Fountain but with graffiti on the bathroom walls.
Word Flush is a new work adding words to “The Fountain” as commentary on the art, feelings of the artist, and the culture of the day. It is based on The Fountain curated image from a StyleGAN 2 Ai model created and trained by artist Bård Ionson. Created from images of toilets but sometimes mixed with crucifix, gas masks and clocks. An experiment in modern conceptual art with performance from artists of all mediums. The entire model and performance around it are the art.
Originally conceived as a free to remix project, artists have recreated some of the Fountains in their own way. I too am renewing the spirit of Fountain with this remix. This new work is a reaction to the original company who created the Fountain contract going out of business and turning off the API metadata server. The first owners of these tokens will be the holders of the original Fountain tokens at the time the artist is able to airdrop them.
Find more detail at https://fountain-art.com
Original contract for the parent of Word Flush is Fountain (FOUNT) at:
Original images from Fountain are found at:
Remix License: https://bardionson.com/remixLicense1.html
The Fountain model was trained by the artist who has spent time curating 2,700 images of toilets. Bård then generated thousands of images doing a quick curation for the ones worthy of display.
Why toliets? The artist was inspired by the story of the artwork called Fountain. The piece is not really much to see. It is the idea and the people behind it that are of interest. The unending argument over what is art and who is allowed to make it.
It has been theorized that the real artist behind Fountain, the R. Mutt urinal by Marcel Duchamp was really conceived of by Elsa von Freytag-Loinghoven. She collaborated on another conceptual artwork however called God. It was created the same year as Fountain 1917.