# House of Redlion
- Redlion Gazette 156
- Week 36 2023
Redlion Gazette celebrates 3 years of recording NFT & Crypto history every week since 2020. Cheers to all the present and past members of the team from all around the world that helped Redlion evolve and grow through different phases
## Articles:
- The Alotta Money Charity Exhibit and Auction Tribute](https://www.redlion.news/article/the-alotta-money-charity-exhibit-and-auction-tribute)
- [Elo's Journey: From 'Genuine Undead' Inspiration to 'Owls of Fortune'](https://www.redlion.news/article/elos-journey-from-genuine-undead-inspiration-to-owls-of-fortune)
- [Manjari Sharma: Capturing the Essence of 'Surface Tension'](https://www.redlion.news/article/manjari-sharma-capturing-the-essence-of-surface-tension)
- [Jake Fried's New Venture: A Personalized Marketplace](https://www.redlion.news/article/jake-frieds-new-venture-a-personalized-marketplace)
- [Vinnie Hager's 'Diary': Merging Realities of Art](https://www.redlion.news/article/vinnie-hagers-diary-merging-realities-of-art)
- [Bridging Worlds: Keith Haring's Legacy from Subway Art to NFTs](https://www.redlion.news/article/bridging-worlds-keith-harings-legacy-from-subway-art-to-nfts)
- [HASHMARKS by 0xDEAFBEEF: Bridging the Traditional and Digital Art Worlds](https://www.redlion.news/article/hashmarks-by-0xdeafbeef-bridging-the-traditional-and-digital-art-worlds)
- [Coinbase-Supported Base Experiences Outage, Assures No Funds in Jeopardy](https://www.redlion.news/article/coinbase-supported-base-experiences-outage-assures-no-funds-in-jeopardy)
**The Redlion Gazette is the world's first weekly NFT magazine publication on the Ethereum blockchain.** Each week, we document NFT & crypto news, plus global historical events. We curate our findings into interesting and educational articles. Lastly, the content is wrapped up by amazing NFT cover art.
Visit [**gazette.red**](https://gazette.red)