Winner Programmed is an arcade place in your town. It's a safe-haven for all the kids finding their way through growing up. For all the young adults who are still desperately trying to grasp the last remnants of their childhoods, escape for just a little longer. Escape to the smoke and neon lights of the local arcade world. It's a place full of noise, a place without rules, a timeless place with no adults.
This month, Winner Programmed hosts a special occasion. There will be a tournament, and not just any. It is called Cook Wars, and it's an ultimate free for all match with the biggest prize of all; a place on the LEADERBOARD.
Choose your game, choose your weapon, and hooray for battle. The tournament will spread through 21 days of sweat, blood and tears. And when the time is over, the best players will be eternalized here forever. They will become elite, living legends, true Winners Programmed.
To get on the leaderboard is not an easy task, it takes great will and effort. But when the tournament is over and the dust settles and you see your name on the leaderboard along many of yours friends from high-school and the neighbourhood you will know.
You will know, that the memory of this will be with you forever.
Also, did I mention that one of the players will get their own arcade machine?