<p>Reclaim the Cyrannus System from the Cylons! This Conquest Chest contains the iconic Jupiter Class Battlestar. It is one of the largest and most capable Colonial carriers ever built and will serve you, your faction and humanity well. Once redeemed the Chest will become a Jupiter Class Battlestar - Epic rarity BUT there is a 20% chance for a Legendary!</p><p>-----------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>Battlestar Galactica © Universal Content Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>This offer is for an NFT associated with Battlestar Galactica based on the episodic series entitled Battlestar Galactica; it is not an offer to sell or license intellectual property rights in Battlestar Galactica itself. We will, however, grant to the NFT's owner a royalty-free license to use, copy, and display this NFT solely for the owner's personal non-commercial use, and as needed to resell the NFT. That license does not include the right to modify this NFT; use this NFT to advertise, market or sell a product or service, or as a basis for a securities product; incorporate this NFT in videos or other media; or create or sell merchandise that includes this NFT. The license may not be sublicensed or transferred, except that if the NFT is sold, the license will transfer to the new owner and the previous owner's license will expire immediately upon the sale.</p><p>By purchasing or otherwise obtaining this NFT, you agree to the terms and conditions at <a href=""/bsg-terms-and-conditions"" style=""color: Aqua;"">https://app.gala.games/bsg-terms-and-conditions.</a></p>