pragma solidity 0.4.15;
/// @title provides subject to role checking logic
contract IAccessPolicy {
// Public functions
/// @notice We don't make this function constant to allow for state-updating access controls such as rate limiting.
/// @dev checks if subject belongs to requested role for particular object
/// @param subject address to be checked against role, typically msg.sender
/// @param role identifier of required role
/// @param object contract instance context for role checking, typically contract requesting the check
/// @param verb additional data, in current AccessControll implementation msg.sig
/// @return if subject belongs to a role
function allowed(
address subject,
bytes32 role,
address object,
bytes4 verb
returns (bool);
/// @title enables access control in implementing contract
/// @dev see AccessControlled for implementation
contract IAccessControlled {
// Events
/// @dev must log on access policy change
event LogAccessPolicyChanged(
address controller,
IAccessPolicy oldPolicy,
IAccessPolicy newPolicy
// Public functions
/// @dev allows to change access control mechanism for this contract
/// this method must be itself access controlled, see AccessControlled implementation and notice below
/// @notice it is a huge issue for Solidity that modifiers are not part of function signature
/// then interfaces could be used for example to control access semantics
/// @param newPolicy new access policy to controll this contract
/// @param newAccessController address of ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER of new policy that can set access to this contract
function setAccessPolicy(IAccessPolicy newPolicy, address newAccessController)
function accessPolicy()
returns (IAccessPolicy);
contract StandardRoles {
// Constants
// @notice Soldity somehow doesn't evaluate this compile time
// @dev role which has rights to change permissions and set new policy in contract, keccak256("AccessController")
bytes32 internal constant ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER = 0xac42f8beb17975ed062dcb80c63e6d203ef1c2c335ced149dc5664cc671cb7da;
/// @title Granular code execution permissions
/// @notice Intended to replace existing Ownable pattern with more granular permissions set to execute smart contract functions
/// for each function where 'only' modifier is applied, IAccessPolicy implementation is called to evaluate if msg.sender belongs to required role for contract being called.
/// Access evaluation specific belong to IAccessPolicy implementation, see RoleBasedAccessPolicy for details.
/// @dev Should be inherited by a contract requiring such permissions controll. IAccessPolicy must be provided in constructor. Access policy may be replaced to a different one
/// by msg.sender with ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER role
contract AccessControlled is IAccessControlled, StandardRoles {
// Mutable state
IAccessPolicy private _accessPolicy;
// Modifiers
/// @dev limits function execution only to senders assigned to required 'role'
modifier only(bytes32 role) {
require(_accessPolicy.allowed(msg.sender, role, this, msg.sig));
// Constructor
function AccessControlled(IAccessPolicy policy) internal {
require(address(policy) != 0x0);
_accessPolicy = policy;
// Public functions
// Implements IAccessControlled
function setAccessPolicy(IAccessPolicy newPolicy, address newAccessController)
// ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER must be present
// under the new policy. This provides some
// protection against locking yourself out.
require(newPolicy.allowed(newAccessController, ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER, this, msg.sig));
// We can now safely set the new policy without foot shooting.
IAccessPolicy oldPolicy = _accessPolicy;
_accessPolicy = newPolicy;
// Log event
LogAccessPolicyChanged(msg.sender, oldPolicy, newPolicy);
function accessPolicy()
returns (IAccessPolicy)
return _accessPolicy;
contract AccessRoles {
// Constants
// NOTE: All roles are set to the keccak256 hash of the
// CamelCased role name, i.e.
// ROLE_LOCKED_ACCOUNT_ADMIN = keccak256("LockedAccountAdmin")
// may setup LockedAccount, change disbursal mechanism and set migration
bytes32 internal constant ROLE_LOCKED_ACCOUNT_ADMIN = 0x4675da546d2d92c5b86c4f726a9e61010dce91cccc2491ce6019e78b09d2572e;
// may setup whitelists and abort whitelisting contract with curve rollback
bytes32 internal constant ROLE_WHITELIST_ADMIN = 0xaef456e7c864418e1d2a40d996ca4febf3a7e317fe3af5a7ea4dda59033bbe5c;
// May issue (generate) Neumarks
bytes32 internal constant ROLE_NEUMARK_ISSUER = 0x921c3afa1f1fff707a785f953a1e197bd28c9c50e300424e015953cbf120c06c;
// May burn Neumarks it owns
bytes32 internal constant ROLE_NEUMARK_BURNER = 0x19ce331285f41739cd3362a3ec176edffe014311c0f8075834fdd19d6718e69f;
// May create new snapshots on Neumark
bytes32 internal constant ROLE_SNAPSHOT_CREATOR = 0x08c1785afc57f933523bc52583a72ce9e19b2241354e04dd86f41f887e3d8174;
// May enable/disable transfers on Neumark
bytes32 internal constant ROLE_TRANSFER_ADMIN = 0xb6527e944caca3d151b1f94e49ac5e223142694860743e66164720e034ec9b19;
// may reclaim tokens/ether from contracts supporting IReclaimable interface
bytes32 internal constant ROLE_RECLAIMER = 0x0542bbd0c672578966dcc525b30aa16723bb042675554ac5b0362f86b6e97dc5;
// represents legally platform operator in case of forks and contracts with legal agreement attached. keccak256("PlatformOperatorRepresentative")
bytes32 internal constant ROLE_PLATFORM_OPERATOR_REPRESENTATIVE = 0xb2b321377653f655206f71514ff9f150d0822d062a5abcf220d549e1da7999f0;
// allows to deposit EUR-T and allow addresses to send and receive EUR-T. keccak256("EurtDepositManager")
bytes32 internal constant ROLE_EURT_DEPOSIT_MANAGER = 0x7c8ecdcba80ce87848d16ad77ef57cc196c208fc95c5638e4a48c681a34d4fe7;
contract IBasicToken {
// Events
event Transfer(
address indexed from,
address indexed to,
uint256 amount);
// Public functions
/// @dev This function makes it easy to get the total number of tokens
/// @return The total number of tokens
function totalSupply()
returns (uint256);
/// @param owner The address that's balance is being requested
/// @return The balance of `owner` at the current block
function balanceOf(address owner)
returns (uint256 balance);
/// @notice Send `amount` tokens to `to` from `msg.sender`
/// @param to The address of the recipient
/// @param amount The amount of tokens to be transferred
/// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
function transfer(address to, uint256 amount)
returns (bool success);
/// @title allows deriving contract to recover any token or ether that it has balance of
/// @notice note that this opens your contracts to claims from various people saying they lost tokens and they want them back
/// be ready to handle such claims
/// @dev use with care!
/// 1. ROLE_RECLAIMER is allowed to claim tokens, it's not returning tokens to original owner
/// 2. in derived contract that holds any token by design you must override `reclaim` and block such possibility.
/// see LockedAccount as an example
contract Reclaimable is AccessControlled, AccessRoles {
// Constants
IBasicToken constant internal RECLAIM_ETHER = IBasicToken(0x0);
// Public functions
function reclaim(IBasicToken token)
address reclaimer = msg.sender;
if(token == RECLAIM_ETHER) {
} else {
uint256 balance = token.balanceOf(this);
require(token.transfer(reclaimer, balance));
/// @title access policy based on Access Control Lists concept
/// @dev Allows to assign an address to a set of roles (n:n relation) and querying if such specific assignment exists.
/// This assignment happens in two contexts:
/// - contract context which allows to build a set of local permissions enforced for particular contract
/// - global context which defines set of global permissions that apply to any contract using this RoleBasedAccessPolicy as Access Policy
/// Permissions are cascading as follows
/// - evaluate permission for given subject for given object (local context)
/// - evaluate permission for given subject for all objects (global context)
/// - evaluate permissions for any subject (everyone) for given object (everyone local context)
/// - evaluate permissions for any subject (everyone) for all objects (everyone global context)
/// - if still unset then disallow
/// Permission is cascaded up only if it was evaluated as Unset at particular level. See EVERYONE and GLOBAL definitions for special values (they are 0x0 addresses)
/// RoleBasedAccessPolicy is its own policy. When created, creator has ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER role. Right pattern is to transfer this control to some other (non deployer) account and then destroy deployer private key.
/// See IAccessControlled for definitions of subject, object and role
contract RoleBasedAccessPolicy is
// Types
// Łukasiewicz logic values
enum TriState {
// Constants
IAccessControlled private constant GLOBAL = IAccessControlled(0x0);
address private constant EVERYONE = 0x0;
// Mutable state
/// @dev subject → role → object → allowed
mapping (address =>
mapping(bytes32 =>
mapping(address => TriState))) private _access;
/// @notice used to enumerate all users assigned to given role in object context
/// @dev object → role → addresses
mapping (address =>
mapping(bytes32 => address[])) private _accessList;
// Events
/// @dev logs change of permissions, 'controller' is an address with ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER
event LogAccessChanged(
address controller,
address indexed subject,
bytes32 role,
address indexed object,
TriState oldValue,
TriState newValue
event LogAccess(
address indexed subject,
bytes32 role,
address indexed object,
bytes4 verb,
bool granted
// Constructor
function RoleBasedAccessPolicy()
AccessControlled(this) // We are our own policy. This is immutable.
// Issue the local and global AccessContoler role to creator
_access[msg.sender][ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER][this] = TriState.Allow;
_access[msg.sender][ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER][GLOBAL] = TriState.Allow;
// Update enumerator accordingly so those permissions are visible as any other
updatePermissionEnumerator(msg.sender, ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER, this, TriState.Unset, TriState.Allow);
updatePermissionEnumerator(msg.sender, ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER, GLOBAL, TriState.Unset, TriState.Allow);
// Public functions
// Overrides `AccessControlled.setAccessPolicy(IAccessPolicy,address)`
function setAccessPolicy(IAccessPolicy, address)
// `RoleBasedAccessPolicy` always controls its
// own access. Disallow changing this by overriding
// the `AccessControlled.setAccessPolicy` function.
// Implements `IAccessPolicy.allowed(address, bytes32, address, bytes4)`
function allowed(
address subject,
bytes32 role,
address object,
bytes4 verb
// constant // NOTE: Solidity does not allow subtyping interfaces
returns (bool)
bool set = false;
bool allow = false;
TriState value = TriState.Unset;
// Cascade local, global, everyone local, everyone global
value = _access[subject][role][object];
set = value != TriState.Unset;
allow = value == TriState.Allow;
if (!set) {
value = _access[subject][role][GLOBAL];
set = value != TriState.Unset;
allow = value == TriState.Allow;
if (!set) {
value = _access[EVERYONE][role][object];
set = value != TriState.Unset;
allow = value == TriState.Allow;
if (!set) {
value = _access[EVERYONE][role][GLOBAL];
set = value != TriState.Unset;
allow = value == TriState.Allow;
// If none is set then disallow
if (!set) {
allow = false;
// Log and return
LogAccess(subject, role, object, verb, allow);
return allow;
// Assign a role to a user globally
function setUserRole(
address subject,
bytes32 role,
IAccessControlled object,
TriState newValue
setUserRolePrivate(subject, role, object, newValue);
// Atomically change a set of role assignments
function setUserRoles(
address[] subjects,
bytes32[] roles,
IAccessControlled[] objects,
TriState[] newValues
require(subjects.length == roles.length);
require(subjects.length == objects.length);
require(subjects.length == newValues.length);
for(uint256 i = 0; i < subjects.length; ++i) {
setUserRolePrivate(subjects[i], roles[i], objects[i], newValues[i]);
function getValue(
address subject,
bytes32 role,
IAccessControlled object
returns (TriState)
return _access[subject][role][object];
function getUsers(
IAccessControlled object,
bytes32 role
returns (address[])
return _accessList[object][role];
// Private functions
function setUserRolePrivate(
address subject,
bytes32 role,
IAccessControlled object,
TriState newValue
// An access controler is not allowed to revoke his own right on this
// contract. This prevents access controlers from locking themselves
// out. We also require the current contract to be its own policy for
// this to work. This is enforced elsewhere.
require(role != ROLE_ACCESS_CONTROLLER || subject != msg.sender || object != this);
// Fetch old value and short-circuit no-ops
TriState oldValue = _access[subject][role][object];
if(oldValue == newValue) {
// Update the mapping
_access[subject][role][object] = newValue;
// Update permission in enumerator
updatePermissionEnumerator(subject, role, object, oldValue, newValue);
// Log
LogAccessChanged(msg.sender, subject, role, object, oldValue, newValue);
function updatePermissionEnumerator(
address subject,
bytes32 role,
IAccessControlled object,
TriState oldValue,
TriState newValue
// Update the list on add / remove
address[] storage list = _accessList[object][role];
// Add new subject only when going form Unset to Allow/Deny
if(oldValue == TriState.Unset && newValue != TriState.Unset) {
// Remove subject when unsetting Allow/Deny
if(oldValue != TriState.Unset && newValue == TriState.Unset) {
for(uint256 i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
if(list[i] == subject) {
// replace unset address with last address in the list, cut list size
list[i] = list[list.length - 1];
delete list[list.length - 1];
list.length -= 1;
// there will be no more matches
"compilationTarget": {
"RoleBasedAccessPolicy.sol": "RoleBasedAccessPolicy"
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []