“Just as adventurers sealed their life and belongings within their bags, so too within The Eye did they inscribe their stories.
As the proverb goes: “*A Lootbound Eye unlocks infinite branches*.”
With The Eye, adventurers recorded lore and legends, facts and fictions, stories of an ever-expanding world.
Forged by Historians and imbued with the power of the 16 Orders, the Eyes were used by adventurers to connect to the Librarium from anywhere across the Realms — to read, to write, and to remember.
The legend foretells a re-discovery of these Eyes, brought forth through the ether by adventurers anew, eager to discover the ancient lore and to create the stories of the future.”
— Excerpt from “Lore and Legends”
In your hand, you hold an **[Eye](https://eyeforadventurers.com/)**, forged by the Historians of the Order of Giants and attuned to Light magick. It has been used and passed down through generations, accruing Greatness, though not enough to reveal the ancient power of Giants.
On the back, you notice the words “Storm” and “Root”, these Enchantments Lootbound to the Eye, but still lying dormant.
This Eye is an invitation — to [read](https://eyeforadventurers.com/stories), to [write](https://librarium.dev/publish), and to [build a world](https://discord.gg/wGfSQUdvHU), together.
# Capabilities
- [x] Collect the [Eye](https://eyeforadventurers.com/), an ancient artifact that contains on-chain lore and legends
- [x] [Read curated stories](https://eyeforadventurers.com/stories) from the past, present & future of the Lootverse
- [x] Publish to the [Librarium](https://librarium.dev/)
- [ ] Curate stories to your Eye