// CryptoRabbit Source code
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
/// @title A base contract to control ownership
/// @author cuilichen
contract OwnerBase {
// The addresses of the accounts that can execute actions within each roles.
address public ceoAddress;
address public cfoAddress;
address public cooAddress;
// @dev Keeps track whether the contract is paused. When that is true, most actions are blocked
bool public paused = false;
/// constructor
function OwnerBase() public {
ceoAddress = msg.sender;
cfoAddress = msg.sender;
cooAddress = msg.sender;
/// @dev Access modifier for CEO-only functionality
modifier onlyCEO() {
require(msg.sender == ceoAddress);
/// @dev Access modifier for CFO-only functionality
modifier onlyCFO() {
require(msg.sender == cfoAddress);
/// @dev Access modifier for COO-only functionality
modifier onlyCOO() {
require(msg.sender == cooAddress);
/// @dev Assigns a new address to act as the CEO. Only available to the current CEO.
/// @param _newCEO The address of the new CEO
function setCEO(address _newCEO) external onlyCEO {
require(_newCEO != address(0));
ceoAddress = _newCEO;
/// @dev Assigns a new address to act as the COO. Only available to the current CEO.
/// @param _newCFO The address of the new COO
function setCFO(address _newCFO) external onlyCEO {
require(_newCFO != address(0));
cfoAddress = _newCFO;
/// @dev Assigns a new address to act as the COO. Only available to the current CEO.
/// @param _newCOO The address of the new COO
function setCOO(address _newCOO) external onlyCEO {
require(_newCOO != address(0));
cooAddress = _newCOO;
/// @dev Modifier to allow actions only when the contract IS NOT paused
modifier whenNotPaused() {
/// @dev Modifier to allow actions only when the contract IS paused
modifier whenPaused {
/// @dev Called by any "C-level" role to pause the contract. Used only when
/// a bug or exploit is detected and we need to limit damage.
function pause() external onlyCOO whenNotPaused {
paused = true;
/// @dev Unpauses the smart contract. Can only be called by the CEO, since
/// one reason we may pause the contract is when CFO or COO accounts are
/// compromised.
/// @notice This is public rather than external so it can be called by
/// derived contracts.
function unpause() public onlyCOO whenPaused {
// can't unpause if contract was upgraded
paused = false;
/// @title all functions related to food
contract FoodStore is OwnerBase {
/// event
event Bought(address buyer, uint32 bundles);
event ContractUpgrade(address newContract);
// Set in case the core contract is broken and an upgrade is required
address public newContractAddress;
// Price (in wei) for food
uint public price = 10 finney;
/// @notice
function FoodStore() public {
// the creator of the contract is the initial CEO
ceoAddress = msg.sender;
cooAddress = msg.sender;
cfoAddress = msg.sender;
/// @notice customer buy food
/// @param _bundles The num of food
function buyFood(uint32 _bundles) external payable whenNotPaused returns (bool) {
require(newContractAddress == address(0));
uint cost = _bundles * price;
require(msg.value >= cost);
// Return the funds.
uint fundsExcess = msg.value - cost;
if (fundsExcess > 1 finney) {
emit Bought(msg.sender, _bundles);
return true;
/// @dev Used to mark the smart contract as upgraded.
/// @param _v2Address new address
function upgradeContract(address _v2Address) external onlyCOO whenPaused {
newContractAddress = _v2Address;
emit ContractUpgrade(_v2Address);
// @dev Allows the CEO to capture the balance available to the contract.
function withdrawBalance() external onlyCFO {
address tmp = address(this);
"compilationTarget": {
"FoodStore.sol": "FoodStore"
"evmVersion": "byzantium",
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []