文件 1 的 1:ChefInu.sol
pragma solidity >=0.6.0 <0.9.0;
abstract contract Context {
function _msgSender() internal view returns (address payable) {
return payable(msg.sender);
function _msgData() internal view returns (bytes memory) {
return msg.data;
interface IERC20 {
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
function decimals() external view returns (uint8);
function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
function name() external view returns (string memory);
function getOwner() external view returns (address);
function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function allowance(address _owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
interface IUniswapV2Factory {
event PairCreated(address indexed token0, address indexed token1, address lpPair, uint);
function feeTo() external view returns (address);
function feeToSetter() external view returns (address);
function getPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external view returns (address lpPair);
function allPairs(uint) external view returns (address lpPair);
function allPairsLength() external view returns (uint);
function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external returns (address lpPair);
function setFeeTo(address) external;
function setFeeToSetter(address) external;
interface IUniswapV2Pair {
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
function name() external pure returns (string memory);
function symbol() external pure returns (string memory);
function decimals() external pure returns (uint8);
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint);
function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint);
function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint);
function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool);
function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool);
function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32);
function PERMIT_TYPEHASH() external pure returns (bytes32);
function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint);
function permit(address owner, address spender, uint value, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external;
event Burn(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1, address indexed to);
event Swap(
address indexed sender,
uint amount0In,
uint amount1In,
uint amount0Out,
uint amount1Out,
address indexed to
event Sync(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1);
function MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY() external pure returns (uint);
function factory() external view returns (address);
function token0() external view returns (address);
function token1() external view returns (address);
function getReserves() external view returns (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast);
function price0CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint);
function price1CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint);
function kLast() external view returns (uint);
function mint(address to) external returns (uint liquidity);
function burn(address to) external returns (uint amount0, uint amount1);
function swap(uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external;
function skim(address to) external;
function sync() external;
function initialize(address, address) external;
interface IUniswapV2Router01 {
function factory() external pure returns (address);
function WETH() external pure returns (address);
function addLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint amountADesired,
uint amountBDesired,
uint amountAMin,
uint amountBMin,
address to,
uint deadline
) external returns (uint amountA, uint amountB, uint liquidity);
function addLiquidityETH(
address token,
uint amountTokenDesired,
uint amountTokenMin,
uint amountETHMin,
address to,
uint deadline
) external payable returns (uint amountToken, uint amountETH, uint liquidity);
function removeLiquidity(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint liquidity,
uint amountAMin,
uint amountBMin,
address to,
uint deadline
) external returns (uint amountA, uint amountB);
function removeLiquidityETH(
address token,
uint liquidity,
uint amountTokenMin,
uint amountETHMin,
address to,
uint deadline
) external returns (uint amountToken, uint amountETH);
function removeLiquidityWithPermit(
address tokenA,
address tokenB,
uint liquidity,
uint amountAMin,
uint amountBMin,
address to,
uint deadline,
bool approveMax, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s
) external returns (uint amountA, uint amountB);
function removeLiquidityETHWithPermit(
address token,
uint liquidity,
uint amountTokenMin,
uint amountETHMin,
address to,
uint deadline,
bool approveMax, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s
) external returns (uint amountToken, uint amountETH);
function swapExactTokensForTokens(
uint amountIn,
uint amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint deadline
) external returns (uint[] memory amounts);
function swapTokensForExactTokens(
uint amountOut,
uint amountInMax,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint deadline
) external returns (uint[] memory amounts);
function swapExactETHForTokens(uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline)
returns (uint[] memory amounts);
function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline)
returns (uint[] memory amounts);
function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline)
returns (uint[] memory amounts);
function swapETHForExactTokens(uint amountOut, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline)
returns (uint[] memory amounts);
function quote(uint amountA, uint reserveA, uint reserveB) external pure returns (uint amountB);
function getAmountOut(uint amountIn, uint reserveIn, uint reserveOut) external pure returns (uint amountOut);
function getAmountIn(uint amountOut, uint reserveIn, uint reserveOut) external pure returns (uint amountIn);
function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] calldata path) external view returns (uint[] memory amounts);
function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] calldata path) external view returns (uint[] memory amounts);
interface IUniswapV2Router02 is IUniswapV2Router01 {
function removeLiquidityETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
address token,
uint liquidity,
uint amountTokenMin,
uint amountETHMin,
address to,
uint deadline
) external returns (uint amountETH);
function removeLiquidityETHWithPermitSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
address token,
uint liquidity,
uint amountTokenMin,
uint amountETHMin,
address to,
uint deadline,
bool approveMax, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s
) external returns (uint amountETH);
function swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
uint amountIn,
uint amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint deadline
) external;
function swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
uint amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint deadline
) external payable;
function swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(
uint amountIn,
uint amountOutMin,
address[] calldata path,
address to,
uint deadline
) external;
interface AntiSnipe {
function checkUser(address from, address to, uint256 amt) external returns (bool);
function setLaunch(address _initialLpPair, uint32 _liqAddBlock, uint64 _liqAddStamp) external;
function setLpPair(address pair, bool enabled) external;
function setProtections(bool _as, bool _algo) external;
function setGasPriceLimit(uint256 gas) external;
function removeSniper(address account) external;
function getSniperAmt() external view returns (uint256);
function removeBlacklisted(address account) external;
function isBlacklisted(address account) external view returns (bool);
function setBlacklistEnabled(address account, bool enabled) external;
contract ChefInu is Context, IERC20 {
address private _owner;
mapping (address => uint256) private _rOwned;
mapping (address => uint256) private _tOwned;
mapping (address => bool) lpPairs;
uint256 private timeSinceLastPair = 0;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances;
mapping (address => bool) private _isExcludedFromFees;
mapping (address => bool) private _isExcluded;
address[] private _excluded;
mapping (address => bool) private presaleAddresses;
bool private allowedPresaleExclusion = true;
mapping (address => bool) private _liquidityHolders;
uint256 private startingSupply = 1_000_000_000;
string constant private _name = "Chef Inu";
string constant private _symbol = "CHEFI";
struct FeesStruct {
uint16 reflect;
uint16 liquidity;
uint16 marketing;
struct StaticValuesStruct {
uint16 maxReflect;
uint16 maxLiquidity;
uint16 maxMarketing;
uint16 masterTaxDivisor;
struct Ratios {
uint16 liquidity;
uint16 marketing;
uint16 total;
FeesStruct private currentTaxes = FeesStruct({
reflect: 0,
liquidity: 0,
marketing: 0
FeesStruct public _buyTaxes = FeesStruct({
reflect: 100,
liquidity: 300,
marketing: 500
FeesStruct public _sellTaxes = FeesStruct({
reflect: 100,
liquidity: 300,
marketing: 500
FeesStruct public _transferTaxes = FeesStruct({
reflect: 100,
liquidity: 300,
marketing: 500
Ratios public _ratios = Ratios({
liquidity: 300,
marketing: 500,
total: 800
StaticValuesStruct public staticVals = StaticValuesStruct({
maxReflect: 800,
maxLiquidity: 800,
maxMarketing: 800,
masterTaxDivisor: 10000
uint256 private constant MAX = ~uint256(0);
uint8 private _decimals = 9;
uint256 private _tTotal = startingSupply * 10**_decimals;
uint256 private _rTotal = (MAX - (MAX % _tTotal));
uint256 private _tFeeTotal;
IUniswapV2Router02 public dexRouter;
address public lpPair;
address constant private _routerAddress = 0x9Ac64Cc6e4415144C455BD8E4837Fea55603e5c3;
address constant public DEAD = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD;
address payable private _marketingWallet = payable(0x35d4B7E891AE6Ec688c8Ed083db6b8075Be4745F);
bool inSwap;
bool public contractSwapEnabled = false;
uint256 private maxTPercent = 15;
uint256 private maxTDivisor = 1000;
uint256 private maxWPercent = 3;
uint256 private maxWDivisor = 100;
uint256 private _maxTxAmount = (_tTotal * maxTPercent) / maxTDivisor;
uint256 public maxTxAmountUI = (startingSupply * maxTPercent) / maxTDivisor;
uint256 private _maxWalletSize = (_tTotal * maxWPercent) / maxWDivisor;
uint256 public maxWalletSizeUI = (startingSupply * maxWPercent) / maxWDivisor;
uint256 private swapThreshold = (_tTotal * 5) / 10000;
uint256 private swapAmount = (_tTotal * 5) / 1000;
bool public tradingEnabled = false;
bool public _hasLiqBeenAdded = false;
AntiSnipe antiSnipe;
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
event MinTokensBeforeSwapUpdated(uint256 minTokensBeforeSwap);
event ContractSwapEnabledUpdated(bool enabled);
event SwapAndLiquify(
uint256 tokensSwapped,
uint256 ethReceived,
uint256 tokensIntoLiqudity
event SniperCaught(address sniperAddress);
modifier lockTheSwap {
inSwap = true;
inSwap = false;
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Caller =/= owner.");
constructor () payable {
_rOwned[_msgSender()] = _rTotal;
_owner = msg.sender;
_approve(msg.sender, _routerAddress, type(uint256).max);
_approve(address(this), _routerAddress, type(uint256).max);
_isExcludedFromFees[owner()] = true;
_isExcludedFromFees[address(this)] = true;
_isExcludedFromFees[DEAD] = true;
_liquidityHolders[owner()] = true;
emit Transfer(address(0), _msgSender(), _tTotal);
receive() external payable {}
function owner() public view returns (address) {
return _owner;
function transferOwner(address newOwner) external onlyOwner() {
require(newOwner != address(0), "Call renounceOwnership to transfer owner to the zero address.");
require(newOwner != DEAD, "Call renounceOwnership to transfer owner to the zero address.");
setExcludedFromFees(_owner, false);
setExcludedFromFees(newOwner, true);
if (_marketingWallet == payable(_owner))
_marketingWallet = payable(newOwner);
if(balanceOf(_owner) > 0) {
_transfer(_owner, newOwner, balanceOf(_owner));
_owner = newOwner;
emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner);
function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner() {
setExcludedFromFees(_owner, false);
_owner = address(0);
emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0));
function totalSupply() external view override returns (uint256) { return _tTotal; }
function decimals() external view override returns (uint8) { return _decimals; }
function symbol() external pure override returns (string memory) { return _symbol; }
function name() external pure override returns (string memory) { return _name; }
function getOwner() external view override returns (address) { return owner(); }
function allowance(address holder, address spender) external view override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[holder][spender]; }
function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) {
if (_isExcluded[account]) return _tOwned[account];
return tokenFromReflection(_rOwned[account]);
function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {
_transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount);
return true;
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {
_approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount);
return true;
function _approve(address sender, address spender, uint256 amount) private {
require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: Zero Address");
require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: Zero Address");
_allowances[sender][spender] = amount;
emit Approval(sender, spender, amount);
function approveContractContingency() public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
_approve(address(this), address(dexRouter), type(uint256).max);
return true;
function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external override returns (bool) {
if (_allowances[sender][msg.sender] != type(uint256).max) {
_allowances[sender][msg.sender] -= amount;
return _transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {
_approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender] + addedValue);
return true;
function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) {
_approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender] - subtractedValue);
return true;
function setNewRouter(address newRouter) public onlyOwner() {
IUniswapV2Router02 _newRouter = IUniswapV2Router02(newRouter);
address get_pair = IUniswapV2Factory(_newRouter.factory()).getPair(address(this), _newRouter.WETH());
if (get_pair == address(0)) {
lpPair = IUniswapV2Factory(_newRouter.factory()).createPair(address(this), _newRouter.WETH());
else {
lpPair = get_pair;
dexRouter = _newRouter;
_approve(address(this), address(dexRouter), type(uint256).max);
function setLpPair(address pair, bool enabled) external onlyOwner {
if (enabled == false) {
lpPairs[pair] = false;
antiSnipe.setLpPair(pair, false);
} else {
if (timeSinceLastPair != 0) {
require(block.timestamp - timeSinceLastPair > 3 days, "Cannot set a new pair this week!");
lpPairs[pair] = true;
timeSinceLastPair = block.timestamp;
antiSnipe.setLpPair(pair, true);
function getCirculatingSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return (_tTotal - (balanceOf(DEAD) + balanceOf(address(0))));
function isExcludedFromFees(address account) public view returns(bool) {
return _isExcludedFromFees[account];
function setExcludedFromFees(address account, bool enabled) public onlyOwner {
_isExcludedFromFees[account] = enabled;
function isExcludedFromReward(address account) public view returns (bool) {
return _isExcluded[account];
function setExcludedFromReward(address account, bool enabled) public onlyOwner {
if (enabled == true) {
require(!_isExcluded[account], "Account is already excluded.");
if(_rOwned[account] > 0) {
_tOwned[account] = tokenFromReflection(_rOwned[account]);
_isExcluded[account] = true;
} else if (enabled == false) {
require(_isExcluded[account], "Account is already included.");
if(_excluded.length == 1){
_tOwned[account] = 0;
_isExcluded[account] = false;
} else {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _excluded.length; i++) {
if (_excluded[i] == account) {
_excluded[i] = _excluded[_excluded.length - 1];
_tOwned[account] = 0;
_isExcluded[account] = false;
function setInitializer(address initializer) external onlyOwner {
require(!_hasLiqBeenAdded, "Liquidity is already in.");
require(initializer != address(this), "Can't be self.");
antiSnipe = AntiSnipe(initializer);
function setBlacklistEnabled(address account, bool enabled) external onlyOwner {
antiSnipe.setBlacklistEnabled(account, enabled);
function removeSniper(address account) external onlyOwner {
function isBlacklisted(address account) public view returns (bool) {
return antiSnipe.isBlacklisted(account);
function getSniperAmt() public view returns (uint256) {
return antiSnipe.getSniperAmt();
function setProtectionSettings(bool _antiSnipe, bool _antiSpecial) external onlyOwner {
antiSnipe.setProtections(_antiSnipe, _antiSpecial);
function setTaxesBuy(uint16 reflect, uint16 liquidity, uint16 marketing) external onlyOwner {
require(reflect <= staticVals.maxReflect
&& liquidity <= staticVals.maxLiquidity
&& marketing <= staticVals.maxMarketing);
require(liquidity + reflect + marketing <= 3450);
_buyTaxes.liquidity = liquidity;
_buyTaxes.reflect = reflect;
_buyTaxes.marketing = marketing;
function setTaxesSell(uint16 reflect, uint16 liquidity, uint16 marketing) external onlyOwner {
require(reflect <= staticVals.maxReflect
&& liquidity <= staticVals.maxLiquidity
&& marketing <= staticVals.maxMarketing);
require(liquidity + reflect + marketing <= 3450);
_sellTaxes.liquidity = liquidity;
_sellTaxes.reflect = reflect;
_sellTaxes.marketing = marketing;
function setTaxesTransfer(uint16 reflect, uint16 liquidity, uint16 marketing) external onlyOwner {
require(reflect <= staticVals.maxReflect
&& liquidity <= staticVals.maxLiquidity
&& marketing <= staticVals.maxMarketing);
require(liquidity + reflect + marketing <= 3450);
_transferTaxes.liquidity = liquidity;
_transferTaxes.reflect = reflect;
_transferTaxes.marketing = marketing;
function setRatios(uint16 liquidity, uint16 marketing) external onlyOwner {
require (liquidity + marketing >= 99, "Must add up to 100% or 99%.");
_ratios.liquidity = liquidity;
_ratios.marketing = marketing;
_ratios.total = liquidity + marketing;
function setMaxTxPercent(uint256 percent, uint256 divisor) external onlyOwner {
uint256 check = (_tTotal * percent) / divisor;
require(check >= (_tTotal / 1000), "Max Transaction amt must be above 0.1% of total supply.");
_maxTxAmount = check;
maxTxAmountUI = (startingSupply * percent) / divisor;
function setMaxWalletSize(uint256 percent, uint256 divisor) external onlyOwner {
uint256 check = (_tTotal * percent) / divisor;
require(check >= (_tTotal / 1000), "Max Wallet amt must be above 0.1% of total supply.");
_maxWalletSize = check;
maxWalletSizeUI = (startingSupply * percent) / divisor;
function setSwapSettings(uint256 thresholdPercent, uint256 thresholdDivisor, uint256 amountPercent, uint256 amountDivisor) external onlyOwner {
swapThreshold = (_tTotal * thresholdPercent) / thresholdDivisor;
swapAmount = (_tTotal * amountPercent) / amountDivisor;
function setWallets(address payable marketingWallet) external onlyOwner {
_marketingWallet = payable(marketingWallet);
function setContractSwapEnabled(bool _enabled) public onlyOwner {
contractSwapEnabled = _enabled;
emit ContractSwapEnabledUpdated(_enabled);
function _hasLimits(address from, address to) private view returns (bool) {
return from != owner()
&& to != owner()
&& !_liquidityHolders[to]
&& !_liquidityHolders[from]
&& to != DEAD
&& to != address(0)
&& from != address(this);
function tokenFromReflection(uint256 rAmount) public view returns(uint256) {
require(rAmount <= _rTotal, "Amount must be less than total reflections");
uint256 currentRate = _getRate();
return rAmount / currentRate;
bool public pausedOnce;
bool public oneTimePause;
function pauseTrading(bool enabled) external onlyOwner {
require(!pausedOnce, "Can only pause once.");
oneTimePause = enabled;
pausedOnce = true;
} else {
oneTimePause = enabled;
function createLP() external onlyOwner {
dexRouter = IUniswapV2Router02(_routerAddress);
lpPair = IUniswapV2Factory(dexRouter.factory()).createPair(dexRouter.WETH(), address(this));
lpPairs[lpPair] = true;
function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal returns (bool) {
require(from != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address");
require(to != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address");
require(amount > 0, "Transfer amount must be greater than zero");
require(!oneTimePause, "Trading is currently paused.");
if(_hasLimits(from, to)) {
if(!tradingEnabled) {
revert("Trading not yet enabled!");
if(lpPairs[from] || lpPairs[to]){
require(amount <= _maxTxAmount, "Transfer amount exceeds the maxTxAmount.");
if(to != _routerAddress && !lpPairs[to]) {
require(balanceOf(to) + amount <= _maxWalletSize, "Transfer amount exceeds the maxWalletSize.");
bool takeFee = true;
if(_isExcludedFromFees[from] || _isExcludedFromFees[to]){
takeFee = false;
if (lpPairs[to]) {
if (!inSwap
&& contractSwapEnabled
&& !presaleAddresses[to]
&& !presaleAddresses[from]
) {
uint256 contractTokenBalance = balanceOf(address(this));
if (contractTokenBalance >= swapThreshold) {
if(contractTokenBalance >= swapAmount) { contractTokenBalance = swapAmount; }
return _finalizeTransfer(from, to, amount, takeFee);
function contractSwap(uint256 contractTokenBalance) private lockTheSwap {
if (_ratios.total == 0)
if(_allowances[address(this)][address(dexRouter)] != type(uint256).max) {
_allowances[address(this)][address(dexRouter)] = type(uint256).max;
uint256 toLiquify = ((contractTokenBalance * _ratios.liquidity) / _ratios.total) / 2;
uint256 toSwapForEth = contractTokenBalance - toLiquify;
address[] memory path = new address[](2);
path[0] = address(this);
path[1] = dexRouter.WETH();
uint256 liquidityBalance = ((address(this).balance * _ratios.liquidity) / _ratios.total) / 2;
if (toLiquify > 0) {
dexRouter.addLiquidityETH{value: liquidityBalance}(
emit SwapAndLiquify(toLiquify, liquidityBalance, toLiquify);
if (contractTokenBalance - toLiquify > 0) {
function _checkLiquidityAdd(address from, address to) private {
require(!_hasLiqBeenAdded, "Liquidity already added and marked.");
if (!_hasLimits(from, to) && to == lpPair) {
_liquidityHolders[from] = true;
_hasLiqBeenAdded = true;
if(address(antiSnipe) == address(0)){
antiSnipe = AntiSnipe(address(this));
contractSwapEnabled = true;
emit ContractSwapEnabledUpdated(true);
function enableTrading() public onlyOwner {
require(!tradingEnabled, "Trading already enabled!");
require(_hasLiqBeenAdded, "Liquidity must be added.");
setExcludedFromReward(address(this), true);
setExcludedFromReward(lpPair, true);
if(address(antiSnipe) == address(0)){
antiSnipe = AntiSnipe(address(this));
try antiSnipe.setLaunch(lpPair, uint32(block.number), uint64(block.timestamp)) {} catch {}
tradingEnabled = true;
function sweepContingency() external onlyOwner {
require(!_hasLiqBeenAdded, "Cannot call after liquidity.");
struct ExtraValues {
uint256 tTransferAmount;
uint256 tFee;
uint256 tLiquidity;
uint256 rTransferAmount;
uint256 rAmount;
uint256 rFee;
function _finalizeTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 tAmount, bool takeFee) private returns (bool) {
if (!_hasLiqBeenAdded) {
_checkLiquidityAdd(from, to);
if (!_hasLiqBeenAdded && _hasLimits(from, to)) {
revert("Only owner can transfer at this time.");
ExtraValues memory values = _getValues(from, to, tAmount, takeFee);
_rOwned[from] = _rOwned[from] - values.rAmount;
_rOwned[to] = _rOwned[to] + values.rTransferAmount;
if (_isExcluded[from] && !_isExcluded[to]) {
_tOwned[from] = _tOwned[from] - tAmount;
} else if (!_isExcluded[from] && _isExcluded[to]) {
_tOwned[to] = _tOwned[to] + values.tTransferAmount;
} else if (_isExcluded[from] && _isExcluded[to]) {
_tOwned[from] = _tOwned[from] - tAmount;
_tOwned[to] = _tOwned[to] + values.tTransferAmount;
if (values.tLiquidity > 0)
_takeLiquidity(from, values.tLiquidity);
if (values.rFee > 0 || values.tFee > 0)
_rTotal -= values.rFee;
_tFeeTotal += values.tFee;
emit Transfer(from, to, values.tTransferAmount);
return true;
function _getValues(address from, address to, uint256 tAmount, bool takeFee) private returns (ExtraValues memory) {
ExtraValues memory values;
uint256 currentRate = _getRate();
values.rAmount = tAmount * currentRate;
if (_hasLimits(from, to)) {
bool checked;
try antiSnipe.checkUser(from, to, tAmount) returns (bool check) {
checked = check;
} catch {
if(!checked) {
if(takeFee) {
if (lpPairs[to]) {
currentTaxes.reflect = _sellTaxes.reflect;
currentTaxes.liquidity = _sellTaxes.liquidity;
currentTaxes.marketing = _sellTaxes.marketing;
} else if (lpPairs[from]) {
currentTaxes.reflect = _buyTaxes.reflect;
currentTaxes.liquidity = _buyTaxes.liquidity;
currentTaxes.marketing = _buyTaxes.marketing;
} else {
currentTaxes.reflect = _transferTaxes.reflect;
currentTaxes.liquidity = _transferTaxes.liquidity;
currentTaxes.marketing = _transferTaxes.marketing;
values.tFee = (tAmount * currentTaxes.reflect) / staticVals.masterTaxDivisor;
values.tLiquidity = (tAmount * (currentTaxes.liquidity + currentTaxes.marketing)) / staticVals.masterTaxDivisor;
values.tTransferAmount = tAmount - (values.tFee + values.tLiquidity);
values.rFee = values.tFee * currentRate;
} else {
values.tFee = 0;
values.tLiquidity = 0;
values.tTransferAmount = tAmount;
values.rFee = 0;
values.rTransferAmount = values.rAmount - (values.rFee + (values.tLiquidity * currentRate));
return values;
function _getRate() internal view returns(uint256) {
uint256 rSupply = _rTotal;
uint256 tSupply = _tTotal;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _excluded.length; i++) {
if (_rOwned[_excluded[i]] > rSupply || _tOwned[_excluded[i]] > tSupply) return _rTotal / _tTotal;
rSupply = rSupply - _rOwned[_excluded[i]];
tSupply = tSupply - _tOwned[_excluded[i]];
if (rSupply < _rTotal / _tTotal) return _rTotal / _tTotal;
return rSupply / tSupply;
function _takeLiquidity(address sender, uint256 tLiquidity) private {
_rOwned[address(this)] = _rOwned[address(this)] + (tLiquidity * _getRate());
_tOwned[address(this)] = _tOwned[address(this)] + tLiquidity;
emit Transfer(sender, address(this), tLiquidity);