt
* @dev Emitted when the user selects a certain asset category for eMode
* @param user The address of the user
* @param categoryId The category id
event UserEModeSet(address indexed user, uint8 categoryId);
* @dev Emitted on setUserUseReserveAsCollateral()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address of the user enabling the usage as collateral
event ReserveUsedAsCollateralEnabled(
address indexed reserve,
address indexed user
* @dev Emitted on setUserUseReserveAsCollateral()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address of the user enabling the usage as collateral
event ReserveUsedAsCollateralDisabled(
address indexed reserve,
address indexed user
* @dev Emitted on rebalanceStableBorrowRate()
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param user The address of the user for which the rebalance has been executed
event RebalanceStableBorrowRate(
address indexed reserve,
address indexed user
* @dev Emitted on flashLoan()
* @param target The address of the flash loan receiver contract
* @param initiator The address initiating the flash loan
* @param asset The address of the asset being flash borrowed
* @param amount The amount flash borrowed
* @param interestRateMode The flashloan mode: 0 for regular flashloan, 1 for Stable debt, 2 for Variable debt
* @param premium The fee flash borrowed
* @param referralCode The referral code used
event FlashLoan(
address indexed target,
address initiator,
address indexed asset,
uint256 amount,
DataTypesV3.InterestRateMode interestRateMode,
uint256 premium,
uint16 indexed referralCode
* @dev Emitted when a borrower is liquidated.
* @param collateralAsset The address of the underlying asset used as collateral, to receive as result of the liquidation
* @param debtAsset The address of the underlying borrowed asset to be repaid with the liquidation
* @param user The address of the borrower getting liquidated
* @param debtToCover The debt amount of borrowed `asset` the liquidator wants to cover
* @param liquidatedCollateralAmount The amount of collateral received by the liquidator
* @param liquidator The address of the liquidator
* @param receiveAToken True if the liquidators wants to receive the collateral aTokens, `false` if he wants
* to receive the underlying collateral asset directly
event LiquidationCall(
address indexed collateralAsset,
address indexed debtAsset,
address indexed user,
uint256 debtToCover,
uint256 liquidatedCollateralAmount,
address liquidator,
bool receiveAToken
* @dev Emitted when the state of a reserve is updated.
* @param reserve The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param liquidityRate The next liquidity rate
* @param stableBorrowRate The next stable borrow rate
* @param variableBorrowRate The next variable borrow rate
* @param liquidityIndex The next liquidity index
* @param variableBorrowIndex The next variable borrow index
event ReserveDataUpdated(
address indexed reserve,
uint256 liquidityRate,
uint256 stableBorrowRate,
uint256 variableBorrowRate,
uint256 liquidityIndex,
uint256 variableBorrowIndex
* @dev Emitted when the protocol treasury receives minted aTokens from the accrued interest.
* @param reserve The address of the reserve
* @param amountMinted The amount minted to the treasury
event MintedToTreasury(address indexed reserve, uint256 amountMinted);
* @dev Mints an `amount` of aTokens to the `onBehalfOf`
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to mint
* @param amount The amount to mint
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will receive the aTokens
* @param referralCode Code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
function mintUnbacked(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
address onBehalfOf,
uint16 referralCode
) external;
* @dev Back the current unbacked underlying with `amount` and pay `fee`.
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to back
* @param amount The amount to back
* @param fee The amount paid in fees
function backUnbacked(address asset, uint256 amount, uint256 fee) external;
* @notice Supplies an `amount` of underlying asset into the reserve, receiving in return overlying aTokens.
* - E.g. User supplies 100 USDC and gets in return 100 aUSDC
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to supply
* @param amount The amount to be supplied
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will receive the aTokens, same as msg.sender if the user
* wants to receive them on his own wallet, or a different address if the beneficiary of aTokens
* is a different wallet
* @param referralCode Code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
function supply(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
address onBehalfOf,
uint16 referralCode
) external;
* @notice Supply with transfer approval of asset to be supplied done via permit function
* see: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2612 and https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-713
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to supply
* @param amount The amount to be supplied
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will receive the aTokens, same as msg.sender if the user
* wants to receive them on his own wallet, or a different address if the beneficiary of aTokens
* is a different wallet
* @param deadline The deadline timestamp that the permit is valid
* @param referralCode Code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
* @param permitV The V parameter of ERC712 permit sig
* @param permitR The R parameter of ERC712 permit sig
* @param permitS The S parameter of ERC712 permit sig
function supplyWithPermit(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
address onBehalfOf,
uint16 referralCode,
uint256 deadline,
uint8 permitV,
bytes32 permitR,
bytes32 permitS
) external;
* @notice Withdraws an `amount` of underlying asset from the reserve, burning the equivalent aTokens owned
* E.g. User has 100 aUSDC, calls withdraw() and receives 100 USDC, burning the 100 aUSDC
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to withdraw
* @param amount The underlying amount to be withdrawn
* - Send the value type(uint256).max in order to withdraw the whole aToken balance
* @param to The address that will receive the underlying, same as msg.sender if the user
* wants to receive it on his own wallet, or a different address if the beneficiary is a
* different wallet
* @return The final amount withdrawn
function withdraw(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
address to
) external returns (uint256);
* @notice Allows users to borrow a specific `amount` of the reserve underlying asset, provided that the borrower
* already supplied enough collateral, or he was given enough allowance by a credit delegator on the
* corresponding debt token (StableDebtToken or VariableDebtToken)
* - E.g. User borrows 100 USDC passing as `onBehalfOf` his own address, receiving the 100 USDC in his wallet
* and 100 stable/variable debt tokens, depending on the `interestRateMode`
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to borrow
* @param amount The amount to be borrowed
* @param interestRateMode The interest rate mode at which the user wants to borrow: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
* @param referralCode The code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
* @param onBehalfOf The address of the user who will receive the debt. Should be the address of the borrower itself
* calling the function if he wants to borrow against his own collateral, or the address of the credit delegator
* if he has been given credit delegation allowance
function borrow(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 interestRateMode,
uint16 referralCode,
address onBehalfOf
) external;
* @notice Repays a borrowed `amount` on a specific reserve, burning the equivalent debt tokens owned
* - E.g. User repays 100 USDC, burning 100 variable/stable debt tokens of the `onBehalfOf` address
* @param asset The address of the borrowed underlying asset previously borrowed
* @param amount The amount to repay
* - Send the value type(uint256).max in order to repay the whole debt for `asset` on the specific `debtMode`
* @param interestRateMode The interest rate mode at of the debt the user wants to repay: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
* @param onBehalfOf The address of the user who will get his debt reduced/removed. Should be the address of the
* user calling the function if he wants to reduce/remove his own debt, or the address of any other
* other borrower whose debt should be removed
* @return The final amount repaid
function repay(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 interestRateMode,
address onBehalfOf
) external returns (uint256);
* @notice Repay with transfer approval of asset to be repaid done via permit function
* see: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2612 and https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-713
* @param asset The address of the borrowed underlying asset previously borrowed
* @param amount The amount to repay
* - Send the value type(uint256).max in order to repay the whole debt for `asset` on the specific `debtMode`
* @param interestRateMode The interest rate mode at of the debt the user wants to repay: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
* @param onBehalfOf Address of the user who will get his debt reduced/removed. Should be the address of the
* user calling the function if he wants to reduce/remove his own debt, or the address of any other
* other borrower whose debt should be removed
* @param deadline The deadline timestamp that the permit is valid
* @param permitV The V parameter of ERC712 permit sig
* @param permitR The R parameter of ERC712 permit sig
* @param permitS The S parameter of ERC712 permit sig
* @return The final amount repaid
function repayWithPermit(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 interestRateMode,
address onBehalfOf,
uint256 deadline,
uint8 permitV,
bytes32 permitR,
bytes32 permitS
) external returns (uint256);
* @notice Repays a borrowed `amount` on a specific reserve using the reserve aTokens, burning the
* equivalent debt tokens
* - E.g. User repays 100 USDC using 100 aUSDC, burning 100 variable/stable debt tokens
* @dev Passing uint256.max as amount will clean up any residual aToken dust balance, if the user aToken
* balance is not enough to cover the whole debt
* @param asset The address of the borrowed underlying asset previously borrowed
* @param amount The amount to repay
* - Send the value type(uint256).max in order to repay the whole debt for `asset` on the specific `debtMode`
* @param interestRateMode The interest rate mode at of the debt the user wants to repay: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
* @return The final amount repaid
function repayWithATokens(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 interestRateMode
) external returns (uint256);
* @notice Allows a borrower to swap his debt between stable and variable mode, or vice versa
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset borrowed
* @param interestRateMode The current interest rate mode of the position being swapped: 1 for Stable, 2 for Variable
function swapBorrowRateMode(
address asset,
uint256 interestRateMode
) external;
* @notice Rebalances the stable interest rate of a user to the current stable rate defined on the reserve.
* - Users can be rebalanced if the following conditions are satisfied:
* 1. Usage ratio is above 95%
* 2. the current supply APY is below REBALANCE_UP_THRESHOLD * maxVariableBorrowRate, which means that too
* much has been borrowed at a stable rate and suppliers are not earning enough
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset borrowed
* @param user The address of the user to be rebalanced
function rebalanceStableBorrowRate(address asset, address user) external;
* @notice Allows suppliers to enable/disable a specific supplied asset as collateral
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset supplied
* @param useAsCollateral True if the user wants to use the supply as collateral, false otherwise
function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(
address asset,
bool useAsCollateral
) external;
* @notice Function to liquidate a non-healthy position collateral-wise, with Health Factor below 1
* - The caller (liquidator) covers `debtToCover` amount of debt of the user getting liquidated, and receives
* a proportionally amount of the `collateralAsset` plus a bonus to cover market risk
* @param collateralAsset The address of the underlying asset used as collateral, to receive as result of the liquidation
* @param debtAsset The address of the underlying borrowed asset to be repaid with the liquidation
* @param user The address of the borrower getting liquidated
* @param debtToCover The debt amount of borrowed `asset` the liquidator wants to cover
* @param receiveAToken True if the liquidators wants to receive the collateral aTokens, `false` if he wants
* to receive the underlying collateral asset directly
function liquidationCall(
address collateralAsset,
address debtAsset,
address user,
uint256 debtToCover,
bool receiveAToken
) external;
* @notice Allows smartcontracts to access the liquidity of the pool within one transaction,
* as long as the amount taken plus a fee is returned.
* @dev IMPORTANT There are security concerns for developers of flashloan receiver contracts that must be kept
* into consideration. For further details please visit https://developers.aave.com
* @param receiverAddress The address of the contract receiving the funds, implementing IFlashLoanReceiver interface
* @param assets The addresses of the assets being flash-borrowed
* @param amounts The amounts of the assets being flash-borrowed
* @param interestRateModes Types of the debt to open if the flash loan is not returned:
* 0 -> Don't open any debt, just revert if funds can't be transferred from the receiver
* 1 -> Open debt at stable rate for the value of the amount flash-borrowed to the `onBehalfOf` address
* 2 -> Open debt at variable rate for the value of the amount flash-borrowed to the `onBehalfOf` address
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will receive the debt in the case of using on `modes` 1 or 2
* @param params Variadic packed params to pass to the receiver as extra information
* @param referralCode The code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
function flashLoan(
address receiverAddress,
address[] calldata assets,
uint256[] calldata amounts,
uint256[] calldata interestRateModes,
address onBehalfOf,
bytes calldata params,
uint16 referralCode
) external;
* @notice Allows smartcontracts to access the liquidity of the pool within one transaction,
* as long as the amount taken plus a fee is returned.
* @dev IMPORTANT There are security concerns for developers of flashloan receiver contracts that must be kept
* into consideration. For further details please visit https://developers.aave.com
* @param receiverAddress The address of the contract receiving the funds, implementing IFlashLoanSimpleReceiver interface
* @param asset The address of the asset being flash-borrowed
* @param amount The amount of the asset being flash-borrowed
* @param params Variadic packed params to pass to the receiver as extra information
* @param referralCode The code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
function flashLoanSimple(
address receiverAddress,
address asset,
uint256 amount,
bytes calldata params,
uint16 referralCode
) external;
* @notice Returns the user account data across all the reserves
* @param user The address of the user
* @return totalCollateralBase The total collateral of the user in the base currency used by the price feed
* @return totalDebtBase The total debt of the user in the base currency used by the price feed
* @return availableBorrowsBase The borrowing power left of the user in the base currency used by the price feed
* @return currentLiquidationThreshold The liquidation threshold of the user
* @return ltv The loan to value of The user
* @return healthFactor The current health factor of the user
function getUserAccountData(
address user
returns (
uint256 totalCollateralBase,
uint256 totalDebtBase,
uint256 availableBorrowsBase,
uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold,
uint256 ltv,
uint256 healthFactor
* @notice Initializes a reserve, activating it, assigning an aToken and debt tokens and an
* interest rate strategy
* @dev Only callable by the PoolConfigurator contract
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param aTokenAddress The address of the aToken that will be assigned to the reserve
* @param stableDebtAddress The address of the StableDebtToken that will be assigned to the reserve
* @param variableDebtAddress The address of the VariableDebtToken that will be assigned to the reserve
* @param interestRateStrategyAddress The address of the interest rate strategy contract
function initReserve(
address asset,
address aTokenAddress,
address stableDebtAddress,
address variableDebtAddress,
address interestRateStrategyAddress
) external;
* @notice Drop a reserve
* @dev Only callable by the PoolConfigurator contract
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
function dropReserve(address asset) external;
* @notice Updates the address of the interest rate strategy contract
* @dev Only callable by the PoolConfigurator contract
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param rateStrategyAddress The address of the interest rate strategy contract
function setReserveInterestRateStrategyAddress(
address asset,
address rateStrategyAddress
) external;
* @notice Sets the configuration bitmap of the reserve as a whole
* @dev Only callable by the PoolConfigurator contract
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @param configuration The new configuration bitmap
function setConfiguration(
address asset,
DataTypesV3.ReserveConfigurationMap calldata configuration
) external;
* @notice Returns the configuration of the reserve
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @return The configuration of the reserve
function getConfiguration(
address asset
) external view returns (DataTypesV3.ReserveConfigurationMap memory);
* @notice Returns the configuration of the user across all the reserves
* @param user The user address
* @return The configuration of the user
function getUserConfiguration(
address user
) external view returns (DataTypesV3.UserConfigurationMap memory);
* @notice Returns the normalized income normalized income of the reserve
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @return The reserve's normalized income
function getReserveNormalizedIncome(
address asset
) external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Returns the normalized variable debt per unit of asset
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @return The reserve normalized variable debt
function getReserveNormalizedVariableDebt(
address asset
) external view returns (uint256);
function getReserveDataExtended(
address asset
) external view returns (DataTypesV3.ReserveData memory);
function getVirtualUnderlyingBalance(
address asset
) external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Returns the state and configuration of the reserve
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the reserve
* @return The state and configuration data of the reserve
function getReserveData(
address asset
) external view returns (DataTypesV3.ReserveDataLegacy memory);
* @notice Validates and finalizes an aToken transfer
* @dev Only callable by the overlying aToken of the `asset`
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset of the aToken
* @param from The user from which the aTokens are transferred
* @param to The user receiving the aTokens
* @param amount The amount being transferred/withdrawn
* @param balanceFromBefore The aToken balance of the `from` user before the transfer
* @param balanceToBefore The aToken balance of the `to` user before the transfer
function finalizeTransfer(
address asset,
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount,
uint256 balanceFromBefore,
uint256 balanceToBefore
) external;
* @notice Returns the list of the underlying assets of all the initialized reserves
* @dev It does not include dropped reserves
* @return The addresses of the underlying assets of the initialized reserves
function getReservesList() external view returns (address[] memory);
* @notice Returns the address of the underlying asset of a reserve by the reserve id as stored in the DataTypesV3.ReserveData struct
* @param id The id of the reserve as stored in the DataTypesV3.ReserveData struct
* @return The address of the reserve associated with id
function getReserveAddressById(uint16 id) external view returns (address);
* @notice Returns the PoolAddressesProvider connected to this contract
* @return The address of the PoolAddressesProvider
returns (IPoolAddressesProvider);
* @notice Updates the protocol fee on the bridging
* @param bridgeProtocolFee The part of the premium sent to the protocol treasury
function updateBridgeProtocolFee(uint256 bridgeProtocolFee) external;
* @notice Updates flash loan premiums. Flash loan premium consists of two parts:
* - A part is sent to aToken holders as extra, one time accumulated interest
* - A part is collected by the protocol treasury
* @dev The total premium is calculated on the total borrowed amount
* @dev The premium to protocol is calculated on the total premium, being a percentage of `flashLoanPremiumTotal`
* @dev Only callable by the PoolConfigurator contract
* @param flashLoanPremiumTotal The total premium, expressed in bps
* @param flashLoanPremiumToProtocol The part of the premium sent to the protocol treasury, expressed in bps
function updateFlashloanPremiums(
uint128 flashLoanPremiumTotal,
uint128 flashLoanPremiumToProtocol
) external;
* @notice Configures a new category for the eMode.
* @dev In eMode, the protocol allows very high borrowing power to borrow assets of the same category.
* The category 0 is reserved as it's the default for volatile assets
* @param id The id of the category
* @param config The configuration of the category
function configureEModeCategory(
uint8 id,
DataTypesV3.EModeCategory memory config
) external;
* @notice Returns the data of an eMode category
* @param id The id of the category
* @return The configuration data of the category
function getEModeCategoryData(
uint8 id
) external view returns (DataTypesV3.EModeCategory memory);
* @notice Allows a user to use the protocol in eMode
* @param categoryId The id of the category
function setUserEMode(uint8 categoryId) external;
* @notice Returns the eMode the user is using
* @param user The address of the user
* @return The eMode id
function getUserEMode(address user) external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Resets the isolation mode total debt of the given asset to zero
* @dev It requires the given asset has zero debt ceiling
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to reset the isolationModeTotalDebt
function resetIsolationModeTotalDebt(address asset) external;
* @notice Returns the percentage of available liquidity that can be borrowed at once at stable rate
* @return The percentage of available liquidity to borrow, expressed in bps
returns (uint256);
* @notice Returns the total fee on flash loans
* @return The total fee on flashloans
function FLASHLOAN_PREMIUM_TOTAL() external view returns (uint128);
* @notice Returns the part of the bridge fees sent to protocol
* @return The bridge fee sent to the protocol treasury
function BRIDGE_PROTOCOL_FEE() external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Returns the part of the flashloan fees sent to protocol
* @return The flashloan fee sent to the protocol treasury
function FLASHLOAN_PREMIUM_TO_PROTOCOL() external view returns (uint128);
* @notice Returns the maximum number of reserves supported to be listed in this Pool
* @return The maximum number of reserves supported
function MAX_NUMBER_RESERVES() external view returns (uint16);
* @notice Mints the assets accrued through the reserve factor to the treasury in the form of aTokens
* @param assets The list of reserves for which the minting needs to be executed
function mintToTreasury(address[] calldata assets) external;
* @notice Rescue and transfer tokens locked in this contract
* @param token The address of the token
* @param to The address of the recipient
* @param amount The amount of token to transfer
function rescueTokens(address token, address to, uint256 amount) external;
* @notice Supplies an `amount` of underlying asset into the reserve, receiving in return overlying aTokens.
* - E.g. User supplies 100 USDC and gets in return 100 aUSDC
* @dev Deprecated: Use the `supply` function instead
* @param asset The address of the underlying asset to supply
* @param amount The amount to be supplied
* @param onBehalfOf The address that will receive the aTokens, same as msg.sender if the user
* wants to receive them on his own wallet, or a different address if the beneficiary of aTokens
* is a different wallet
* @param referralCode Code used to register the integrator originating the operation, for potential rewards.
* 0 if the action is executed directly by the user, without any middle-man
function deposit(
address asset,
uint256 amount,
address onBehalfOf,
uint16 referralCode
) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.6.12;
* @title IPoolAddressesProvider
* @author Aave
* @notice Defines the basic interface for a Pool Addresses Provider.
interface IPoolAddressesProvider {
* @dev Emitted when the market identifier is updated.
* @param oldMarketId The old id of the market
* @param newMarketId The new id of the market
event MarketIdSet(string indexed oldMarketId, string indexed newMarketId);
* @dev Emitted when the pool is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the Pool
* @param newAddress The new address of the Pool
event PoolUpdated(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress);
* @dev Emitted when the pool configurator is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the PoolConfigurator
* @param newAddress The new address of the PoolConfigurator
event PoolConfiguratorUpdated(
address indexed oldAddress,
address indexed newAddress
* @dev Emitted when the price oracle is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the PriceOracle
* @param newAddress The new address of the PriceOracle
event PriceOracleUpdated(
address indexed oldAddress,
address indexed newAddress
* @dev Emitted when the ACL manager is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the ACLManager
* @param newAddress The new address of the ACLManager
event ACLManagerUpdated(
address indexed oldAddress,
address indexed newAddress
* @dev Emitted when the ACL admin is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the ACLAdmin
* @param newAddress The new address of the ACLAdmin
event ACLAdminUpdated(
address indexed oldAddress,
address indexed newAddress
* @dev Emitted when the price oracle sentinel is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the PriceOracleSentinel
* @param newAddress The new address of the PriceOracleSentinel
event PriceOracleSentinelUpdated(
address indexed oldAddress,
address indexed newAddress
* @dev Emitted when the pool data provider is updated.
* @param oldAddress The old address of the PoolDataProvider
* @param newAddress The new address of the PoolDataProvider
event PoolDataProviderUpdated(
address indexed oldAddress,
address indexed newAddress
* @dev Emitted when a new proxy is created.
* @param id The identifier of the proxy
* @param proxyAddress The address of the created proxy contract
* @param implementationAddress The address of the implementation contract
event ProxyCreated(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed proxyAddress,
address indexed implementationAddress
* @dev Emitted when a new non-proxied contract address is registered.
* @param id The identifier of the contract
* @param oldAddress The address of the old contract
* @param newAddress The address of the new contract
event AddressSet(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed oldAddress,
address indexed newAddress
* @dev Emitted when the implementation of the proxy registered with id is updated
* @param id The identifier of the contract
* @param proxyAddress The address of the proxy contract
* @param oldImplementationAddress The address of the old implementation contract
* @param newImplementationAddress The address of the new implementation contract
event AddressSetAsProxy(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed proxyAddress,
address oldImplementationAddress,
address indexed newImplementationAddress
* @notice Returns the id of the Aave market to which this contract points to.
* @return The market id
function getMarketId() external view returns (string memory);
* @notice Associates an id with a specific PoolAddressesProvider.
* @dev This can be used to create an onchain registry of PoolAddressesProviders to
* identify and validate multiple Aave markets.
* @param newMarketId The market id
function setMarketId(string calldata newMarketId) external;
* @notice Returns an address by its identifier.
* @dev The returned address might be an EOA or a contract, potentially proxied
* @dev It returns ZERO if there is no registered address with the given id
* @param id The id
* @return The address of the registered for the specified id
function getAddress(bytes32 id) external view returns (address);
* @notice General function to update the implementation of a proxy registered with
* certain `id`. If there is no proxy registered, it will instantiate one and
* set as implementation the `newImplementationAddress`.
* @dev IMPORTANT Use this function carefully, only for ids that don't have an explicit
* setter function, in order to avoid unexpected consequences
* @param id The id
* @param newImplementationAddress The address of the new implementation
function setAddressAsProxy(
bytes32 id,
address newImplementationAddress
) external;
* @notice Sets an address for an id replacing the address saved in the addresses map.
* @dev IMPORTANT Use this function carefully, as it will do a hard replacement
* @param id The id
* @param newAddress The address to set
function setAddress(bytes32 id, address newAddress) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the Pool proxy.
* @return The Pool proxy address
function getPool() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the implementation of the Pool, or creates a proxy
* setting the new `pool` implementation when the function is called for the first time.
* @param newPoolImpl The new Pool implementation
function setPoolImpl(address newPoolImpl) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the PoolConfigurator proxy.
* @return The PoolConfigurator proxy address
function getPoolConfigurator() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the implementation of the PoolConfigurator, or creates a proxy
* setting the new `PoolConfigurator` implementation when the function is called for the first time.
* @param newPoolConfiguratorImpl The new PoolConfigurator implementation
function setPoolConfiguratorImpl(address newPoolConfiguratorImpl) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the price oracle.
* @return The address of the PriceOracle
function getPriceOracle() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the address of the price oracle.
* @param newPriceOracle The address of the new PriceOracle
function setPriceOracle(address newPriceOracle) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the ACL manager.
* @return The address of the ACLManager
function getACLManager() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the address of the ACL manager.
* @param newAclManager The address of the new ACLManager
function setACLManager(address newAclManager) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the ACL admin.
* @return The address of the ACL admin
function getACLAdmin() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the address of the ACL admin.
* @param newAclAdmin The address of the new ACL admin
function setACLAdmin(address newAclAdmin) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the price oracle sentinel.
* @return The address of the PriceOracleSentinel
function getPriceOracleSentinel() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the address of the price oracle sentinel.
* @param newPriceOracleSentinel The address of the new PriceOracleSentinel
function setPriceOracleSentinel(address newPriceOracleSentinel) external;
* @notice Returns the address of the data provider.
* @return The address of the DataProvider
function getPoolDataProvider() external view returns (address);
* @notice Updates the address of the data provider.
* @param newDataProvider The address of the new DataProvider
function setPoolDataProvider(address newDataProvider) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: agpl-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.6.12;
* @title IRewardsDistributor
* @author Aave
* @notice Defines the basic interface for a Rewards Distributor.
interface IRewardsDistributor {
* @dev Emitted when the configuration of the rewards of an asset is updated.
* @param asset The address of the incentivized asset
* @param reward The address of the reward token
* @param oldEmission The old emissions per second value of the reward distribution
* @param newEmission The new emissions per second value of the reward distribution
* @param oldDistributionEnd The old end timestamp of the reward distribution
* @param newDistributionEnd The new end timestamp of the reward distribution
* @param assetIndex The index of the asset distribution
event AssetConfigUpdated(
address indexed asset,
address indexed reward,
uint256 oldEmission,
uint256 newEmission,
uint256 oldDistributionEnd,
uint256 newDistributionEnd,
uint256 assetIndex
* @dev Emitted when rewards of an asset are accrued on behalf of a user.
* @param asset The address of the incentivized asset
* @param reward The address of the reward token
* @param user The address of the user that rewards are accrued on behalf of
* @param assetIndex The index of the asset distribution
* @param userIndex The index of the asset distribution on behalf of the user
* @param rewardsAccrued The amount of rewards accrued
event Accrued(
address indexed asset,
address indexed reward,
address indexed user,
uint256 assetIndex,
uint256 userIndex,
uint256 rewardsAccrued
* @dev Emitted when the emission manager address is updated.
* @param oldEmissionManager The address of the old emission manager
* @param newEmissionManager The address of the new emission manager
event EmissionManagerUpdated(
address indexed oldEmissionManager,
address indexed newEmissionManager
* @dev Sets the end date for the distribution
* @param asset The asset to incentivize
* @param reward The reward token that incentives the asset
* @param newDistributionEnd The end date of the incentivization, in unix time format
function setDistributionEnd(
address asset,
address reward,
uint32 newDistributionEnd
) external;
* @dev Sets the emission per second of a set of reward distributions
* @param asset The asset is being incentivized
* @param rewards List of reward addresses are being distributed
* @param newEmissionsPerSecond List of new reward emissions per second
function setEmissionPerSecond(
address asset,
address[] calldata rewards,
uint88[] calldata newEmissionsPerSecond
) external;
* @dev Gets the end date for the distribution
* @param asset The incentivized asset
* @param reward The reward token of the incentivized asset
* @return The timestamp with the end of the distribution, in unix time format
function getDistributionEnd(
address asset,
address reward
) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Returns the index of a user on a reward distribution
* @param user Address of the user
* @param asset The incentivized asset
* @param reward The reward token of the incentivized asset
* @return The current user asset index, not including new distributions
function getUserAssetIndex(
address user,
address asset,
address reward
) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Returns the configuration of the distribution reward for a certain asset
* @param asset The incentivized asset
* @param reward The reward token of the incentivized asset
* @return The index of the asset distribution
* @return The emission per second of the reward distribution
* @return The timestamp of the last update of the index
* @return The timestamp of the distribution end
function getRewardsData(
address asset,
address reward
) external view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256);
* @dev Returns the list of available reward token addresses of an incentivized asset
* @param asset The incentivized asset
* @return List of rewards addresses of the input asset
function getRewardsByAsset(
address asset
) external view returns (address[] memory);
* @dev Returns the list of available reward addresses
* @return List of rewards supported in this contract
function getRewardsList() external view returns (address[] memory);
* @dev Returns the accrued rewards balance of a user, not including virtually accrued rewards since last distribution.
* @param user The address of the user
* @param reward The address of the reward token
* @return Unclaimed rewards, not including new distributions
function getUserAccruedRewards(
address user,
address reward
) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Returns a single rewards balance of a user, including virtually accrued and unrealized claimable rewards.
* @param assets List of incentivized assets to check eligible distributions
* @param user The address of the user
* @param reward The address of the reward token
* @return The rewards amount
function getUserRewards(
address[] calldata assets,
address user,
address reward
) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Returns a list all rewards of a user, including already accrued and unrealized claimable rewards
* @param assets List of incentivized assets to check eligible distributions
* @param user The address of the user
* @return The list of reward addresses
* @return The list of unclaimed amount of rewards
function getAllUserRewards(
address[] calldata assets,
address user
) external view returns (address[] memory, uint256[] memory);
* @dev Returns the decimals of an asset to calculate the distribution delta
* @param asset The address to retrieve decimals
* @return The decimals of an underlying asset
function getAssetDecimals(address asset) external view returns (uint8);
* @dev Returns the address of the emission manager
* @return The address of the EmissionManager
function getEmissionManager() external view returns (address);
* @dev Updates the address of the emission manager
* @param emissionManager The address of the new EmissionManager
function setEmissionManager(address emissionManager) external;
* @title IRewardsController
* @author Aave
* @notice Defines the basic interface for a Rewards Controller.
interface IRewardsController is IRewardsDistributor {
* @dev Emitted when a new address is whitelisted as claimer of rewards on behalf of a user
* @param user The address of the user
* @param claimer The address of the claimer
event ClaimerSet(address indexed user, address indexed claimer);
* @dev Emitted when rewards are claimed
* @param user The address of the user rewards has been claimed on behalf of
* @param reward The address of the token reward is claimed
* @param to The address of the receiver of the rewards
* @param claimer The address of the claimer
* @param amount The amount of rewards claimed
event RewardsClaimed(
address indexed user,
address indexed reward,
address indexed to,
address claimer,
uint256 amount
* @dev Emitted when a transfer strategy is installed for the reward distribution
* @param reward The address of the token reward
* @param transferStrategy The address of TransferStrategy contract
event TransferStrategyInstalled(
address indexed reward,
address indexed transferStrategy
* @dev Emitted when the reward oracle is updated
* @param reward The address of the token reward
* @param rewardOracle The address of oracle
event RewardOracleUpdated(
address indexed reward,
address indexed rewardOracle
* @dev Whitelists an address to claim the rewards on behalf of another address
* @param user The address of the user
* @param claimer The address of the claimer
function setClaimer(address user, address claimer) external;
* @dev Get the price aggregator oracle address
* @param reward The address of the reward
* @return The price oracle of the reward
function getRewardOracle(address reward) external view returns (address);
* @dev Returns the whitelisted claimer for a certain address (0x0 if not set)
* @param user The address of the user
* @return The claimer address
function getClaimer(address user) external view returns (address);
* @dev Returns the Transfer Strategy implementation contract address being used for a reward address
* @param reward The address of the reward
* @return The address of the TransferStrategy contract
function getTransferStrategy(
address reward
) external view returns (address);
* @dev Called by the corresponding asset on any update that affects the rewards distribution
* @param user The address of the user
* @param userBalance The user balance of the asset
* @param totalSupply The total supply of the asset
function handleAction(
address user,
uint256 userBalance,
uint256 totalSupply
) external;
* @dev Claims reward for a user to the desired address, on all the assets of the pool, accumulating the pending rewards
* @param assets List of assets to check eligible distributions before claiming rewards
* @param amount The amount of rewards to claim
* @param to The address that will be receiving the rewards
* @param reward The address of the reward token
* @return The amount of rewards claimed
function claimRewards(
address[] calldata assets,
uint256 amount,
address to,
address reward
) external returns (uint256);
* @dev Claims reward for a user on behalf, on all the assets of the pool, accumulating the pending rewards. The
* caller must be whitelisted via "allowClaimOnBehalf" function by the RewardsAdmin role manager
* @param assets The list of assets to check eligible distributions before claiming rewards
* @param amount The amount of rewards to claim
* @param user The address to check and claim rewards
* @param to The address that will be receiving the rewards
* @param reward The address of the reward token
* @return The amount of rewards claimed
function claimRewardsOnBehalf(
address[] calldata assets,
uint256 amount,
address user,
address to,
address reward
) external returns (uint256);
* @dev Claims reward for msg.sender, on all the assets of the pool, accumulating the pending rewards
* @param assets The list of assets to check eligible distributions before claiming rewards
* @param amount The amount of rewards to claim
* @param reward The address of the reward token
* @return The amount of rewards claimed
function claimRewardsToSelf(
address[] calldata assets,
uint256 amount,
address reward
) external returns (uint256);
* @dev Claims all rewards for a user to the desired address, on all the assets of the pool, accumulating the pending rewards
* @param assets The list of assets to check eligible distributions before claiming rewards
* @param to The address that will be receiving the rewards
* @return rewardsList List of addresses of the reward tokens
* @return claimedAmounts List that contains the claimed amount per reward, following same order as "rewardList"
function claimAllRewards(
address[] calldata assets,
address to
returns (address[] memory rewardsList, uint256[] memory claimedAmounts);
* @dev Claims all rewards for a user on behalf, on all the assets of the pool, accumulating the pending rewards. The caller must
* be whitelisted via "allowClaimOnBehalf" function by the RewardsAdmin role manager
* @param assets The list of assets to check eligible distributions before claiming rewards
* @param user The address to check and claim rewards
* @param to The address that will be receiving the rewards
* @return rewardsList List of addresses of the reward tokens
* @return claimedAmounts List that contains the claimed amount per reward, following same order as "rewardsList"
function claimAllRewardsOnBehalf(
address[] calldata assets,
address user,
address to
returns (address[] memory rewardsList, uint256[] memory claimedAmounts);
* @dev Claims all reward for msg.sender, on all the assets of the pool, accumulating the pending rewards
* @param assets The list of assets to check eligible distributions before claiming rewards
* @return rewardsList List of addresses of the reward tokens
* @return claimedAmounts List that contains the claimed amount per reward, following same order as "rewardsList"
function claimAllRewardsToSelf(
address[] calldata assets
returns (address[] memory rewardsList, uint256[] memory claimedAmounts);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.6.12;
* @title IScaledBalanceToken
* @author Aave
* @notice Defines the basic interface for a scaledbalance token.
interface IScaledBalanceToken {
* @dev Emitted after the mint action
* @param caller The address performing the mint
* @param onBehalfOf The address of the user that will receive the minted scaled balance tokens
* @param value The amount being minted (user entered amount + balance increase from interest)
* @param balanceIncrease The increase in balance since the last action of the user
* @param index The next liquidity index of the reserve
event Mint(
address indexed caller,
address indexed onBehalfOf,
uint256 value,
uint256 balanceIncrease,
uint256 index
* @dev Emitted after scaled balance tokens are burned
* @param from The address from which the scaled tokens will be burned
* @param target The address that will receive the underlying, if any
* @param value The amount being burned (user entered amount - balance increase from interest)
* @param balanceIncrease The increase in balance since the last action of the user
* @param index The next liquidity index of the reserve
event Burn(
address indexed from,
address indexed target,
uint256 value,
uint256 balanceIncrease,
uint256 index
* @notice Returns the scaled balance of the user.
* @dev The scaled balance is the sum of all the updated stored balance divided by the reserve's liquidity index
* at the moment of the update
* @param user The user whose balance is calculated
* @return The scaled balance of the user
function scaledBalanceOf(address user) external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Returns the scaled balance of the user and the scaled total supply.
* @param user The address of the user
* @return The scaled balance of the user
* @return The scaled total supply
function getScaledUserBalanceAndSupply(
address user
) external view returns (uint256, uint256);
* @notice Returns the scaled total supply of the scaled balance token. Represents sum(debt/index)
* @return The scaled total supply
function scaledTotalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
* @notice Returns last index interest was accrued to the user's balance
* @param user The address of the user
* @return The last index interest was accrued to the user's balance, expressed in ray
function getPreviousIndex(address user) external view returns (uint256);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.6.12;
interface IStakedAave {
struct CooldownSnapshot {
uint40 timestamp;
uint216 amount;
function stake(address to, uint256 amount) external;
function redeem(address to, uint256 amount) external;
function cooldown() external;
function claimRewards(address to, uint256 amount) external;
function getTotalRewardsBalance(address) external view returns (uint256);
function getCooldownSeconds() external view returns (uint256);
function stakersCooldowns(
) external view returns (CooldownSnapshot memory);
function UNSTAKE_WINDOW() external view returns (uint256);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.8.0) (security/ReentrancyGuard.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Contract module that helps prevent reentrant calls to a function.
* Inheriting from `ReentrancyGuard` will make the {nonReentrant} modifier
* available, which can be applied to functions to make sure there are no nested
* (reentrant) calls to them.
* Note that because there is a single `nonReentrant` guard, functions marked as
* `nonReentrant` may not call one another. This can be worked around by making
* those functions `private`, and then adding `external` `nonReentrant` entry
* points to them.
* TIP: If you would like to learn more about reentrancy and alternative ways
* to protect against it, check out our blog post
* https://blog.openzeppelin.com/reentrancy-after-istanbul/[Reentrancy After Istanbul].
abstract contract ReentrancyGuard {
// Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full
// word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the
// slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write
// back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and
// pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled.
// The values being non-zero value makes deployment a bit more expensive,
// but in exchange the refund on every call to nonReentrant will be lower in
// amount. Since refunds are capped to a percentage of the total
// transaction's gas, it is best to keep them low in cases like this one, to
// increase the likelihood of the full refund coming into effect.
uint256 private constant _NOT_ENTERED = 1;
uint256 private constant _ENTERED = 2;
uint256 private _status;
constructor() {
_status = _NOT_ENTERED;
* @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly.
* Calling a `nonReentrant` function from another `nonReentrant`
* function is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening
* by making the `nonReentrant` function external, and making it call a
* `private` function that does the actual work.
modifier nonReentrant() {
function _nonReentrantBefore() private {
// On the first call to nonReentrant, _status will be _NOT_ENTERED
require(_status != _ENTERED, "ReentrancyGuard: reentrant call");
// Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail
_status = _ENTERED;
function _nonReentrantAfter() private {
// By storing the original value once again, a refund is triggered (see
// https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2200)
_status = _NOT_ENTERED;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC20/extensions/draft-IERC20Permit.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Interface of the ERC20 Permit extension allowing approvals to be made via signatures, as defined in
* https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2612[EIP-2612].
* Adds the {permit} method, which can be used to change an account's ERC20 allowance (see {IERC20-allowance}) by
* presenting a message signed by the account. By not relying on {IERC20-approve}, the token holder account doesn't
* need to send a transaction, and thus is not required to hold Ether at all.
interface IERC20Permit {
* @dev Sets `value` as the allowance of `spender` over ``owner``'s tokens,
* given ``owner``'s signed approval.
* IMPORTANT: The same issues {IERC20-approve} has related to transaction
* ordering also apply here.
* Emits an {Approval} event.
* Requirements:
* - `spender` cannot be the zero address.
* - `deadline` must be a timestamp in the future.
* - `v`, `r` and `s` must be a valid `secp256k1` signature from `owner`
* over the EIP712-formatted function arguments.
* - the signature must use ``owner``'s current nonce (see {nonces}).
* For more information on the signature format, see the
* https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2612#specification[relevant EIP
* section].
function permit(
address owner,
address spender,
uint256 value,
uint256 deadline,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external;
* @dev Returns the current nonce for `owner`. This value must be
* included whenever a signature is generated for {permit}.
* Every successful call to {permit} increases ``owner``'s nonce by one. This
* prevents a signature from being used multiple times.
function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Returns the domain separator used in the encoding of the signature for {permit}, as defined by {EIP712}.
// solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase
function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32);
"compilationTarget": {
"contracts/AaveV3Lender.sol": "AaveV3Lender"
"evmVersion": "paris",
"libraries": {},
"metadata": {
"bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []
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