Beauty in the Hurting
All Beauty in the Hurtings
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Born: Neighborhood
Beauty in the Hurting
Wash Cycle: Whirlwind
Beauty in the Hurting
Wash Speed: 11
Beauty in the Hurting
Wolf Count: 15
Beauty in the Hurting
Wolf Sight: Distant
Beauty in the Hurting
Wolf Speed: Sprinter
Beauty in the Hurting
Flock Count: 200
Beauty in the Hurting
Planet Size: Small
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Agree: Mostly Agree
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Light: Slow Burn
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Speed: Trotter
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Ambition: No Ambition
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Life Span: Middle-Aged
Beauty in the Hurting
Wolf Aggression: Medium
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Creativity: None, life is beautiful!
Beauty in the Hurting
Wolf Stubborness: Horse
Beauty in the Hurting
Edge of the World: It's Fine
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Stubborness: Mule
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Independance: Shoulder To Shoulder
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Need Eachother: Strangers
Beauty in the Hurting
Sheep Colors (Slow to Fast): Reddish,Orangish,Yellowish,Greenish,Bluish