Going deeper, from the conscious to the unconscious, from the unconscious to the subconscious.
From the subconscious to 0nir0: the hub of all dreams // the metadream linking everyone's subconscious // the dreamlands independent from dreamers.
Dreamers on their path to remember who they are within dreams go on soul-searching adventures in this shared dreamworld.
After a first season of characters with a twist (Psyches: https://knownorigin.io/collections/jaen/0nir0-i-psyches), a second season of 0nir0's dream natives (Morpheans: https://knownorigin.io/collections/jaen/0nir0-i-psyches), and a story co-written with collectors of the ukens (NFTs), 0nir0 expands in a 3rd season - Dreams.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jaendotart
Discord: https://discord.gg/D7A923QCqr